I would not say anything to your doctor. Doctors will and can report. Instead talk to your doctor about sea sickness meds. There are other options but do not mention pot. I hope you feel better. I was really sick with my first child and the ONLY thing I could keep down was cherry coke circus peanuts (marshmallow kind) and plain chicken and rice cooked in butter and my daughter came out very healthy. There may be a food out there that may work. Hopefully this morning sickness goes away cause I know how miserable it is.
@almost4 I've never jumped on anybody on here, & I still probably shouldn't have, but I just couldn't help it. That was beyond rude & totally uncalled for.
@newmommyofone I apologize for losing my cool on your thread, I shouldn't have. Try pediasure & sandwiches with just a hint of peanut butter. That's what I had to do to keep me out of going to the hospital again. Pediasure is like toddler gatorade for when they get dehydrated, its in the baby section & you can get it as a drink or lollipops I think. If you hate the taste, get the clear kind & mix it with a little apple juice & water. I wish I could help more.
@Almost4 only when I smoke can I even keep down water. I go to the store and walk up and down the aisles jus looking for something that sound remotely appetizing. And hopefully by the time my fiance can cook it for me it still does. But that doesn't work either. I jus try to keep drinking water no matter how sick I get I don't want to dehydrate myself.
Just a suggestion @newmommyifone they do sell liguid prenatals for under your tongue (you hold it for 20 sec or sonething and it gets absorbed straight into your bloodstream). It is hard to absorb iron that way, but for the other vitamins it works. I have a friend who could not keep anything down for six months of her pregnancy, and she used those to help get some nutrients. I'm so sorry you feel so sick. I eat at night then go to bed, helps me sleep through the nausea, but i am not vomiting like you are. I hope you feel better soon, and if that's what helps, then do it. I know I would!
@Kross82001 funny I thought it was pediasure too of course both would help her, if she can hold them down. Pedialite tastes lots better though. I actually prefer it over gatorade when i'm sick, doesn't taste as sweet. Good suggestion, I hope it helps newmommyofone. For dehydration its actually better than water because it has the electrolytes, which help with keeping you hydrated.
@cicelia-thank you for your comment about the testing of the baby. It really helped answer a few questions me and a friend mine had.
@newmommyofone-us preggers got to stick together. I would try the pediasure idea if I was in your shoes. Even if you have to smoke a little to keep it down atleast you will be sure you and your baby are getting the nutrients you both need. I hope everything works out for you and the sickness goes away. Good luck girl. %%-
@cicelia I had to drink tons of it in my first trimester, my morning sickness was horrible. I'm a paramedic & I got so dehydrated my partner had to stick me with an IV & take me to the hospital while we were on duty. It was so embarassing! The only gatorade I will drink is the blue frost because its not so sweet. It helps with heartburn too crazy enough.
I'm so glad to see a thread on this topic with only one negative comment I used to smoke before I got pregnant. I've been totally clean since 1/7/11, the day I found out that I'm pregnant. This is the longest I've ever gone since I started at 15 and it was actually pretty easy for me to quit. I was a mega stoner too. I quit during pregnancy because I don't want to risk anything bad happening just in case. I think that what you're doing sounds more responsible than the other pot topics I've seen on here.
I don't smoke anything, but if I did I would be afraid to even just a little just because of the risks. It's your choice, but you should ask the dr just to be sure its not affecting your baby. I was sick like that with ny first for the first 7 months & I didn't take anything for it. He got what he needed & developed perfectly despite the very little I was able to keep down. I hope you get to feeling better, I remember it all too well.
Well I know when I was in the hospital when I had my daughter I had to share a room with another mom and she asked me if they tested babys for drugs because she has smoked her whole pregnancy I told her I didn't know but I guess not because she left with her baby and he was healthy. If your going to use pot why not use a vape to smoke it is just vapor look it up and read about it @ Got Vape.com.
I can't afford a vaporizer. The cheapest ones I found were 80. Jus to smoke I dnt think so. And I know I would be getting more of the thc and that's not what I want. My tolerance wud prolly build upb and that'd be bad.
@Kriss82001 I will have to try that. Still sick myself (but morning sickness is in the afternoon) and horrible heartburn. Thx for the tip very scary for you, glad you were w/ your partner, I always say the best. Person to have with you when your in an emergency is a medic
@Jojom glad to help. Wanted to let you know my nurse friend said that if you are a frequent user the levels are actually detectable for 3-4 wks in babies system (by how they test at hospital). But its only "reported" when its illegal and high levels found in baby. They don’t test mom, but if mom says something like "I smoked x days ago, is that bad" or "i smoked before i found out i was pregnant" they will actually test baby. Seems weird, but if you actully admit to it, they test. It would make me scared to ask about it at all.
@newmommyofone if it helps at all my friend said she has NEVER cared for a baby in NICU because of MJ, but there is always babies there for other drugs withdrawls. She did say though that the lowered O2 level is really hard on baby further into pregnancy, and sometimes they are in NICU for respiratory problems when born to moms who are HEAVY users. (Don't think you would be a heavy user). She also said "if you are thinking of smoking because you can' eat remember just because you can't eat doesn't mean that baby is suffering, baby just takes from your stored nutrients"
tell the dr how much you smoke and why...i know that small amounts are not harmful but some states test newbornsfor drugs...and the bany will have withdrawals. I would be completely honest w the dr and listen to and follow their advice...its about more than you now and u dont want an addicted baby...i know its hard but its not for your sake only.
Just wanted to let you know since you asked, CPS can take your children. It happened to my SIL. She got her daughter taken away at birth and her other child ( this was last summer) They are still working on getting them back but are required to go through classes etc. I guess it just depends on what state you live in and how strict they are
@newmommyofone I apologize for losing my cool on your thread, I shouldn't have. Try pediasure & sandwiches with just a hint of peanut butter. That's what I had to do to keep me out of going to the hospital again. Pediasure is like toddler gatorade for when they get dehydrated, its in the baby section & you can get it as a drink or lollipops I think. If you hate the taste, get the clear kind & mix it with a little apple juice & water. I wish I could help more.
@almost4 I didn't think you were, just wanted to explain myself a little.
@newmommyofone-us preggers got to stick together.
@Jojom glad to help. Wanted to let you know my nurse friend said that if you are a frequent user the levels are actually detectable for 3-4 wks in babies system (by how they test at hospital). But its only "reported" when its illegal and high levels found in baby. They don’t test mom, but if mom says something like "I smoked x days ago, is that bad" or "i smoked before i found out i was pregnant" they will actually test baby. Seems weird, but if you actully admit to it, they test. It would make me scared to ask about it at all.
@newmommyofone if it helps at all my friend said she has NEVER cared for a baby in NICU because of MJ, but there is always babies there for other drugs withdrawls. She did say though that the lowered O2 level is really hard on baby further into pregnancy, and sometimes they are in NICU for respiratory problems when born to moms who are HEAVY users. (Don't think you would be a heavy user). She also said "if you are thinking of smoking because you can' eat remember just because you can't eat doesn't mean that baby is suffering, baby just takes from your stored nutrients"