ARE YOU SERIOUS (just my opinion)

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm sorry guys but I keep reading more and more about mothers smoking pot and I don't want to be rude to anyone but are you really thinking about your baby. I use to do everything that I could get my hands on and the minute I found out I was pregnant I got clean. That was 10 years ago. My kids mean more to me than anything in this world and I would never put them in harms way or take the chance of CPS coming in and taking my kids and punishing them for my mistakes. I hear a lot of ppl using the excuse that it helps with being sick. Well ya know that's why we have legal medicines that help with that or you can just take the sickness one day at a time like everyone else and get through it. Instead of using illegal stuff. No one said being pregnant was easy but its the things we go through as moms that make us better parents. Ladies PLEASE think about your babies first. Not only for developmental reasons but for CPS reasons. Sorry if I offend anyone. Not my intensions. I pray for you all.


  • I am not a pot smoker but I also am not against it (when your not pregnant). I agree that any foreign substance that you put into your body affects your baby. I just wish people would realize that. Its sad (in my opinion) that women are being selfish for that high. I was a drinker, cigarette smoker before I got pregnant. I quit when I found out because I know that baby is #1. I can always drink after baby comes. Its not the end for everything.
  • I have done a research paper on medical pot. I found a lot and I'm talking at least ten articles and none had anything bad to say about it. In fact several even said it was fine during pregnancy. For some regular meds just don't work. They wouldnt prescribe it to cancer patients if it were dangerous now would they
  • They also prescribe all kinds of meds to cancer patients but that isn't safe when your pregnant. I told you, I'm all for legalizing it but personally I don't smoke it and I don't agree with putting any foreign substance in your body without drs OK that could hurt your baby.
  • Btw medical marijuana is legal in 15 states here in america. Its safer than most man made medicine, even some of the ones they give u during pregnancy.
  • Pot is one of thw safest drugs. It is safer than prescription drugs because there are no side effects and many benefits
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  • I've never heard of a Dr. prescribing marijuana during pregnancy. All I've ever heard of women saying that they've smoked it while being pregnant. I'm not being judgemental at all, I'm just stating how I feel.
  • Unless ur using a vaporizer to use marijuana u r hurting ur baby.maybe even then. It doesn't take a genius......
  • Has anyone heard of a dr prescribing it??
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  • Yes, I've heard of a dr prescribing it. Not to me but to a buddy of mine.
  • No a doctor would not prescribe it to pregnant women. This is silly.
  • It will only harm baby if you do other drugs. If you do research and look at. .gov and edu sites you will find many benefits. Even look up montel williams because he smokes it due to a disease
  • Yes, a Dr would, in extreme circumstances. If its limited & monitored. I'm not saying its right, but it does happen.
  • @mama_kat just wondering hoe long till this gets nasty
  • I've never heard of such a thing. I agree @nicoleok87. If drs did prescribe it to pregnant women, there would be alot of well fed, giggly, non-hormonal women out there that decided to take it.
  • @jalem I'm wondering the same thing
  • @nicoleok87 I would think its more harmfull with a vaporizer since it's straight. Thc
  • i myself am a pot smoker.. however i believe its a personal choice to smoke durring pregnancy.. i quite the day i found out i was pregnant.. i have nausea.. but not going to use anything. not even if its persrcribed.. there are risks with anything includeing drugs prescribes by the dr.. infact i would use something natural over something manmade.. i like weed but i dont want my baby to try it while still in the whome.. i dont ever want to think i wonder if it was all that weed i smokd lol.. just sayin.. its a personal choice.. but not for me during pregnancy.. and i dont fault those who ween off if thats what they have to do.
  • I.don't think anyone is disagreeing in regards to it helping in illness. What is been said is , doing weed whilst pregnant isn't smart. No drug is pure or safe.
  • As long as people can act like adults there shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully I haven't said anything that's offended anyone and if I have I'm sorry. I think I've conducted myself as an adult.
  • Thank you katemc! That's what I've been trying to say!! :)
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  • I dont get how alcohol, a substance that kills so many people a year, even those innocent of not using it, is promoted on tv for selling and consumption and its not considered "illegal" so somehow people leave the topic alone. I really wanna see evidence of the damage that weed can do in comparison of alcohol or even a cigarette. Drugs prescribed by doctors all run a risk of medical issues especially if taken wrong. Who kills themselves over too much weed. Though im not advocating it being done during pregnancy, I dont see it as nearly any type of risk. This argument will never be resolved sadly.
  • both are foreign substances but people are going to argue about
  • Babyinblack682 the reason its bad if not with a vaporizer is because of the tar that u inhale when u 'smoke' marijuana. It is bad for ur baby and u! Remember that cigarettes have filters..... And no real doctor ever prescribed it to Pregnant person. And never will. Not everyone has access to a vaporizer and even then i think it would still be harmful. How could anyone actually think that they would. Silliness
  • She was just stating that people are talking about smoking weed while pregnant and her opinions on it. If someone was having a discussion about drinking beer while pregnant you better believe that EVERYONE would have an opinion. Speaking of beer, I miss it....
  • Mothers that smoke pot to unborn children have a risk of growth development, neurological development, could cause short term memory loss, children are unable to concentrate and one study found that mothers that smoke pot while pregnant increases the childs chance of developing leukemia later in life. I understand that its legal in some states but most the post that I see on here talk about being worried that CPS will take the baby so obviously its not legal where they are at. my mother smoked pot while pregnant with my brother and he was born premature and spent weeks in the hospital. He is 25 years old and has the mentality level of a 16 year old and he also has ADHD. I also have friends that smoked with their unborn child and a couple of the kids are not at the level that they should be for their age. I'm not putting anyone down here I am just saying that as a mother I put my unborn childs future and health before mine. I would never do anything to harm any of my kids.
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  • People do research that's why people know. Here is An idea let's illegalize alcohol and tobacco and legalize pot
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