Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • Are they discharging you? You could always just go to another hospital. This really passes me off b/c I was in a similar situation with my daughter. Induced 3 times over a week, failed all three, ended up with an emergency csection. I gained 13 lbs of fluid. It was disgusting. I can't believe they won't just induce! I was so uncomfortable....I could hardly move on my own...I could even feel the fluid in my legs and feet move as I walked. I understand theres no medical reason to induce, but there is an ethical reason to induce! I'd be asking for the ethics committee to review your case! smdh
  • edited June 2011
    @mrsstanley_x2 Are they discharging you? You could always just go to another hospital. This really pisses me off b/c I was in a similar situation with my daughter. Induced 3 times over a week, failed all three, ended up with an emergency csection. I gained 13 lbs of fluid. It was disgusting. I can't believe they won't just induce! I was so uncomfortable....I could hardly move on my own...I could even feel the fluid in my legs and feet move as I walked. I understand theres no medical reason to induce, but there is an ethical reason to induce! I'd be asking for the ethics committee to review your case! smdh
  • edited June 2011
    What an asshole. Try to down 2 to 4 oz of castor oil if possible? Or drink some red raspberry tea! Sending sooo much labor dust your way. This is ridiculous.
  • @Karla_with_a_K that's about how I feel, too...

    @soon2bmomof2under2 yes they are discharging me- I requested it. I'd rather be miserable in private than on display for nurses and students doing clinicals. That must have been awful! I can feel the fluid in my legs and my feet... my poor feet. It feels like they are going to pop...

    @Bentleysmommy I can't handle anymore castor oil, and I drink 2-3 cups of raspberry tea a day... I have tried everything...
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  • There's a muscle in your ankle that induces labor. Youtube it so you know exactly where it is, and have your man rub your feet! If it doesn't work, atleast maybe your feet won't be so swollen!
  • Omg hunny. I am sooo sorry. This is rediculious. Give us the name and number for that doc. We are abt to rip some you know what. I am so mad right now I could spit nails. Ugh. I'm still praying for you.
  • I can't believe they're putting you through this! I've been silently rooting for you this whole time and it's ridiculous that they won't just induce! I hope you can get your labor moving when you get home. I feel so bad for you :-(
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  • They are the reason you blew up like that! Im so pissed they aren't doing anything for you! What is wrong w people! Grrrr....Me and my girls have been praying. I wish I could help you more! Xoxo
  • Are you serious!!!! What's his number, this momma will bit** him out for you!
  • This is unbelievable. I am so sorry. I cannot understand this! You are in misery, partly because of them, and they want you to suffer for another week?!?! Ugh! I am disgusted with your doc. Massive fluid retention, leaking water, and severe discomfort seem like pretty solid medical reasons to me! Agh! Prayers, labor dust, strength... all sent your way mama.
  • What a dick!!! Isn't 38 weeks for twins considered full term?
  • Oh mama I'm so Sorry...I thought for sure you were going to get good news today! I hope it gets better for you at home:-(
  • Even 37 w is full term for twins! Unfu**ing believable!! What is he waiting for? for you to explode! You've been in labor for what? 4? 5 days? And he doesnt wana do anything about it?! Ugh...i would go psycho on so sorry you're in so much pain and discomfort, hope u get to feel a little bit better at the comfort of your own home..xoxo
  • Oh, honey I am so sorry. I haven't been on all day because our whole family is sick & my daughter had her first ballet lesson today, too... but I was so hoping you were finally comfortable. I would be going to an ER at a different hospital, or asking @HomeBirthAdvocate how to teach your hubby to strip your membranes, if you think it will help? Good luck & hang in there! *hugs*
  • Are you still leaking fluids though? The doctors here would not let you go threw all this. The moment all this started they would've induced you because now you are in a lot of danger. Please just be careful & keep us as posted as you can. I know I would be very livid if I were you. Ill pray all goes well & you will be in my thoughts & prayers. Good luck hun.
  • This is ridiculous!! There is plenty of medical reason to induce!! You are full term regardless of singles or twins! There has to be something! I'm pulling for you still. Much labor dust your way!! Keep us updated as u can.
  • wow hun im soo sorry!! i just read everything!! i hope you have them soon!
    So, as most of you know, I currently resemble the Stay Puff man thanks to an idiotic nurse. Well. To add to my misery, my awful SIL went into labor last night. Teeth clenched, my hubby and I drove to her hospital (she was going so fast we didn't think we would make it in time). Yeah. 10 hours later no baby, and I'm contracting like a witch from sitting my big butt on the floor, and I'm exhausted. So I doze off. I wake to my in laws laughing. My shorts have a wet spot. They thought I peed. I do not pee. My legs were so swollen they were numb, so my hubby helps me up and we walk around and decide I need to go to MY hospital- an hour and a half away. Guess who is being admitted? That's me! I'm dilating, and it was NOT pee in my pants! Take that! I'll show you "medically necessary!" Let's go, babies! Thank all of you beautiful, wonderful women for your encouragement and prayers!
  • Yay finally!
  • Yay!!! Omg! Finally!! Come on babies we're all waiting for you!! Good luck hun!! Im soo excited!!!
  • I am so relieved for you! Yeeeey!
  • Yay!! It's about time! I hope it's smooth going from here on out!
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  • Yay bout time I have been waiting for a happy update :) come on babies get it moving. Make your long awaited debut :) woo from here on fast easy labor dust all over everywhere for you mama!
  • Yay!!!! Loads of labor dust your way! :)
  • Come on babies!
  • Yay!!!! Come on babies!
  • Woohoo! Hope you have your beautiful babies and are resting now :-)
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