Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • Hope everything is going well & you're just busy with the babies! :)
  • omg ive turned into an internet stalker lol ive been on this literally All day waiting for an update! lol
  • Please update ! Our pregnant hormones are going to get to the best of us !
  • Hope you and babies are all right.
  • ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE!! 2:34am CST***
    This will be quick, because I don't want to keep my lovely preglies in suspense! After 18 hours of completely natural, pitocin (which really is a bitch) induced labor, 7 stitches, and 5 failed epidural attempts.... Draven William and Lyla Kate are here! They didn't weigh quite as much as expected (he was 5 lbs 11 oz and she was 5lbs 6oz), but they are perfectly healthy and beautiful! I'm so in love I can't stop tearing up! It really was worth all the pain and misery to hold me healthy babies in my arms! I will post a pic and be more talkative tomorrow (soooo tired). I love you all, my preglies! Thank you for caring so much!!!
  • Wow congratulations!! So pleased they are here, you have done amazing!! X
  • Yay Congrats your one strong woman glad all is well
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  • Congrats!! :) enjoy your lil angels
  • Congratulations!! :)
  • Congrats! U finally got there.x
  • awwww yay!!!! congrats momma!!!!
  • Awhhhh yay!! Congrats! I ben waiting for this update.. Im a proud pregly <3
  • Omg hun I've been waiting on this update!!!! Congrats momma!!! Im so proud of you! You did GREAT!!! :D congrats again hun, I bet they are absolutely perfect!!
  • Yaya Congrats we all been waiting for this update !!!! Were so proud of you ♥
  • Congrats!!!!!
  • thank goodness for u, congratulations gad everuthing went "well" n they are healthy xx
  • OMG YAY!!!!!!!
  • Oh congratulations!!! What a great day!!! :)
  • Is there some kind of Pregly award we can bestow upon @MrsStanley_x2? BECAUSE AFTER WHAT SHE'S BEEN THROUGH, SHE DESERVES ONE. :) So glad all the pain and hang ups were worth it. Congratulations on the gorgeous babies!!
  • Woot! Congrats!!!
  • Congratulations!!
  • Yay woohoo! Yippee! I can't find enough words to celebrate! So happy for you!
  • Oh finally, finally! It feels like I've been waiting to hear that announcement for years...I can only imagine the hell it was for you, @MrsStanley_x2
    Congratulations!! Yaaaaaaay! Get lots of rest cause once you get those two beautiful babies home, the real fun begins! ;)
    I'm so, so happy for you!
  • Congrats!!! Aww
  • woot woot! Congatulations!
  • Yay. I am so excited that you had babies. And how lucky are you that you get a boy and girl. Awwww. Its so sweet. Can't wait to see pictures. Get some well needed rest mama. And make those nurses wait on you hand and foot cause you deserve it.
  • Yay. I am so excited that you had babies. And how lucky are you that you get a boy and girl. Awwww. Its so sweet. Can't wait to see pictures. Get some well needed rest mama. And make those nurses wait on you hand and foot cause you deserve it.
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  • Awww congratulations!! Finally!! After all that suffering! Im soo happy for you and glad you and your precious babies are doing good, cant wait for pics!! now I cant wait to see mine in 10 weeks!
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