Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • Rock on mama. Lets go. Push them babies out. Whoohoo. I am so excited for you. Can't wait for an update. :D
  • OMG!! Congratulations! :D finally things get going in the right direction! Keep us updated :)
  • Hurray!! I can't wait for to hold ur babies!!!
  • Yay thank goodness u poor thing;) can't wait to hear the news
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  • What's the status
  • ? Nothing yet :(
  • Any updates???? I hope you have ur babies with you already!
  • Ha! Babies said "oh no our cousin ain't comin first!"
    Really really really hope next post from you is the babies are here! PS I love the stay puff marshmallow man;)
  • OMG I want to choke your doctor ! I just read this thread and am so so mad for you
    ! Your suffering all this time when you could've been holding your precious babies in your arms right now. But if it was his wife that was in labor you know damn right that he wouldnt let her suffer like how you are. Gosh. :/ This makes me want to talk to my doctor about her "induction policy" I hope all is going well for you and your precious angels are in your arms now. your in my prayers please keep me updated as well. ***********Lots of labor dust coming your way***************
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  • Sending you some double labor luv too!! I think tish, adrian, myself and a few others perhaps need to get our labors on and have our babies before the weekends up. :)
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  • Are they here yet?!!! So pleased you have got there! Good luck honey x
  • Oh my this is torture... Are they here yet. I wanna see pictures and hear all about it! Come on babies :)
  • Wow I so hope your babies have arrived. Good luck. Can't wait to hear.
  • Anything new yet?
  • You are KILLING us hun with this suspense! Lol hope you are holding your beautiful babies by now! :D update update update! Lol
  • @mrsstanley_x2 Im so hoping this is it for you. I look forward to your updates but I don't want to see anything not good. Im praying friend. Ill inbox you my number to text me when you're up to it.
  • Man o man the anticipation lol
  • I think I can speak on behalf of all of us who have been following your story when I say "you're killin me smalls" jk I hope the non updating is due to giving birth to two lil lovebugs. %%-
  • Hope all is going well! Can't wait for the next update!!
  • i have been following this thread for days and days! I read it to my mom and we both are praying for you. Now seriously, update us already!
  • @mrsstanley any more news yet???
  • I feel like a waiting, waiting, waiting....
  • I hope you and babies are doing great, can't wait to hear from you, I keep checking every few minutes lol I think we're all anxious..
  • Can't wait for an update! ♥
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