I would have waited too it could just cause more problems than its worse but its ur decision I would have bought a 20 prepaid phone just to give him if he is going to busy places without u
The twins just turned 8 and Mia asked for a phone. I said no, but only bc they managed to lose their Nintendo DS's in less than 2 months! So until we see improvement in responsibility it's a NO!
I think its a great idea.. my nephew started with a firefly when he was about 6, and he's 11 now with an iPhone.. he's showed my sister he's responsible enough. I got my first cell phone when I was in 6th grade .. I hate not being able to call if I needed help.. I feel soo unsafe.
My little brother got a phone at 8. But ONLY b.c. my mom got the home phone shut off. And so she wanted seths real mom to be able to call his phone. He's never ever allowed to take it with him.
I was never out of my mom's sight at that age so I definitely didn't need a phone. I got one when I was 16 when I started dating and driving and I feel that's an appropriate age but to each her own.
i'll prob get bashed for this but my 6 yr old daughter got one when she was 5. she only has a razor but loves it. she is very responsible and has never lost it. she is lockd out of the net and has a purchase blocker. she loves it always txtn, playn games, takin pics & video. i wouldnt have it any other way. i guess it just depends on a childs maturity and responsibility.
We don't have a house phone just cells...we got our oldest daughter one at 9 she's almost 12 and our other daughter just got one at 9. They have restricted use and our youngest can't take hers to school but our older daughter does because she has a lot of after school activities. If They didn't have them they would always be on mine which I use for my business. Also if they stay the night with a friend and need us for any reason they can call us. I think its a parents choice and its all about a child's responsibility.
I gave him one a month ago and he did great with it so figured he was ready...I want a way he can call or txt me anytime he needs too...he school is cool with phones...he got a basic txting from from Verizon...he wants one like my droid x but that wont happen for a few yrs...he's excited and happy and calls and tells me he loves me all day
My daughter is 8 and I couldn't imagine giving her a cell phone. She looses stuff all the time and I don't let her go anywhere with out me anyways other than to school. Maybe when she is a few years older and wants to text friends I might consider a cheap prepaid one.
When I upgraded my cell, I added a line and gave my 10yo her first. She barely uses it to call, but texts her friends nonstop. I also said if she charges any music dl. Without permission it would get taken away. I think it's based on maturity level.
I couldn't imagine a child under 13 to have texting on the plan.. I def won't be getting our kid a phone til teens. idk.. I just know I am going to be more of a parent. Id think if my daughter/son had a phone its easier to talk to a boy/girl..
Why do you think he needs a phone?
But hey if that works for you and yours more power to you. Lol
But I know he is happy! Lol