This app....



  • Your lost out there, lol
  • @jwigs~ you are reading in between the wrong lines hunn. This about something else thanks!
    @ladeebug thanks that's my Anaya!
  • Lmbo @kerrideeRN, I think I wss looking at the wrong friend...rofl, I know ur like huh..
  • whats urs ill add u
  • edited March 2011
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • i think we friends now
  • @KatNeal yes... Lol @kerrideeRN, prob mafe u think twice about addin I went to a local friends page, and kumped the gun before reading the full name.lmbo
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Hey ladies I kno y'all hardly see me post or comment on pregly but I do agree on the drama n pure bs thr goes on whn I read some of the threads so I refuse to comnent on a lot of the topics...especially if itss bout abortion I can't stand the way they jus bash u...smh
  • I enjoined talking you yall. My show army wives is about to come on. So i'll holla at yall on fb or here.
  • Ladies, I was on here last night to explain for the need of moderators. @Martin came to us, asking if we would help him. We accepted. By saying he shouldn't have us, or us specifically or that he should do it himself or chose a friend of his is doubting his judgment. Even though you're right, this isn't a paid position, we are still deserved respect as moderators. We were chosen for a reason. @Mama_Kat was also chosen for reasons. She is a great person who has always helped others out. As for someone getting banned, that is between the moderators, Martin & that user. We do talk to one another about decisions to be made. I personally told Mama_Kat to not moderate her own thread so it wouldn't be biased, yet she is still getting bashed. I don't understand. She has done nothing wrong. I now ask if you have anything further to say, to email Martin or myself if it has to do with Mama_Kat, but not to post anything publicly about someone. It is disrespectful as well as against forum guidelines. I am now closing this discussion because it has gotten out of hand. Thank you.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
This discussion has been closed.