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Me too!
Potatoes and sausage gravy and root beer
I have never experienced this so I don't know what to say, but I'm sure there are people who love and care about you more than he does. Keep your chin up and be the bigger person. Do what's right for YOU no matter how much it hurts. You are a strong…
I'm due September 19 with a little girl, our first child. I'm also 20 years old.
Mine too!
Update- sorry I haven't been on here all day. I called my boss and told her what the doctor said. She called our hr director and got it so I'm a float. Kinda like what you did @kello29 I live in a small town so everyone is very caring and knows your…
Anabelle Lauraine
@beautiful_altar that's what I'm doing too! The guys r gonna cook for us , and were gonna have a baby shower inside while we wait. It also gives us q chance to show off our new house. We get to move in may 20.
Oh my! So much going on. Where are you moving? Hopefully close so you won't have to change hospitals. Good luck :-)
Indiana 3.89
@mommy2be92 ur due on my birthday! 21st bday actually :) and I love texting and its nice to talk to others not around my area
I don't want a big baby either! My sister was 11 lbs 6.5 oz do I'm hoping it doesn't run in the family.:) good luck
Mine was wrong. it said boy. I did the test exactly right too. Went for my ultrasound yesterday and... Girl! But food luck to you. They're 80% accurate so u could be the 80% :)
Oh yes I took it exactly the way the box said. I hope she's not masculine either @itsfinallyhappening :)
Aww man. That is my problem too! Heartburn city. We were actually going to see Rio last night, but had to go eat with ny bd parents.(at a fish place which makes me wanna hurl) so I feel ur pain :)
I keep thinking ours is a boy, but the other night I had a dream and the doctor said its a girl! I dunno what to think now :)
I'm a CNA at a nursing home. I work on every hall in our building. I love my residents, but the smell and backaches aren't so fun now that I'm expecting :)
Cool :) good luck
I wish I could feel my baby! How far along are you @preggointx
Thanks ladies :) I'm gonna just deal with it because I live an hour from my doctors office. Nothing seems wrong I just like reassurance. How are u ladies feeling and how far along are you?
I know! I have so much I wanna get done before the baby gets here. We just bought a house I gotta fix up. I wanna get babies room done. But as soon ad I get off work I wanna sleep.
I thought I was over the gag feeling this week, but as soon as I went to work Wednesday (nursing home) I knew it wasn't over. I do feel sleepy all the time! I go to bed at like 7 :)
It sucks for us and economy too. My fiance was working 12 hour days 7 days a week, so we just bought a house and I'm 4 months pregnant. His factory has their home plant in Japan, so now he's down to 3 days a week and barely bringing home enough for …
@babiescomin2011 what day are you due in Sept
That would be fun plus you could be the responsible dd and then they'd owe you once you settled after baby is born :)
I'm 8 months when I turn 21 this august. Were actually doing my baby shower that day so we can still celebrate.
I find out in may ugh lol were due Sept 19
I'm close I'm due the 19
I look prego but my baby is just now moving from pelvis region up. So I dunno, but everyone I work with can tell now so something must be happening :)