edited March 2011 in Just for Fun


  • Well I can say one thing for sure...u have a 50/50 chance...unfortunately there is no guaranteed tell tale way (except ultrasound or amino and amino isn't done cept for high risk)...enjoy the anticipation while isnlats and good luck on joining the pink team! Also, there are old wives tales and chinese charts u can google and compare her symptoms. But none of it is really 100%.
  • Hmm I heard that if you crave sweet foods like fruits it was a girl also if the linea negra stopped at belly button it was a girl but these are old wives tales
  • I heard alot and read alot if you didnt have morning sickness its a girl something about heartbeat rate and the way ur stomach sits and girls dont move alot its so many
  • @jazzi89 lol, I'm having a girl and both are true for me. @newmom0811 I heard the opposite about morning sickness, worse and longer with a girl.

    @teamgooddaddy, if your wife has the gut feeling that baby is a girl, that's prob gonna prove true. I've heard many mommies who were absolutely sure and it was right. Good luck!! And congrats.
  • if she craves spicy a girl if she carries high its a girl if he has bad morning sickness a girl if she cant sleep a girl
  • I Heard If The HeartRate Is High Its A Girl, If Yu Have Alot Of Morning Sickness Then It's A Girl Due To High Hormones, If Yu Crave Sweet Things It's A Girl, I Also Heard If Yu Sleep On Your Right Side Alot It's A Girl.
  • Girls make u mean boys make u nice
  • @myowndisaster23 yea it is the opposite
  • Im having a girl and thought it was a boy (my family was right, I was wrong haha)...absolutely no morning sickness for me and I crave sweets most of the time. And as far as heartbeat goes my daughters is up and week its 160 the next its 135 so your best bet it an ultrasound =) good luck to you tho!
  • You can't twl if u ask me lol I have slept on my right side since day one,the morning sickness has been horrible, I have been really really moody almost mean... and its a boy lol I just say wait it out oh and some of the predictions said girl but max will be here in 6wksand3days lol but I hope you get ur girl!
  • Majority of things are jus wise tales when it comes to that I ead a couple of these signs and I had all them and ended up with a boy lol specially wit eating the sweets like sramos26 said its 50/50 untill u get the ultrasound good luck on that baby girl O:)
  • Ohh and the heartrate was super high alot of my n laws said girl bc of that lol
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  • Its hard to tell because im only constantly nauseous but i have yet to throw up...@myowndisaster23 i think were so set on having a girl my gut feeling will be just thanks everybody for the good wishes....:)
  • Lol. Either way I hope your baby is healthy and your pregnancy goes well. Congrats!
  • Hmm I only crave sweet things and fruit, I am a complete bitch to everyone lately, but my morning sickness was never that bad. So I don't think those are true because i have mixed symptoms plus my gut tells me its a boy lol
  • I'm the poster child for busting some of these myths. I didn't crave sweet, I am nicer and more patient than ever, my morning sickness wasn't that bad, and she likes to sit low some days. Sonogram revealed a girl today, so I'm still busting with excitement!
  • thanks!! thats all that really matters after all is said and done:) we know boy or girl he/she will be our EVERYTHING...hope your preggo days go well too:)
  • Lol @mythica they all seem a little silly when you read them....but its fun to play around with them...
  • @lovingmyunborn Yeah, they are fun. =) I did all sorts of online tests that kept telling me boy. Chinese gender chart even said boy! But my little girl just likes to beat the odds, I guess. ;) lol
  • @teamgooddaddy, I found out I'm having a girl today and the ONE consistent thing was a heart rate over 150 bpm, the person doing the sonogram and my doctor said about 80 percent of the time the heart rate is a good indicator
  • edited March 2011
    Some say if its a girl the mommy to be will gain weight faster, her butt will spread, nose will spread, and her face will get fatter. They say this happens because the baby is taking all of the moms looks.. I'm having a girl and all of that has been true for me... Whether the signs were a true indicator is unknown... I wanted a boy and got the complete opposite. Lol Good Luck!!!
  • Ive just hears this one lol

    get 2 chairs and some
    one else (with out you
    watching) puts a knife on
    one and scissors on the
    other then cover each with
    a pillow. you come out and
    pick one to sit on. if you sit
    on knife its a boy, scissors
    is a girl.
    Haha :D
  • @AKmommy
    My Little Princess's heart rate stays in the 150s... When are you due?

    @TeamGoodDaddy and @LovingMyUnborn
    This may be an old wives tale, but, I was told that girls sit low and boys sit high. My Princess seems to be supporting that one, though... Congrats to you, both; and I hope to get to welcome you aboard Team Pink!!! (*)
  • @TheSmilingBeauty I'm due August 12th. you?
  • edited April 2011
    @jade_may9th LOL this is my first girl and I'm mean and can't help it...
    Also I had lots of morning sickness not just throwing up but feeling sick...
    Cravings r crazy
    My hair went straight and I have natural curly hair??
    No linea negra
    Tired more
    O and mean and very impatient.;-)
    Good luck guys it took me three boys till I got my girl
    Happy pregnacy.!
  • If ur havin a girl i herd ths:
    You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
    Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
    You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
    Your left breast is larger than your right breast
    Your hair develops red highlights
    You are carrying high
    Your belly looks like a watermelon
    You are craving sweets
    You are craving fruit
    You crave orange juice
    You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
    You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
    Your face breaks out more than usual
    You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
    Your breasts have really blossomed!
    Your pillow faces south when you sleep
    Your urine is a dull yellow color
    You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side
    You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number.

    These are only wivestales an myths tho... 50/50.. but i herd the morning sickness is true... hope i helped. :) good luck!
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