Herpes and pregnancy... O.o



  • My mom got it from my dad. :( I don't understand why there's such a stigma about it, though. I'm proud of you ladies for being so open, and I hope that you have the births you want. :)
  • My friend has it she had her baby in January she had an outbreak and thought she was going to need to have a c section, well the outbreak went away so they induced her two weeks early before it could return...she found out she had it at her second obgyn appointment when they did her pelvic exam n std test...her boyfriend was a skeez and cheated on her with multiple girls knew he had it and knowingly passed it along to her when he knew she was pregnant smh some people are just f'ed up to know you had something like that and pass it on to the women you "love" that's also carrying your child I will never understand...glad he is in prison now
  • I read the order for my blood work and a test for herpes was on the list but it came back negative. But I hear you can get a cold sore and not have herpes so Idk. But if I have it u haven't passed ut to anyone.
  • I don't know anyone who has this. Can you ladies tell me what it feels like?
  • I've seen on tv...I'm pregnant and.....have HIV. well the girl,fell in love with this guy and he became really sick and had to go to the hospital.the guy told her that he had a brain tumor,he knew he had AIDS he just didn't want to tell her.well. she found out from his mom. But she has HIV It hadn't progressed to AIDS.But the thibg is that she had two children but it didnt get passed to them.
  • @mama_kat i totally dis agree with the cold sore thing my sister has it and i always share everything with her when she gas an out break and never have i gotten one and neither has her son the doctor even told her that its very hard to pass it that way unless u have cuts on urban mouth and she rubs it there for awhile lol that's what the doctor said
  • @jess510 its various on each person really, some people it has no feeling, they don't even know is there. Others (in my case) it feels similar to an irritated ingrown hair and looks a bit like it too. Some ppl its very painful to the touch, even pants or underwear can cause pain. And some can't even sit down right without crying (worst case scenario). Most commonly you will get minor cold like symptoms along with it. Generally its hard to pass when using precautions with out an outbreak.
  • My ex didn't know he was a carrier for HPV and I got it. Thought nothing of it because my doctor said not to worry, until halfway through my first trimester bumps popped up. Lord of them. Apparently I have the non cancer causing strain that causes warts (I hated saying that) And they kept getting worse. If my doctor thinks its necessary come delivery time, I'm in the same boat (could be anyway because I'm having twins). Hang in there, mama, and never be ashamed! I'm proud of You for sharing your concerns with us! :)
  • @sunshinelove I have herpes because my husband had a cold sore on his mouth...we are ttc right now and I am so worried about this same thing. I almost don't wanna have a baby for fear of transmitting it
  • I've never seen such honesty. But I think if someone gave me something i would kill them. You ladies are strong.
  • I got my first coldsore ever with this pregnancy, scared me to death! Im not sure but ive heard they can pop up when ur stressed or run down, sorry i cant be any help
  • I remember I went for papsmear and they called me a week later and simply said u have hpv. My jaw dropped cause I have been with my man for three yrs now. I got a coloscopy or w e its called and found out I was perfectly healthy just had abnormal cervical cells. I was furious the nurse called me and kept me worried for two weeks I almost broke up with my man n everything. All the power to ya girls.
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  • Can you by any chance get a false negative on a lesion culture? I thought I was having an allergic reaction to some cheap body wash, but the lesion came back. Now im really worried, and even disgusted with myself...the guy im with ive been with for 3years...and swears up and down he hasnt cheated...but hes the only guy ive had unprotected sex with. :/ Though it could possibly be from a cold sore...since I remember getting a lesion a few weeks after oral sex. >_<
  • If you just get simply cold sores should I talk to a doctor about it? I have always gotten them since I was kid when I was stress or was getting sick.
  • @ericak22 I thought the same thing the first time. I've only had two outbreaks in 6 years. Both times went to Dr and confirmed it was herpes. It can stay dormant in your body for years and years before your first outbreak. If your man truly loves you he will stand by you through this.
  • @iamom did your dr do a lesion swab? My dr did one, but it came back negative. First outbreak was in March, but now im having another outbreak. My bf jokes about it, and doesnt realize it hurts me...makes me never want to be touched again
  • I actually have cold sore outbreaks maybe 1 or 2 a year and I've had them 2x during this pregnancy,but I tested negative on my HIV/aids test.I honestly don't know why I get them.
  • @excitedforbaby when I was little my mom worked as a pca for the elderly, apparently somehow this job made her constantly have cold sores, she used to give me a kiss and I would get them too, this was when I was about 6-7, but I dont get them anymore and ive been pregnant twice, well this is my second, but when ive had the comeplete std test they give you, ive never been notified of anything coming back positive? I dont get it? If I have had a cold sore in my life then shouldnt I test positive for that type?
  • @Summertime22 I believe the virus can be passed on but I don't think we have it permantely(I guess)
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  • You can get tested without having an outbreak they do a blood test
  • I have not got a cold sore before I'm so scared to end up with one I only kiss my daughter lol
  • @Mama_kat i actually asked showed my ob a cold sore I had and asked for a prescription.she wasn't concerned.all of my blood work are normal. She just didn't seem concerned.
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  • @Mama_kat ok.I guess that's a mystery.my dad has them a lot.is it possible that genetics play a role?
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  • @mama_kat my sister is a lpn and there actually is a blood test for both types of herpes (oral and genital) you dont need to have an active sore! And my questioning was in regards to that, since herpes virus both oral and genital is perminent once you carry it, then why do I come back negitive? Its very confusing
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