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Thank you everyone for confirming I'm not crazy lol.
I have been crocheting my pregnancy cloths. It sounds weird but I can make a top for as little as $3 and skirts for about $5. Prego cloths are expensive plus the ones I make stretch so they grow with me and look great when I'm not big.
I use them because of the discharge. It's not much but I don't have to worry about it getting on my undies.
Ok my opinion, all children are born under a grace of God because they cannot make the decision. Baptism is not right when they are a child because they can't choose, but dedication is which means you plan to bring your child up to know God. It is s…
Yay happy relationships!
@seifer12211 I read your thread that is interesting. I love hearing the good. The bad just needs to ne forgotten like the pain after child birth.
@momof22be It's just good to know not all relationships are bad. I just wish there were more good ones.
I make my own, my mother in law gave me the recipe so I make sure I cook it all out. @dawnwaarsbaby be careful it has a lot of sugar plus the sugar from the rum. Don't eat to much diabetes is scary with a baby. But enjoy.
Your fine eating it. The rum is cooked out and even if the syrup they put on top is not fully cooked out there isn't enough to harm the baby unless you eat the whole cake at one sitting. That's my favorite cake. Lol
Well movement depends on your size and if its your first. The bigger you are the harder its going to be and some first time moms don't feel it until 20-24 weeks. Everyone is different don't worry.
Well breast milk is defiantly the best place to get what they need, its not just nutrients its the antibodies you make to strengthen their immune system. Maybe try both if your concerned. You could always mix the two together.
Is it weird that I'm the opposite. I get cd in weather below 80 and so far I'm loving the weather here in Florida. It's nice and warm to me not hot. Maybe I'm in menopause instead of pregnant lol. O well I don't think summer will be to bad.
I'm 16 weeks today is she Oct 23?
Sorry but that's no excuse if you ask me. If he loves you he wouldn't disrespect you like that. You need to say something to him.
Congrats on all three. Your almost there. God bless.
Try protein, maybe a protein bar in the flavor you like best. It takes longer to break down in your tummy. Someone told me ensure is great bc it fills you and still get the stuff you need. God Bless.
I don't know if you believe in God but he has helped me through all of this so much. When I feel a strong emotion coming on I just pray so it doesn't get out of hand. I love Jesus for helping me through the tough times. God Bless.
I am 14 weeks and I felt mine for the first time at 10 weeks. I know sounds to soon and I thought the same thing but it was defiantly baby not gas. It actually scared me at first lol. Haven't felt regular movements yet but I know he/she will get the…
How far along is your mamma and how is she doing? If you stay on here you might learn more about women than you want lol. I am doing great, but I live in Sw Florida. I about 12 weeks prego.
I'm due Oct 25 my sister and I were born a year and 13 days apart my poor mom had me 3 days after her birthday lol.
All I can say is Amen!
Praise the Lord I was afraid at first to post this as well but it is part of being pregnant and raising your children. I am so happy that their is so much faith here and welcome all of you to share your experiences with God with me. I love to hear h…
I'm just happy I'm not alone. And yes God holds the parents responsible for their children. You are all very blessed to have God in your life.@newmommy_navywife I think we are all working on our relationship with God mines not perfect but I love him…
I'm not horrible but be careful not to over dry your skin or over mosturizer because if you go either way it will make it worse. Is your skin oily or dry? Mine is more oily so I wash twice a day and use a very light mosturizerand that deems to help …
Lol but its really cool. Congrats and God Bless.
Most of time its not painful, but you could possibly get acid reflux from that. Don't worry and enjoy your little one.
Good choices I have decided the same. No matter what the outcome the child is mine and I will take care of it to the best of the ability God gave me. Congrats and God Bless.
It could be because the uterus is pushing against your stomach so your stomach is squashed and no room. I'm no doctor though that's just my theory. God Bless.
I believe God doesn't make mistakes and you are not old. Many women in their 40s are having children. I don't know much about high platelets but I'm sure things will be fine. Just follow the docs orders. Congrats and God Bless.