Wow..caught him cheating and I'm 38wks...can't stop crying (long)



  • Wow he is such a dog...u should definitely leave him
  • If I was u I would start packing his shit. And put it to the curb. Seriously
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  • Oh sweetie you deserve so much better no one desrves to be treated like that especially when second chances for him! Stay strong girl and good luck!
  • Girl. Leave him. Ik its hard after 3 years. I was with a guy for 2 years and he cheated on me numerous times without me knowing. I was so hurt. But realized how much of a loser he was to do that to me. How I knew I deserved better. That he didn't deserve someone like me. Ik you care about this guy because he's the father of your child. But is it really worth the pain. Ik deep down you want the strength to move on and not be scared to do so and you can do it and ik its so hard to move on so late in your pregnancy. But he must not truly love you that much if he's doing that. A real man wouldn't do that. In a way he's moving on no offense. So you should too. He's always going to cheat on you. You are a gorgeous girl. You will find someone else. Don't rush into finding someone else. Worry about the baby. Your baby will make you the happiest person in the world.
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