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  • I feel that way with my husband. Our hormones are high and they just keep pushing. Is this the first one? Its my first his second but he wasny around for her pregnancy or anything else. How far along are you?
  • He isn't an easy person to talk to. I usually just start crying and it makes it worse. And one reason I feel depressed is because we both have good jobs but we still are struggling to get by. Maybe seeing a counselor should help and maybe I need med…
  • Idk I hope that's what it is because if so id let it go alittle more but it doesn't look good because it makes me worry he won't be there for our baby.
  • I don't expect him to spend every second with me I just want alittle more meaningful time together. Watching tv while he drinks and only watches what he wants and just because he sleeps in the same bed as me isn't meaningful. Idk I've tried talking …
  • I'm due oct 20th and I need a friend too!
  • I am going through the same thing. I feel like he always puts his friends before me. And I've been really sick too and all I want is for him to be here for me. Its not fair. I just want some attention. :(
  • Omg my stepmom rub my stomach when I was like 6 weeks like twice and I'm fat as it is. So its just rude. I can't believe he would have the balls to comment on your weight and what you eat. Is his wife the perfect weight? I wouldn't know what to do i…
  • My husband is another story. He doesn't think she is doing anything wrong...I've asked him to talk to her but he just laughs and says that its nice that she cares or whatever. He doesn't understand.
  • No my husband has a 3 yr old son but they both were not very involved. I just feel sick all the time and its my first pregnancy so I just want to worry about being healthy and not about what the kids name is going to be. I just feel like I'm being s…
  • Thanks. I work in labor and delivery so I am spoiled. :) yucaipa is near san bernardino. I want both I just hope I get both eventually but I think it will be a boy.
  • Hey! I'm in yucaipa and due oct 20th! Heard the heartbeat for the first time yesterday!
  • Zofran is the only reason i have been able to get by. I can only take the one that melts because I throw up anything I take. And only gummy prenatals work for me right now since I have been so sick. I will be 9 weeks tomorrow!
    in Zofran Comment by mah42010 March 2011
  • It just depends on your doctor. See if he has a partner. They have to transfer your care. See if he will be the doctor doing your delivery or not. Some doctors may do all your prenatal care but may not do the the delivery
  • Try not to worry too much. Just hope for a good nurse who will listen to your wishes and if not request one that will.
  • I work in l&d you can decide not to have an epidural. Its your choice not your doctors. It just depends on how you handle pain. It can sometimes be hard finding a new doctor depending on how far along you are. Good luck and know that most people…