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- septembermommy3
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Fraternal Twins Boy/Girl James and Jasmine :) Edd 9/30 but expecting too go around the 3rd or 4th
Oops James & Jasmine :)
James & Jasm
115 days (or less) till Twin Bundles :)
Thanks Girls :)
I find out on the 23rd, I'll be 21 weeks. ;;)
@jazz Lucky you!! I'm hoping for the same, but at this point I'm excited either way :)
Honestly, she should have no say in how you stay comfortable in your home, especially since you're pregnant. Your comfort and health come before any house guest.
Yay for everybody! This is going to be a quick 4-5 months...hope we stay in touch and see lots of chunky babies in September :) God Bless Ladies!
Any baby born can have asthma, allergies etc. I was born with it all Nd NOBODY in my immediate family smokes or smoked then. She's entitled to her own choices and how she copes is up to her. When you don't agree you don't badger someone for their ch…
I feel the same. Id like to have a boy and a girl or just Boys! Lol
We find out the sex of the twins Monday, the 9th...sooo excited:-D
I'm due with twins on the 30th but chances are they'll be here early September...either way its 5 looonnngg months. I hope summer makes it go by faster
Oh yay! No, I find out May 9th what they are :) when did you find out?? How far along were you?
This is my 2nd pregnancy, I have a 15month old boy and now were expecting Twins :) Don't know what they are yet but should find out sometime this month. Twins aren't common on either sides of our families so it was a surprise..a BIG one but were rea…
@baby_gurls yay!!!! Congratulations on your healthy little girls :) I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to post my news, and hopefully get some advice from you when I have my double bundle :) Good luck and blessings with everything <3
A couple days ago I had a headache that lasted almost two days! That never happened with my first pregnancy I was in so much pain :( I hope that doesn't happen again. Tylenol sucks!
@baby_gurls I have a 14 month old too! He was born January 19 2010, he'll be almost two when I have the twins but Im still scared thinking about raising three kids all under 3! But I know we can do it :) I wish you the best. @surprisetwins same her…
@Jose749 LUCKY YOU!!! I hope were having boy/girl twins :) If so...my pregnancy era is Over lol good luck everybody!
Yay :) hope you get what you want!
Im 13+1 and I woke up with horrible back pain this morning, I thought it was just me!
Ha, look at all the twins coming so close together :) I'm hoping for boy/girl too and I guessing we'll find out soon! Keep in touch ladies :)
Twins aren't common with either of our families, and I havent taken any fertility drugs, it just HAPPENED. We'll find out what they are next u/s :) Due Sept 30th
I found out yesterday were having twins, I almost had a small heart attack lol...but were happy none the less. Just can't wait to find out what they are!!! Congratulations :)