ARE YOU SERIOUS (just my opinion)
I'm sorry guys but I keep reading more and more about mothers smoking pot and I don't want to be rude to anyone but are you really thinking about your baby. I use to do everything that I could get my hands on and the minute I found out I was pregnant I got clean. That was 10 years ago. My kids mean more to me than anything in this world and I would never put them in harms way or take the chance of CPS coming in and taking my kids and punishing them for my mistakes. I hear a lot of ppl using the excuse that it helps with being sick. Well ya know that's why we have legal medicines that help with that or you can just take the sickness one day at a time like everyone else and get through it. Instead of using illegal stuff. No one said being pregnant was easy but its the things we go through as moms that make us better parents. Ladies PLEASE think about your babies first. Not only for developmental reasons but for CPS reasons. Sorry if I offend anyone. Not my intensions. I pray for you all.
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