Every Man cheats

I am convinced.......That every man cheats at least once. He may not be a cheater in his current relationship but he has cheated on someone else.......I do not believe that once you stay with a man who has cheated on you and you "forgive him" that he wouldn't do it again. You can never control someones choices....there no one is ever safe from being cheated on.....Yet women act soooo surprized every time!! Makes me soo mad and sad because I don't see how us as women can prevent it.........


  • I disagree.
  • disagree
  • You can't pevent it and not ALL men do but a lot of women do it too.
  • I disagree as well.
  • I disagree also mama but what happened is everything okay?
  • Agreed. He prolly did it to somebody at some point.
  • I disagree as well.
  • Go ahead and disagree......but at least so why??? I feel like women say they disagree because they are in denial or too naive to see it. I am not a man hater......I was raised by my father (my mother passed away). And I am raising 2 litlle boys. It just weighs sooo heavy on my heart that their is NO logical or absolute way to know that your man won't cheat on you.
  • I agree. They r naive:(
  • Respectfully disagree. I know many genuine men who have never cheated. I also know men who have, and have since learned and evolved into wonderful, trusting and non cheating men.
  • Oh and I never said that women don't cheat ........But c'mon.......let's be honest the numbers are not in the guys favor....
  • It's all about trust and faith that he will not hurt yiu, just as you won't do the same to him.
  • I also didn't say that in every relationship that the guy cheats.......please read what I said......because I am looking for someone with actual opinions on what I said not what your opinion of cheating is.
  • I won't say they all have cheated, but I will say more have than not. And yes, PP women are probably just as guilty. But I think most women do it for different reasons than men do.
    You're right that you can't control someone's choices, but you can control the consequences by leaving their sorry ass.
  • But Trust and Fate get violated ALL the time.......and if that's all as women we have then why do women act surprized and shocked when it it happens to them??? No one is safe.....period.
  • No not all guys cheat !! My parents been together for 25 years and neither have ever cheated, my boyfriend didn't ever cheat.. and Yes there is guys that do cheat but It's not like they can be so slick that you cant catch them, you just gota know what your looking for.
  • Yes. That is something to go on.......Maybe we as women should make the penalty stronger when this happens????
  • Why? Because every man is different and I don't think it's fair to generalize or stereotype based on personal negative experiences. Some have cheated, some have not. Just my opinion. I don't think it's naive to think so. Anyway, good luck.
  • Depends on what you consider cheating. Two years ago I would've totally disagreed with you. I didn't think my hubby would or could ever think of another woman that way. Never crossed my mind. Until one day I had the strangest gut feeling and busted him "chatting" online with a co worker. I'm still not sure exactly how far it went but I still feel cheated on even though it's very possible that talk was all that happened.

    But I have to say in my heart I disagree and sure hope you're wrong. But I won't ever say "not my husband" ever again.
  • True! I have never ben proven wrong on that one!
  • Lol.......I don't need luck.......I took care of my need for "luck". Also I don't by any means have this opinion based only on my expeireances......I have see it first hand.....being a hairdresser for 5 years and also being on the app for 8 months now.
  • I disagree. I am the first actual girlfriend that my husband had...lately he's convinced me its because he's difficult to deal with, but he works 12 hours a day, comes home and takes care of his child. I'm sorry you are having a bad experience.
  • I've been in a relationship with a guy that was constantly cheating and wit and honest guy who I'm now married to. You can't go around thinking every guy is a cheat BC then you'll end up alone and a sour old woman. My sons dad hurt me bad but I'm not gonna punish every guy in the world for his mistakes and stupidity.
  • My brother died when he was 22. He never cheated on any of his girlfriends. Cheated on tests in high school yes but not on his girlfriends.
  • SMH......I am not punishing anyone.......and I DIDN'T SAY IN EVERY RELATIONSHIP EVERY GUY CHEATS. Again please read what I wrote......I didn't say what some of you are responding too. The way some of you are reacting is exactly my point. It's soooo threatining to women to even address this. But I think it is seriously time that we stop acting naive about it and start coming up with some solutions in how we react when it happens.
  • edited July 2011
    @kristaff he cried??? Over an ad for porn??? Wtf? Lol...he might have some other issues....o lord. How do Ll these women 'know' anyone. U know he never cheeated? Or u know u never caught him. I never been cheated on...I don't think, but I'm pretty sure it happens all the time.
  • People have different opinions. What's wrong with how we're reacting?
  • I am a guy and have never cheated and nor would I. I have been with my wife for 14 years and she is the only person I have had sex with. Sorry but to say every man cheats is like saying every guy who has tatts must beat his partner.

    I get so annoyed when I see posts like this one targeting men just because of some wankers. Oh well thats my 2 cents.
  • edited July 2011
    Glad you chimed in! I hate sweeping generalizations as well. It's not fair. @dadof2n1togo
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