This app....



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  • it is worse i agree......that makes me not want to comment on things....we need the like dislike back...its funny a moderator can post crazy judgemental things then can ask for it to be shut down.....we need drs or rns to b moderators
  • then if u talk weird to a moderator u get put on banned role very sad
  • Personally the whole moderator thing is funny to me if you go on other apps they bash the one moderator on here all the time... so bad they pulled the posts down and so many people left because of her atleast that's what it says ... they even have a topic with 100s who answered that says welcome pregly moms because so many people are leaving because of this crap @martin it's time to take a look at the app
  • yea i know what ur talking about i seen it
  • @mostephanite, I wrote on your wall (: I'm not sure if there's a notification for that so just thought id tell you!
  • and they all dog mommakat not the other moderator......
  • @KatNeal I agree altho I havent found any posts to offend me personally, I think rules should apply to all, I understand tht opinions differ, but at the same time I dont comment causeV its hard for me to allow myself to be jumped on for being human, and voicing my opinion. I read alot of posts and keep it pushin, then u have people on here actually upset tht people who they dont know to have medical training wont give them advice, there is nothing medicaly anyone here can tell me, or advise when it comes to my unborn child, or children, this is reallu getting out of hand, I have never seen so many "grown" women acting in this manner, and if you r hete to moderate yor should have self/moith control @ all times anf if you r just a member, others dont need you as a defense attorneys when being confronted about breaking the same rule tht they r I said pure
  • Yeah that's who they were talking about @mommy3 baby center is amazing!!! They give you videos and neat facts and check list of fun stuff to do and happy pregnancy is another good one... hope that helps :)
  • i agree....
  • what amuses me is when people want just facts, no opinions. This is a forum, it's going to be opinions. I'm a paramedic, so I'm in the medical field, but I don't expect people to take what I say for the gospel. It's not like I can prove my medical credentials to you. I wouldn't just take the word of what people I never met have said. I like knowing that I'm not the only one out there experiencing these same symptoms, however, no one in this forum can replace a doctor.
  • i agree Kriss......
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  • I can't stand it when I see someone saying a doctor's advice shouldn't ne followed. There are a few exceptions, like when the woman's doc told her natural birth is stupid. But as a rule of thumb, that pisses me off.
  • @KerrideeRN I'm the same way, I try not to give medical advice on here. It's just that one of my pet peeve's is people using an ER for a doc's office. But that's just me, so most of the time I just say what I would personally do, because I will fully admit I'm not a doc, my scope of practice is emergencies, and just listening to someone say what they are going through doesn't give the full picture anyways. I understand that people are scared and they want answers now, but that's what calling your doc is for.
  • @jwigs I completely agree with you on that! Or if they keep talking about how doc's are stupid or don't listen. Yes some do, but people also have to think that maybe you aren't explaining the situation so the doc fully understands what you are saying. And if you don't like your doc, switch. If you think what your doc is saying is stupid, ask them to explain it more fully, and then maybe it will make sense.
  • I know as pergo women we are all in are hormones but key word we are all grown women. A lot of these froums I read and keep it moving if I can help I will.
    @katneal~ people where talking about mama Kat? I never read those threads but I'm sure they took them off. Like I said Martin started this app by himself he should be the that dose everything are bring one of his friends to help. That's how I feel.
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  • @awamommy no they are still up
  • I looked about an hour ago
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  • Agree, agree...
  • @kerrideeRN I'm the same way, I try to help out where I can, I just try to stay out of the major stuff. I got jumped on before for saying that she should call the doc instead of just rushing to the ER. People just don't realize that the ER won't do much for you, most ob/gyn offices are way more prepared for anything. The ER just checks the standard things and sends you home, the offices will go much more in depth to really figure out what the problem is.
  • @mostephanite~ what the name so I can look it up.
  • Happy pregnancy
  • Why don't they call there doctor before going to the er? Most doc have after nurse and they can help you.
  • they banned someone yesterday cause mammakat posted about projects and the girl told her to get a job n off welfare....they choose who they want off
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  • edited March 2011
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