This app....



  • @awamommy because they are freaking out, which can be understandable. But they want to be seen now and they want answers now, and they don't think they are being taken seriously over the phone. But I can't tell you how many times I have picked someone up on my ambulance because they haven't felt the baby move in 3 hours. I understand that people are scared, it's just frustrating.
  • @KerrideeRN~ lol
    I still did not find the thread. I did read some about the projects .
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  • @kriss8200~ I really hope these people are frist time mom. I work in the medical to. I don't know how many times I ready on here when you start feeling regular movement at 28 weeks and people are still going crazy if there 16 weeks and they only felt it a couple of times. That's why I read and keep it moving cause I don't want to get sent to the office for my comment lol
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  • @KerrideeRN~ yes I agree, But how can you be a moderators when your putting stuff that you know is going to start trouble.
  • @awamommy sometimes they are first time moms, sometimes they aren't. I don't post on a lot of things to, because I don't want to seem like I'm bashing when I'm not.
  • lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo......
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  • i know right.......that jus tells u how it really is.....
  • @ mama_kat I dont see the fuel here, we r all in agreeance, and im sure tht there r more folk who agree as well as those who dissagree, apparently those who may dissagree chose to keep thier comments to themselves..which in my opinion keeps the fuel from burning. But im a strong enough person to accept others having and using thier own heart/mind to dissagree, I dont have all of the answers, and my opinion isnt always gunna be favored by the majority. And when I post discussions I welcom all to share, and you have invited @martin and @mrsdelrae they too are more than welcomrre to come on on and see tht before ur post there was a discussion going on about a few of the things we have observed,...some things r fact, some r opion. I wish you well with your pregnancy also, be blesseb :)
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  • she dont need to be a moderator....
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  • edited March 2011
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  • Ladies I have read it all. Now I know what you mean about back up singer. Read the thread about "I told bd its not his" something named like that. All I can do is lol.
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  • That one was ridiculous. You know what you did was wrong. You have to know it. I don't know what she was looking for.
  • All that I can say is wow! I am 36 and feel like I am being baby sat!
  • we are being babysat....and
  • There has to be respect for the moderators. I personaly only shared a few comments yesyrday with @mama_kat so don't anyone say i'm biased. @martin chose her for a reason and that requires respect. Even if you hate your boss you still must respect them. It's not ok to treat people the way @mama_kat got.treated yesyerday. Nobodys perfect.... Some people just don't like authority
  • she not my boss...she not payin me...nor is she getting paid to do this......
  • I figured the fuel would be @mama_kat responding, and I think she knew wht she was doing, thts y she tagged martain and mrsdelrea...but as I said all was well until she made her appearance,.lol so obvious
  • Would you just sit around and watch while people are hating on you? Any one would stand up for herself.
  • @katneal would you feel differently if it was @martin moderating the threads?
  • edited March 2011
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