ARE YOU SERIOUS (just my opinion)



  • I was a happy bud smoker until I found out I was pregnant. I gave up smoking right after I found out I was preggy. I can say I miss it a lot but I just want the best health for my little one. Im not saying its unhealthy for the baby but Im not 100% Sure its safe. So i didn't want to take the chance. But one thing is for sure...after the baby I will enjoy a awesome sweet :)
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  • Medical marijuana not same as what u buy in the strz THC amount level completely diff imma stoner n half dnt care wat nobody says but doesnt smoke while im preg Why bcuz many women whove said didnt effect theyre kids were just telln themselves something feel better bout doin it, hands dwn,ur kid will have something ,not retarded or down syndrome but a.d.d or a.d.h.d ....not one person i know who smoked while preg didnt have some kinda issue with there child later dwn the line when it came down to geting them to focus or remember .but i rather hear weed then women doin coke n pills i guess ..
  • I heard organic tea is the best way to go. My family is huge on not only organic but herbal remedies as well. I am not a huge tea drinker ( I have been trying it more since being pregnant to help with nausea though) but I heat up lemon juice with honey. Although my aunt just told me honey is not good for baby. :(
  • @Almost4 wow what state do u live in?
  • Almost4 is completely correct ..even just a scale dyfs wld b there asap happend to me
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  • Cps is a joke here. Either their taking kids out of good homes or leaving them in abusive ones. I see it all the time!
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  • @mrsv I agree with you.
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  • Yeah in Houston Tx I know for sure cps would come and take your kids/baby if they found marijuana in your system. I've seen it happen many times. They give u one chance after that to pee clean for them before they take u to court to take away your kids for good. :(
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  • I see it for real! I know parents who get chance after chance from Cps like my sister over 10 years dealing with Cps and they still haven't taken her kids! They need to! Then my fiance git his daughter taken cause the mom is an idiot and paternity wasn't technically established
    Put the daughter and him through hell just to award him full custody bullshit excuse my language. My fiance don't smoke barely drinks and works full time! Babymom phsyco and nuts! He wasn't with her and they still put the girl and Jim through 6 months of court.
  • @almost4 Do you mind if I ask how it finally resolved itself? I am sure you were furious and ready to bash some heads in; I know I have been!
  • Sorry for the vent!
  • I agree about the cps in texas. I live in houston and i've seen some friends go through questioning and almost losing their child because of weed.
  • I'm sorry hun @ almost4. It's so horrible they treat you like a criminal before even finding out the truth.some people will call cps on others just because they don't like them personally. It's really a sad sad thing. I feel for you. :(
  • ive never seen pot destroy anyones life.. ive sen meth destroy many lives.. but not weed i know many hard working middle class folks who smoke regulary and they are fine... i dont agree with smoking during preg.. however i know many babies that were exposed during preg they are smart and born healthy.. i think a woman who doesnt eat right and balenced has a higher risk of bith defects than pot.. for example a woman that does not eat veggies and fruit has a hugher risk of nural tube defects... there has never been a longitudal studdy of pot and fetal exposure so techneqly this short resurch is not accurate because the resurch ajd finding are not conclusive we will all know in twenty years but im not taking any chances with my offspring...
  • edited March 2011
    @Mommie_McAtee im sorry but that's one of the most ignornat things I've ever heard about weed, & proves iyou have no clue what your talking about. Kush is not a term that is used to say its laced with other drugs, I am sorry but that just made me laugh. Kush is used as a term for the potency of thc, smell, and look of the weed. Lol just like stress weed ect.... anyway since that's way off topic, everyone can argue back n forth about what this study says or what that study says. Blah, blah, blah....but I for one would not even chance it! Sure I would love to light up a J anytime I have a massive headache that it makes me throw up to have instant relief but id never forgive myself if something was wrong with my baby now or in the longrun..always pondering if it was caused by my selfish want while prego. But I also feel that about any "prescribed " drugs, its all bull...just because the government, public or a doctor says its not risking my unborn child with it no matter what im going through. So all the ladies who feel superior because their drug is holds no justice IMO :/
  • You guys im not even going to read all of these a year away from graduating my medical program and I can confirm that it is illegal for a dr to prescribe marijuana to a pregnant woman simply for the benefit of easing morning sickness. In the state of california, where I began my program, marijuana can be prescribed legally for a multitude of ailments abd is distributed at dispensaries however, pregnancy is not one of those ailments. I've read and studied one case where a pregnant woman who was also suffering from breast cancer was prescribed thc in pill form.. Otherwise the practice is illegal
  • Oh and just to be clear, marijuana can be enjoyed responsibly by those who are not pregnant as it does have true health benefits abd is safer than most prescription and non prescription substances including alcohol
  • @CeliaAgnes No worries, haha. Actually, midway through several of us got heavily off topic, and I believe we have covered such subjects as tea, FDA, .orgs, and caffeine. ;) I had not heard of the case about the pregnant woman and the THC pill. I will definitely have to look into it, as it sounds very interesting!
  • I believe maybe pot cookies or Brownies might be a better option for pregnant women who can't or wont quit.....
  • Oh LOL too many comments on here I honestly can't see it being any worse then some of the narcotics these docs prescribe.
  • I'm a recreational pot smoker of ten years or so now. And I don't Have anything against People using it. Except when kids or more specific unborn children and babies come into play. I quit the moment I found out I was pregnant. And avoid situations that bring it around. I know that smoke of any kind is not good for you and your child. Plus I don't think I could force my child to smoke or ingest any type of illegal substance. I surely would not sit there and blow hits in my baby's face, why would smoking it or ingesting it be much different with an unborn child.

    Plus its a big waste of money not going to lie. Think of all the stuff for baby you could buy with all the money spent on weed.
  • Again the true is not always wath you want to hear im going to pray anyways before sleep tonight.
  • @keylanieq ok pray for the moms that smoke cigg too:) they might need it lol..
  • Just to put in my two cents, the studies that supposedly show pot kills however many braincells a minute was conducted in the 1950s buy putting gas masks on monkeys and pumping about 30 joints worth of pot all at once. Of course it killed a lot of their brain cells...that's like being suffocated. Also, keep in mind that pot is sometimes a cultural thing for pregnant women, like rasta for instance. Its not viewed in the same way all over the world. In a lot of cultures its simply not a big deal :) definitely not trying to start anything with anyone, just food for thought!
  • =(( i know just God our lord is the only one with the right answers!. Good luck to all the prego weed smokers im not against of you take ur own decition and im no one for tell them wath to do. Good night and God bless you all girls
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