affects of marijuana this late in pregnancy..



  • @Almost4 they made her do that to. And she has to get tested. Her baby daddy is fine. He admitted to smoking but shes the one in the dog house they are good parents. Just the bd smokes everyonce in a while outside. Smh texas is just ugh lol make sure u dnt litter they might give u death penalty lol jk
  • it depends on the county wether they have to ask or not here in cali they dont need your permision.. and cps will be contacted if you get more than one dirty test.. bu if you do tast dirty they tell you protocall.. i would quite the last month of your preg.. my sister had the same thing and was told not to test dirty cuz cps would get involve just depends on the county..
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  • I had the exact same problem @newmommyofone I was miserable and nothing else helped. Luckily I have been going to a birth center where they never test my urine and don't do any tests on the cord blood or placenta. I stopped actually smoking after my first trimester when my nausea went away but every once in awhile I would shotgun from my hubby. Completely stopped as of 2 months ago and I am due on Sunday. I feel good about my decision, and I am glad to have chosen a more natural option where I won't be penalized for doing what my body tells me is right.
  • @Almost4 the boy got what he deserved.. I hate family members like that my aunt said I drank. I dnt even drink never did or will. At my wedding my cup will be filled with juice lol I dnt smoke either but it pissed me off when they had evidence and still blamed her. She dnt smoke never.i love texas too I agree they get to carried away
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  • @almost4 yeah I am lucky to live in CA and my husband has his medical Mj card, its good to be in the land of the hippies.:-)
  • Jus so you know they test the placenta. My friend had cps questioning her why her tests showed marijuana in them. She tried lying and said she smoked before she forms out. They knew different. She could keep her baby if she passed the drug test in the hospital. And every month was tested for a year. Mind you she paid for each test on top of it. If u trust ur doc you can tell him what you posted on here and see his imput
  • So I just want to say I could sure go for a special cookie right about now... quit smoking ciggs for baby and never really liked smoking weed except when I'm out drinking and kickin it with friends. But I love pot cookies or Brownies. I worked at a bakery and my boss made the BEST special cookies. Chocolate chip butterscotch chip and white chocolate chip and his cookies had me on cloud nine :) mmmmmmm.....
  • Honestly too I would rather eat special cookies then take the Vicodin the doc prescribed me!
  • My doctor prescribed me hydrocodone. My stomache is sensitive to vicoden too.
  • I don't want to take it and I've had a head ache for 3 days now still don't want to.... plus sharp tummy pains... ugh special cookie! LOL
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  • OMG heaven with or without the pot! @almost4
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  • My fiance even approves of special cookies and he doesn't smoke at all and barely drinks! He told me he would get the pot if my boss will make them LOL
  • Ive smoked through my whole pregnancy just for the simple fact that i cant keep anything down...I've tried to stop but throughout the whole time I wasent smoking i wasent eating...i cant drink anything or eat prenatel vitimins wouldnt even stay doctor has prescribed me medication..but that didnt baby is healthy..thats what my doctor tell 33 wks now
  • Me and my babydaddy were daily pot smokers so when we found out I was prego we had our last couple of blunts and that was 6 more months till we smoke again =)
  • I smoked pot from my first pregnacy up to when I reached 8 monrhs...never mentioned it to my doc..and my son came out perfectly healthy. So did my two sister in laws and their babys came out perfectly healthy too..iam due in 4weeks and haven't smoked in 3 days..I feel perfectly fine..
  • I've wondered the same thing. Me and my husband were both daily pot smokers to and I've smoked a little during my pregnancy but wasn't sure of the effects it would have on my baby or at my dr appts. I'm 33 weeks now. Don't they test the baby and the mother at birth?
  • It depends on your doctor or county I think. When I had my daughter a couple years ago they told me that they must do bloodwork and take my urine sample to see if we tested for any drugs. We were clean, they told me if wasn't dfs( department of family services) would Have been notified. I live in Missouri.
    I am currently 12 Weeks pregnant and every time I give urine at my doc office they tell me They do a drug screen. And I Have never been in trouble with the law. But I have also known people in this state to have smoked all they way threw and have never been tested. So I don't know. It may be random or The doc.
  • I am going without it today and its only 1:30. I've gotten sick 4 times so far and haven't even been able too keep down milk or water or toast or anything. I've even been throwing up a little blood. This is why I think I should keep smoking. My next doctors appt isn't for another week. I'm going to tell him then. Until then should I jus keep up with the smoking to avoid another emergency room trip??
  • Like what?? I'm open to any other suggestions. Iv already tried all the prescriptions my doc gave me. I tried the dry diet. I tried on several occasions to jus stick it out and be sick. It lasts for weeks and I end up dropping weight and my doctor then has to have to hooked up to rehydrate me and renurish me. Iv google every wives tale and suggestion for nausea so plz if u know of anything I haven't thought of plz be my guest and let me know..
  • @ashabash- that was very rude and overly judgmental. there was no point in you even commenting on her post. It's ok to state your opinion on matters but not judge people on their decisions. If thats the only thing helping her keep anything down then thats her business. She could be throwing up a little blood cause she been sick constantly. I doubt it had anything to do with her smoking. Had your patents ever taught you the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say then say nothing at all"? Maybe you should read into that one.
  • Ok, seriously! I know I'm going to get slammed for this, but I just can't help myself. You need to back off of her! She's in a damn tight spot & worried abt her & the baby, she asked for help & slamming her is going to do no damn good. You need to start looking at yourself instead of slamming people on here. I'm not saying what she is doing is right or wrong, but you have no right to slam & judge her. You sure as hell are not perfect, no one is! So get off your high horse & give suggestions & try to help instead of telling her how dumb she is & telling her how messed up her baby is going to be! That's horrible!
  • Either help or back the hell off!!
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  • In some states babies are teted (i know of on instance in az where they took the baby away because the baby tested for" illegal levels of thc). Also in Houston I had to sign a piece of paper before I was admitted saying they would test the baby. Now i live in or and my friend (who is a nicu nurse )says they only test babies who are showing signs of withdrawls from heavier drgs (meth, cocaine, heroin, etc).

    Also, if you do chose to smoke it, it will take time to be out of your system, but not babies. The most harm that is being done to baby is the" foreign" substances from the smoking. Also, it lowers your O2. Level while smoking. But, baby will not be addicted, and it shouldn't even be detected in baby's blood.

    Now as someone who believes MJ should be legal and accepted, I will tell you I would chose not to smoke, but with that said-if I was that sick, I would do what I had to for relief. I have been sick this time around (not that sick, but miserable) and there have been times i've thought it would take the edge off!

    @newmommyofone you will have to do the pros and cons, make that choice for yourself and not let anyone make you feel bad either way. Heck, I do it everytime I have my beloved latte :) as for legal implications, I will tell ya I would not be tellin doc. Why bring attention to it. BUT, if you have questions on the medical/health implications then I would talk to the doc. Hope this helps, sorry its so long. Though i didn't know that I really answered your question i guess :) good luck hun! Hope you start feeling better soon, on your own! :)
  • U guys r great. Iv been picked on my whole life so nothing that anyone says on here is that harsh. They don't know me. But thanks to everyones posts I'm trying , once again, to go without. I'm not addicted to the smoking. Its the being able to eat aspect of it. I'm wondering if there's a prescription for an appetite enhancer?? Hopefully in a liquid because my stomache cannot handle any pills. My prenatels are harsh enough. Sometimes I gotta take 2 a day cuz they jus come right back up. I even went out to super supplements and bought the best gel cap, fast dissolving ones I could find. Expensived but I would pay anything to get her the vitamins she needs.
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