Wow! What a sorry ass piece of shit!! A mistake or lapse of judgement is one time...This guy is a pathetic joke! Don't give ur baby his last name, u don't have to! Try to get outta there asap with anyone u can..Try to be strong mama u have to for ur baby!
Oh damn mamas I'm sorry u have seen that..he's a sneaky little thing...I feel very sad for heart goes out to you...I can't tell uwhat to do but he's not gonna admit to it don't wait around even if u caught him in the bed hell gave some excuse....just make the right decision for u and ur baby what ever that maybe live with no that's sum hurtful shyt goodluck mamas...
I'm just so digusted. I had to take a break from all of this. I was getting crazy contractions, but now they've gone away. Tomorrow when i go to my drs apt i'm going to tell me about all of this and demand a full std test. i don't trust him. also going to request a therapist to talk to...i shouldn't have to be dealing with this during my pregnancy. I feel so betrayed its digusting.
Sweetie check the laws in ur state but in Missouri you don't have to give your baby his last name to get child support. He will prob have have to list.him as the father but give the baby your last name. I dated a mexican about 5 yrs ago, he mentally & physically abused me & cheated on me when I left he pleaded & begged me to stay said he would do I stayed......the next night everything went back to the way it was & I though oh shit this is my life.......until my best friend nope uh uh your not doing this anymore! That night we went & got my stuff. A year later I met my husband, my ex called me when he found out I was engaged & begged me to break it off & come back........uh hell no! You will find your prince but plz plz leave him! You deserve wayyyyyyy better & so does your baby! Go to a local church, explain your situation & they may be able to help.
Mommy I hope you're doing alright. I know you're in pain but nows the time to get out and away from him. Put it up on his facebook he has herpes... hah! Plus, I just looked closer at him and he's not a great catch by any means. He is far below you momma! You're absolutely gorgeous!!!! He's not even fit for a drunken one night stand. Lol You go get yourself a sexy looking, good man who'll love you for all you're worth! Like you deserve! Im here for you mommy! Wish I lived closer, id send my hubby to jack him up! He teaches MMA to the military. I can also guarantee those skanks are broke down busted ugly cause he wouldn't answer who's sexier cause damn right you are!
Going through the exact same thing. He left me with a disease and baby and found out he was dating 2 other chicks as well. I'm sorry you're going through this. no mother deserves to be treated this way esp while shes pregnant. Karma will catch up to them one day.
@singlemama I'm sorry you're going through this as well. It's definetly not something I want to deal with period. Karma is a bitch and it WILL catch up to him sooner than later.
@mommyof4girls I blew his whole FB up with those messages. He just signs on through his phone and deletes them, but they stay up for about an hour so ppl know what kind of piece of crap he is. I don't even think I could trust another man. At 22 I feel like I'm 80 and never going to be happy. Yeah the one girl he was texting that asked him that looks like she's been smoking crack, eating mcd's fries her whole life and smearing grease all over herself. *gags* I can only imagine what the other girl looks like.
@k_baBix0 I've punched the one girl in the face before for talking shit to me, but I guess she doesn't remember? lol Maybe she needs both of us to show her what's up. I seriously wish someone would just kick the shit out of him! He deserves it!
I know how that feels and all I could do is cry too, but you have to pull yourself together and you have to think about your baby you want the best for your baby and you don't need the stress its okay you can go on living life with your baby you don't need that kind of person in your life I can't call him a man because a man that says that he loves someone would never do that remember if you choose to stay with him you are saying its okay I'm going to stay cause I love you in other words I'm going to be here even if you do it again don't let him be strong its hard right now and you feel like its the end of the world like he ripped your heart out and you can't breath but again you don't need garbage like that in your life I will be praying for you!!!!! BE A STRONG WOMEN FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY
@EricaK22.. I had to go through 2 horrible relationships (one being a 6 yr marriage) before finding my perfect man. You are young, and its hard to find s decent and MATURE one at that age, but it WILL happen! Just take this relationship as a "what not to do" learning experience and NEVER let a man treat you like less than a queen. You let this one get away with it for too long.. Don't let the next one do the same! Chin up hon, you will be juuuusssttt fine without him!
Im so sorry this happened to you. I hope you respect yourself and your baby enough to leave him and not look back. No one ever deserves to be treated like that. Love your way gorgeous. Hang in there.
i'm not gonna read everyone's comments bc there's a bunch, but i've read a couple and feel like i should speak up... girl, if you have caught him starting things in the past, and clearly have proof right now, why are you worried about beating HER ass. the truth is, HE is the one dating YOU, HE is the one that impregnated YOU, and HE is the one that should be respecting YOU!!! YES, she's a bitch... hope she likes sloppy seconds! BUT you need to snap out of wanting to take things out on her and realize that the person you should be blaming is him!!! he's a piece of $hit to be honest, and not man enough to come clean. You need to leave him ASAP bc he clearly doesn't see any wrong in what he's doing, nor does he care about you or your unborn child when he's putting you both at risk for disease, and going out at all hours of the night. locking his phone and being secretive... really?!?! it's a huge red flag, and i'm sure you're a smart girl.
i'm sure i should be telling you to work it out and seek couples counseling but, i refuse to. you need to be strong for yourself and your child and finally realize the truth. he is not going to be a family man, and you don't need someone like that! you're stronger than you know and will be ok to do it on your own with some support. you don't need to be walked all over, and the fact that it's happening during what should be the most important time in your lives?! NO WAY!!
don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you a mess. yep, you can get mad, you can get sad, you can certainly speak your mind but let him see that you are proud and don't need to put up with it! you're better than that and when you're ready... there WILL BE a man that will love you AND YOUR CHILD like no other!! all b.s. aside. (i know, bc i am a woman who loves her husband and his 2 girls from his exwife like nothing in this world). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not put up with it, don't fall for any lines he'll give you now, or in the near future as to why. He's not worth it... and you and your baby deserve true love!! >:D< ((hugs)) i'm so so sorry that you are going through this, i don't wish it on anyone. but turning your back on someone that treats you like that is the best thing you can do for yourself and your child. STAY STRONG.
oh hell no beat his ass bloody! curb stomp him n the whole deal!!!! if u dont have a place to go if u break up n leave him fuck that ill move u in with me!!!! lol I dont know u but still I know what ur going thru and the stress it puts on u!!
Awww wow wtf I'm super mad!!!!! You need to leave him asap !! He should Love you even more that your pregnant with his child not cheat on you wtf beat his ass !
@mrsrocketfield Exactly! Perfectly said! Erica sweetie plz plz do the best for u & ur baby! I know it will b hard but if you stay & listen to his bs then you will have more drama in ur life on top of a newborn. HUGS!!!!!!!!!
My ex boyfriend cheated on me 7 times over 3 years and I finally left him and I am now with the absolute man of dreams who would never cheat on me, and who I am so happy with. You are wasting your time with someone who doesn't really care about you and that girl is a worthless slut, think about the life you want to live.
I just wanted to add that you posted you feel 80 years old and you will never be happy. Sweetie, now that you have the proof and basically caught him red handed, its now up to you. You are responsible for your own happiness at this point. You cannot be selfish hoping he will change or choose you over these hoes or whatever reason you are sticking around. You have a responsibility for you and more importantly your unborn baby. You can be happy if you subtract him from your life. If you stick around, he will continue to hurt you and suck all your energy from you. I wish the best for you and hope you make the safest, smartest decision for you and your baby.
Don't have to give child his name to get child support. I found that out to late with my first! The court will do a test no need to give baby his name. Sorry for what ur heaving to deal with.
He is not worth your fight you have the best of him in that little baby! Let them have him...there is way better down in sfl that will treat you like royalty! I have been in your spot...i look back and think thank god I walked away
Wtf! What a piece of shit!!!! No woman deserves that!!! Especially when you are carrying his baby!! Oh hell no! He would be kicked to the curb &paying that child support! Honey you're too good for him! You're in my prayers! Best of luck!
Oh, girl. If I were there, I'd take my hubby's issued baton to his balls until they fell off. You don't deserve that, and don't think for a second that any aspect of his infidelity is your fault. Also, that sorry mother trucker would be a terrible excuse for a father. Your sweet baby deserves the best, and if you're all it has, then that's plenty enough, mama.
You need to print that out leave it on the bed, pack your shit and leave. Take his ass to court for giving you herpes. There have been people who have been taken to court for spreading stds and won. Pray about it, concentrate on your baby, your health and leave that stupid bitch.
@mommyof4girls I blew his whole FB up with those messages. He just signs on through his phone and deletes them, but they stay up for about an hour so ppl know what kind of piece of crap he is. I don't even think I could trust another man. At 22 I feel like I'm 80 and never going to be happy. Yeah the one girl he was texting that asked him that looks like she's been smoking crack, eating mcd's fries her whole life and smearing grease all over herself. *gags* I can only imagine what the other girl looks like.
i'm sure i should be telling you to work it out and seek couples counseling but, i refuse to. you need to be strong for yourself and your child and finally realize the truth. he is not going to be a family man, and you don't need someone like that! you're stronger than you know and will be ok to do it on your own with some support. you don't need to be walked all over, and the fact that it's happening during what should be the most important time in your lives?! NO WAY!!
don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you a mess. yep, you can get mad, you can get sad, you can certainly speak your mind but let him see that you are proud and don't need to put up with it! you're better than that and when you're ready... there WILL BE a man that will love you AND YOUR CHILD like no other!! all b.s. aside. (i know, bc i am a woman who loves her husband and his 2 girls from his exwife like nothing in this world). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not put up with it, don't fall for any lines he'll give you now, or in the near future as to why. He's not worth it... and you and your baby deserve true love!! >:D< ((hugs)) i'm so so sorry that you are going through this, i don't wish it on anyone. but turning your back on someone that treats you like that is the best thing you can do for yourself and your child. STAY STRONG.
Erica sweetie plz plz do the best for u & ur baby! I know it will b hard but if you stay & listen to his bs then you will have more drama in ur life on top of a newborn. HUGS!!!!!!!!!
You are responsible for your own happiness at this point. You cannot be selfish hoping he will change or choose you over these hoes or whatever reason you are sticking around. You have a responsibility for you and more importantly your unborn baby.
You can be happy if you subtract him from your life. If you stick around, he will continue to hurt you and suck all your energy from you.
I wish the best for you and hope you make the safest, smartest decision for you and your baby.