Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • How are you? You have a lot of concerned ladies here
  • Where's babies!?? U have me glued to your post *
  • Me too can't wait to hear you've had your babies
  • Ahh still waiting for the news :) babies babies babies :D
  • We need an update !!!!!!! I hope your holding them in your arms as we speak
  • So i just started reading this post. I would be pissed if i had your dr. That's crazy. But i hope your are holding your beautiful babies at this point and i hope just for bragging rights try got there before there cousin. Labor dust****
  • Update!!! Please lol
  • I've been following this for awhile and I feel so bad for you!!! I am so sorry I hope those babies come out or the doctor induces u soon good luck!
  • Any update yet. I know i just started following but im dying to know and im sure everybody else's is too.
  • Just started reading, got through the long list of comments to find no update. I'm hoping that is a good thing! No more bad news for you. You MORE than deserve to meet those gorgeous babies of yours. Good luck!!!
  • Update when you can! You're in my thoughts and prayers. I SO hope you're holding those precious twin babies right now...:D
  • Omg if you aren't holding them by now, I will totally be squeezing your belly and popping them out myself! Lol. ;) hope everything is going great hun!! But the killing me!!! :-ss
  • No update? :( We sure are a bunch of crazy stalkers, lol.
  • If you don't already have your babies by now I will come and deliver them for you somehow :) hope all is well.. gosh I feel like a stalker lol
  • hope everything is ok ur probably really busy but we all just curious all the best xx
  • Ahh im anxious!! updates us im going crazy here lol.. :D hopefully ur busy with ur bundle of joys :)
  • Surprised by all these crazy stalkers harassing this poor mommy...gosh! ;-)
    So...are they here yet, we have been waiting for an update. LOL! I just joined the pregly stalker club!!!
  • Lol I know right. I can't help it :) ill stalk all day and night! We crazy ladies need an update :) I hope you have already had babies and I know either way pregly is the last thing on your mind lol but don't forget about us lol
  • Pregly stalk fest.
  • Best wishes hope you have two very healthy babies right now x
  • Ok getting worried!
  • ... :-ss
  • @mommyof4girls I saw you gave her your number, have you heard from her at all?
  • Wow, just read through everything. Hope all is well and babies are here!!!
  • Not yet... Im hoping soon.
  • Ahh I keep refreshing hoping theres an update lol
  • Praying for you and your babies!!! I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying your sweet babies!
  • ***UPDATE: IT'S GO TIME 3:18 PM CST***
    Sorry it took me so long! I've been busy. Basically they have been getting me ready for baby time! I've been so sick I started passing out, so for the last two days I have been building my strength up, and today doc said it's time for babies! I'm finally AWAKE, coherent, and feeling better than I have in months (and I don't even have pain medicine in my system!) I'm ready to do this! Thank you all again for your AMAZING support!! Seeing all the messages make me feel so very blessed! I'll update again super soon!
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