NBA Playoffs!! **Update 5-11**



  • The Lakers didn't beat the Celtics last year, the Celtics had that game in the bag & when it came down to the final minutes the Refs stole that game & gave it to LA. I'm not hatin so don't get it twisted but check the stats on that game & look at replays. Horrible calls were made against the C's & the Lakers gotta away scott free. My father in law who was rooting for LA even agreed that the Lakers couldn't have won that game w/o those calls.
  • hahahah... I'm a Lakers fan... I love all the haters =)
    I never make excuses when we lose, but thats all I hear from the Laker haters when we beat them.. hahaha
  • I'm not a hater & if you check the stats it's not an excuse! I have no problem admitting to when my team's been outplayed but LA in no way shape or form outplayed Boston that game!
  • @zexy4da011 I was really hopin Orlando would pull through & take this series. On a better note you can root for the Celtics now lol :)
  • A celtic hater is jus a secret fan lol i agree @starkrayzie we did get cheated bt its all good tho we gt ths
  • @Supermom405 Haha that's so true! Yes we do! The Heat might have Wade, LeBron & Bosh but we have Pierce, KG, Allen & Rondo & our boys play TOGETHER! The Heat doesn't scare me especially since in the regular season we beat them 3 outta 4 times
  • gotta love the laker haters. (: we took care if business today. purp n yellow purp n yellow. we will take care of the mavs next. 3peate champs @supermom405 n @TheRestOfTheLakerHaters lol
  • @firsttimedaddy GO MAVS!!!!! Discussion closed lol :-)
  • Puh ha ha ha ha ha talk is cheap stats never lie so we will see & your wrong about ths tho @FirstTimeDaddy Im not a hater I jus hate thm lol
  • My words exact @StarKrayzie 3 out of 4 so with tht every 4 games the heat kan get a win 1 out of the 4????? Thts nt gonna look good lol oh & while everybody talk mad head on my Celtics dnt 4 get we we're the Only 1's to sweep our round 1 had a good time to rest & get our plan 2getha waitin on u others seein if yall kan even pass thru smh
  • edited April 2011
    lol. I love basketball talk. well k lets c. oj @supermom405 yup celtics were the only ones sho got the sweep. props on that. but the nicks were playing lotr crap. but ok lets not make excuses. celtics got the sweep n got to rest while everyone else finished iff their series. I still think they r lacking the size to take on the heat. iys definitely goin to game 7. heat winning. celtics do have more experience. n it does matter. which is y spurs won that last game
  • edited April 2011
    lakers gonna win it for 2 reasons tho. for the fans. n for the haters. for us cuz we want to c our team win again. n for the haters cuz then what will they have to hate on. lol @lakerhaters. lol @blessed1508
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  • celtics fan right yere * raises hand * lol
  • @firsttimedaddy You're hilarious!! Ain't no way in hell the Heat will beat Boston. They don't have enough experience to take them on. Just because they have the players doesn't mean anything. Wade & LeBron still haven't figured out how to play well together because neither one of them plays w/o the ball. If you watch them they stand there & look at each other because they aren't used to not having the ball & making the play. The Heat may get a win or two but they won't take the series. It'll be a good one tho, I predict Celtics take it in game 5 or 6! They won't make it go to a game 7 cuz they'll handle business

    As for the Lakers, HAH!! Ain't no 3-peat this year so get your tissues out now! The Lakers should have demolished the Hornets & the fact that it took 6 games to do it says a lot. They have Bryant, Gasol, Odom, Artest, Bynum & Fisher just to name a few & there's no reason they should struggle. The Mavs are gonna give it to em & I hope they knock em out because the Mavs are playin to win. Unlike the Lakers who feel they deserve it & should have it handed to them.

    @Imelanson & @Fashion_Junky91 Glad to see more Green in this thread!! %%- :-D
  • did he say miami beat celtics ?? pack it up and go home lmaooo lebron cant hold us downnnnnn lmaooo
  • im sorry but lakers are struggling this year lmaoo kobitch aint doin well lol so we will see lmao
  • @Fashion_Junky91 Right?? I almost spit out my water when I read that! Some people dream big I guess lol.
  • @Fashion_Junky91 I totally agree, you can put up 30 points a game but if you lose it doesn't matter. Kobitch ROTFLMFAO!! If he's hurt & he's playin this hard then he's obviously gonna mess up his ankle even worse in the long wrong. & it just shows you that w/o Kobitch they can't win or he would be sitting resting his ankle.
  • Totally agree's lakers aint wat they were jus bcus they thnk its owed to thm its nt tho
  • Wat i said. ...Stats dnt lie
  • lmaooooo i sorry @starkrayzie but yea he grinds my gears
  • @Fashion_Junky91 He's got talent but damn I'm sick of these guys bein so damn cocky! It pisses me off. You make millions a year playin bball & I gotta go to work 40+ hours a week just to stay broke! What's up w/ that? Lol
  • edited April 2011
    lol word i say his girl shuda.left after.he cheated.but she not dumb
  • edited May 2011
    oh u ladies r funny. but I'm glad to c girls who love basketball. where my laker fans tho. wish my girl was into basket ball. when I talk to her about the games she is like um. ok. lol k well @supermom405 @fashion_junky91 n @starkrayzie the reason y I think the heat will take ut. is cuz of home court advantage. its honna b a good series. if it goes to 7. heat at home I think they can take it. n yes experience is very important. which is y lebron couldnt win a championship w the cavs. y does kobe play thru injuries. cuz he isnt a wuss. he did it last year in the finals w his finger. kobe being played out. yea right. can u guys say all start mvp. AGAIN. hating on kobe is like hatin on anything else u dont have. e.g. ppl who. . . dont have a smart phone. they r like whats the pliny of having one. its too much stuff my regular phone will do. but once they get one its like oh snaps this phone is the best. ppl hate on kobe cuz he isnt on ur team. once he is u realize how good he is. spurs leading the west lost. bulls leading the east couldnt sweep. us not sweeping n.o doesn't mean anything.
  • @firsttimedaddy what's up LAKERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I'm here everybody keep talking about regular season!!! Lls!!! We r in the play offs y'all just sit back and watch us get another ring!!! Everybody know kobe is the best no matter what anyone say he put up #s and come through for his team!!! Smh his not perfect shit jordan wasn't perfect and at the end of the day kobe still learning!!! And he should be cocky WHO FUCKING WITH HIM!!!
  • Go Bulls !
  • @Firsttimedaddy A finger injury isn't anything like an ankle injury. I've played w/ injured fingers plenty of times but an ankle is a different story. I'm not sayin he should baby it but at the same time what happens when he doesn't rest it like he's supposed to & he comes down on it wrong & he's out for the rest of the playoffs? LA can't win w/o him so basically it's all on his shoulders. Same w/ LeBron he couldn't win in Cleveland because 1 guy can't carry a team. Just because you put James, Wade & Bosh together doesn't mean they can win a ring. Especially against the Celtics. There's been a lot of upsets in the first round & I think these playoffs are gonna be filled w/ surprises all around.
  • @mommy2be24 what up what up my laker peeps. hell yea kobe is cocky cuz he can back it up. n definitely this is play offs. regular season is over. its a whole new ball game (: @starkrayzie ur right one guy can't carry a team to a championship win. we got the back to back cuz its not just one guy. its the lakers. purp n yellow purp n yellow (: who took the game winning shot last year. artest. n ur right lebron n wade n bosh isnt enuff to win a championship. I didn't say they were gonna wi the championship. we r. im just saying I think the heat wil beat the celtics. id rather the celtics wunn the east. keys have another laker celtics final. nn we will 3 peate on u. it will make it that much sweeter
  • @Firsttimedaddy At least you're open minded lol! But only time will tell what happens. I've got money on the Celtics beating the Heat, I have no doubt my boys will come out & take care of business. I wouldn't assume LA has it in the bag yet either. The Mavs are playing to win & I think they'll give the Lakers a run for their money.
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