17 and ttc

edited May 2011 in Trying to conceive
Need advice on where to start there are so many different things to increase your chances I don't know where to start.


  • U should start by finishing high school and any further education...then when u are financialy mentally physically and emotionaly ready u should talk to your doctor.
  • I'm not judging you, but why are you trying to get pregnant right now?
  • Mann when I had my first at 23 I felt robbed of my fun years!!!! Don't waste your youth honey you can't get it back! !
  • @sunshine25-great answer!
    @allid-what are you thinking ttc at 17 years old? Obviously you aren't thinking at all...I can say that...I got pregnant at 17...still in high school...and had no clue what I was going to do with a baby when I was barely doing god taking care of my self being that I moved out ouf my parents house at 16....I ended up having a miscarriage....although I still think about it eery day...I thank god for unanswered prayers.....I was given a chance to further my education, meet the man of my dreams and start a beautiful family with him....wait child, you have no business having a baby at 17.
  • Honestly hun go out enjoy being 17 party spend time with your friends finish school and live your life a bit learn how to be independent. Waiting will make it worth it you will have more to teach your child and you will be more ready to handle it having a baby isn't easy.
  • Didn't you get a ton of responses the other day? You asked the same quest just now you added your age in the title????
  • @MrsForesee yeah your right what's that about ???
  • Hello! She's 17 and ttc...obviously looking for attention! @tammy @mrsforesee Lol. Finish school, go to college, get a career started, see if you still even like the boy you are ttc with, then try. Now is the time to enjoy becoming an adult. Don't take that away from yourself by having child before you're ready!
  • No one here is bashing you or any thing...but when i was 17 I was 100% sure I was going to be with my high school boyfriend for the rest of my life til one day he left me. Unless your married, or have an amazing job, and a home go for it. but think about what your doing I'm 21 right now and we are ttc and ill be honest me and my hubby are not ready. But we do have jobs and a home, your not thinking about the bigger picture its no more time with friends 90% percent of teen moms dont get education. Its bills and doctor app. And all that jazz.
  • Oh honey.... :-S
  • @allid I'd wait hun, I wont say my age because I hate how teens are judged. But we are VERY close in age.
    I know a family, baby, cute baby clothes and baby smells sounds AWESOME...But eventually you will have wish you waited.
    Iv been there.
  • Girl go enjoey life. I was 17 n pregnant I had to grow up fast bd didn't work out. Meet ur dream Guy n finish school. BC ur boyfriend now might not be the one for u.
  • @praying4our3rd that's exactly what I said. I told her I'm not judging her. I just want to know why does she want a baby right now.
  • I had a baby young, close to ur age with my high school sweetheart. We was soo n love n was gonna always be together. My daughter is a teen now n don't even know who he is! When he see me he laughs n give me the finger( where all that love that he had when we was making her )
  • edited May 2011
    Shes right, babies are expensive. I'm fortunate enough to have a good job but hubby is the bread winner, and I'm still in school working on my masters. It's HARD and I don't even have a baby. Please wait...but its your choice.
  • I was a teen mom. I never finished school. We've struggled to eat at times. Light bill got shut off on us. We take care of our selves...the father & I.whom I married. Wait!! Why ttc now? What's the rush? Are you looking for something too "complete" you?Your young you got plenty of time for kids AFTER you finish school & college. By completing college you can give your kids the best chance out of life. Wait for your future kids sake. Its better in the long run.
  • My son was born a few days after my 17 birthday. And it has been a diificult road for both of us. Things like getting a job, an education, child care, housing all become priority and not all are easy to get when your seventeen. Take your time and really think about all the things you wanted before you wanted a baby. Maybe make one of those things your goal and babies can always come in the future.
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  • @Allid
    I was 21 when I got pregnant w my first. I had a great job, a new car and I was apartment or house hunting whichever made more sense financially. At 17 I didn't truly have a sense of myself. At 21 and house hunting I still wasn't ready. My 24 yr old bf of 3 yrs sure as heck wasn't he ran off when I was 2 months preggo and I refused to 'take care of it.'

    Mommy even the most mature 17 yr old can't compete w life experience and having a sense of who you are. Now at 28 and being married to a wonderful man having a home, children and stability I can enjoy being pregnant and a stay at home mom. I worked hard to get where I am. Enjoy your youth, don't waste it. You will do what you want but my advice is to let yourself enjoy your life. You have so much to look forward to.
  • That shows teen mom and 16 and pregnant is making it look like fun to have babies young.
  • I agree with traci84lucas its not fun nor easy!!! I had a full scholarship to three diff. University but what happened I got pg. I walked at my high school graduation with a three week old. Not cool. yes I had my son w my "high school" sweet heart. N guess what he left me right after I had my son. They dont stick around. I cud of been done with my schooling already but instead im struggling. Dont do it. I love my son but it was my mistake not to continue school n to be a teen parent.
  • hun i was 17 when i got pregnant with my first and had to drop outta school (my senior year ) i was 4 months away from graduating !!! i had to drop out cause i could no longer walk around with out losing my breath and my legs were to swollen . so i had to go back to school so i could finish . im a second time senior and it sucks . i couldnt even walk with my class !!! i was at the graduation but wasnt down there were i was supposed to be . so please think about this . im due july 4th and am now just about 8 months pregnant . and still am struggling to make it thru this year . its not easy at all !!!! i had to give my first baby up for adoption cause i had no were to live or anything !!! the bd up and left me for some other girl . my daughters father now is here for me thru everything . weve been together for over a year . but its a constant struggle . please just think about what your doing !!!
  • Id not try for a while! I'm 19 will be 20 and I'm scared this isn't what I palnned. I love my baby with all my heart but I'm still young and me and baby daddy have only been together for almost a year. I still don't even know if he is gonna be with me forever! So take everyones advice and don't have a baby untill you can provide everything its not fair to your kids so if you love them enough WAIT!
  • This is just looking for attention, I saw the exact same post over a month ago. Why would u need to put ur age if u were not trying to get attention? You are obviously not mature enough to get pregnant.
  • Seeing that you haven't responded to any of us, I hope you haven't got offended by any of our posts. We're simply voicing our opinions and giving you advice.
  • I'm 19, 20 in september. My baby is due in july. And I wish i had waited sometimes. Its a bit diffrent for me though as me and my partner have been together for years and live together in our own 2 bedroom house. Also iv finnished high school and went to college. Don't get me wrong I love my baby although sometimes i miss going out and drinking with friends. But I think u need to wait a couple more yrs before you even think about having a bany. X
  • I'm 19, 20 in september. My baby is due in july. And I wish i had waited sometimes. Its a bit diffrent for me though as me and my partner have been together for years and live together in our own 2 bedroom house. Also iv finnished high school and went to college. Don't get me wrong I love my baby although sometimes i miss going out and drinking with friends. But I think u need to wait a couple more yrs before you even think about having a baby. X
  • I turned 20 a week after I found out I was pregnant. I'm not married, I haven't finished school (college), me and my bf haven't been together for 1 year yet...and as excited as I am for this baby, I wish it would have waited. I was on bc so obviously I wasn't trying but its a big change. I haven't had my baby and my life has already turned around trying to plan for this baby. You have the rest of your life ahead of you to have a family. Stay young and don't worry about making babies yet.
  • I really think u should wait I graduated high school at 17 n started to enjoy my life partied went out w| friends n jus had fun when I turned 21 in nov I found I was pregnant n it changed my whole point of view of life im thankful I had sum fun but now I gotta focused on my child ..all ima say is have fun 1st go to college n get a JOB. Bcause things arent easy.. Take care..
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