My friends bd is a sex offender (they say the girl was 17 but the sex offender website states the girl was under 14) he is not allowed to be alone with ANY child including his own, so another adult always has to be present when he is around his children or any children...sleeping with children is just plain disgusting and people like that should be locked up it makes me sick! If that 13 year old was my daughter I would kill him and I would also be very grateful to you for helping protect my child! Do the right thing and go to the day your daughter will understand you did what you did to protect someone else's daughter
I'm speechless! This isn't just a matter of cheating but being a pervert pedophile! U need to clear your head and as hard as it may be try to keep your emotions aside. U need to call the police and protect this poor 13 year old girl! Imagine if she was your daughter and
Call the cops and keep the messages as reccords bc trust me I had an ex cheat on me with a minor and its hard to live w I mean she wasn't that younger she was 16 he was 19 but if he can have sex w a 13 year old is keep ur baby away if he's capable of that ur daughter could be next I'm just saying I don't want to scare u but go to court take legal action
I'm speechless! This isn't just a matter of cheating but being a pervert pedophile! U need to clear your head and as hard as it may be try to keep your emotions aside. U need to call the police and protect this poor 13 year old girl! Imagine if she was your daughter and was being hurt. What about when your daughter is 13 and her dad hurts her. He has a sickness and unless u stand up and speak up he will hurt another girl. Not to mention his mom trying to take your daughter. She seems to have her head so far up her and her sons ass! Someone most likely molested him as a child as well and his mom might or might not be responsible for that. She doesn't seem to be very realistic when it comes to her son. U need to get the law involved to protect u girls. If his mom has visitation who's to say she wont bring her around her son.? I'm sorry to be so blunt and extreme, but u have to consider everything! U r in a very tough spot especially being so young. I hope your parents r home soon so they can offer u some support and guidance. I definitely think u should contact the police and cut your contact with him until u do so. Good luck and keep us posted.
Not trying to start no drama, but i think u should think about twice before u actually go to the police nd find out exactly wat happened, once u press charges keep in mind this is ur childs father regardless of the stupid crapp he does to u, nd it will be under hisname for the rest of his life,i understand how painfull nd how many things r going trouggh ur head but wat about if things didnt happen the way they seem, not taking his side just seeing in my point of view,{ been there} hope u have timeto think about before u actually take a decision
@mommyyara she was 13! I'm sorry, but why in the hell would anyone want their baby around someone who screws kids? Not ok at all. If she was 18, that's another story, but 13! Probably a middle school student, that's not right. She should be focused on school and being a kid, not having sex! And not only did he screw up, but then continued to talk to her about it and what they were gonna do next. She shouldn't have to think twice about filing charges. Just my opinion
@Romeike89 I totally agree with you. He knew her to be underage and they planned to continue sexual relations. What more proof do the authorities need? Here if the child is under 18 then there cant be more then two years difference or its illegal. Not only was she under 14 their first few fuck's but there is WELL over two year difference in ages. I'd haul ass to the cop's and report him. Keep us posted @mommy2b06
I definitely feel he needs to be turned in. What if he has serious issues Ans nothing is done? Your daughter will grow up and eventually be around him. What if something happened to her?? Protect your child and other people's kids. If that 13 yr old had been my daughter we wouldn't be having this conversation BC I would have killed the
**I'm going to the girl's school right now. I don't know where she lives, so I think this is probably the best way to contact her parents and get them involved too. My stomach is in knots right now. I know this is going to get pretty ugly. Also, how do I file for custody? Where do I go? I need to find a lawyer I'm assuming. I haven't even told my parents about this, my grandpa is really sick and they're pretty much waiting for him to pass. My mom loves my daughter to death and if I call and tell then its just going to add to everything she is feeling I'm not trying to get her sick. She's diabetic and has heart issues. so I'm going to wait till they come back, even though I don't really know when that is...
Well this 13 yr old was willing to do it too or else she wouldve said something already. So you cant really just blame him. Although thats incredibly disgusting and disturbing I agree with everybody else you should report him either ways
Little girls get manipulated by older men easily. Im sure some of us have been sweet talked at some point or another. She may have been ok with it, but that doesn't make it any less wrong.
You are doing the right thing, but I would suggest going to the police first. Thy can contact the girls parents and most likely get a no contact order put on him so that he doesn't try anything when u turn him in. It's gonna be hard, but we r here to help in anyway we can.
Well you can go to the courthouse or police station for no contact order that way none of his family is allowed near you. Look at phone book for family law attorneys which might be expensive. Try finding a legal aid, its free or low cost.
Get the police involved. The school will but then you risk you just looking like someone who is angry. My cousin is a cop in MO. He said if it's a laptop you saw this all on, take it to the police. If it's a regular computer, offer them a chance to inspect it. Also when they ask if you feel you or your child are in danger, say yes! They will put it on record & you can get a no contact order easier. Good luck & keep us posted!
First off you don't have to file for custody there hun. If you two aren't married the mother automatically gets the baby. If you do not report this hun you are provoking it I think in my opinion. Its like an alcoholic if you buy them beer or let them buy it its provoking it. I really hope you wouldn't put your child in that situation. If he really gets caught by the cops while your daughter is in his possession children services will take her until you are able to be there for her. I would hope that if they knew you that you knew about it also they may question you as to why you didn't tell them. That's what I would worry about. Hun im not trying to be mean in any way. I am just trying to look at things logically. As I have been involved with things like this before with my type of work. I wouldn't want you to loose your daughter. I don't know where you line at but I know here in Ohio if there is no custody / visititation set up through the court you don't have to let anyone see the baby. Its like your hiding evidence from the police to. Its like harboring a runaway kinda. You can get into trouble for that! Just my opinion I wouldn't let him see her without you being there!!! Id turn his sleeze bag worthless child molester a$$ into the police! What if it wasn't wanted by the 13/14 year old and she just gave in bc he threatened her you know. That's scary!!! Hun think about your daughter and her safety!! Good luck and keep us updated! I've some what been through this also with my ex also. If you need to chat im here!!! Sorry if you took anything I said the wrong way! I wasn't meaning to make you mad or anything at all.
A lot of states like mine, the mother does not automatically get custody. If baby went for a visit to dads she does not have to be returned until there are custody papers in order or no contact order and cops won't do anything without those orders because its a civil matter. I have been thru a short custody battle.
Some states are like that but i know in Ohio its not that way. That's why I said in Ohio. If it were me i just wouldn't let them go for a visit. Even if there isn't a court order the dad is still entitled to a visit. That's messed up. Im sorry.
I think the major point here is that he did something very illegal. Its your responsibility to report that crime.
As far as the personal standpoint, I know from experience that whether or not she consented, its wrong. Its called statutory rape for a reason. She cannot give informed consent because she is not fully informed. That little girl will now have a skewed view of sex, and I guarantee you it will affect her self respect. It can be as little as having poor self esteem or as dramatic as her turning to promiscuity and drugs.
Trust me. It took me 7 years of therapy to learn to respect myself and view sex as a form of intimacy.
Yes both of them are to blame but she is 13. What 13 year old girl do you know cries out for attention love and affection from an older man? LOTS. They seek out men that will show them just that. Obviously she is missing a father figure in her life and she needs a mans attention.
Your ex on the other habd is 23 years old. HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER. It is NEVER okay to sleep with a minor. He needs to be put in jail and suffer the consequences to his actions. I'm glad I don't have a daughter cause if that ever happened to my daughter a life would be lost. I would track him down and kill him. This is just gross that he would do something like that. And I'm not saying poor girl cause I know a lot of 13 year old girls that act and look older but he knew how old she was. He must really have some problems going on in his head to cheat on his gf with a minor. Go to the cops and turn him in. What if he did it to your own child when she got older? Be an advocate for young girls and protect them from this monster.
You are doing the right thing, but I would suggest going to the police first. Thy can contact the girls parents and most likely get a no contact order put on him so that he doesn't try anything when u turn him in. It's gonna be hard, but we r here to help in anyway we can.
As far as the personal standpoint, I know from experience that whether or not she consented, its wrong. Its called statutory rape for a reason. She cannot give informed consent because she is not fully informed. That little girl will now have a skewed view of sex, and I guarantee you it will affect her self respect. It can be as little as having poor self esteem or as dramatic as her turning to promiscuity and drugs.
Trust me. It took me 7 years of therapy to learn to respect myself and view sex as a form of intimacy.
Your ex on the other habd is 23 years old. HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER. It is NEVER okay to sleep with a minor. He needs to be put in jail and suffer the consequences to his actions. I'm glad I don't have a daughter cause if that ever happened to my daughter a life would be lost. I would track him down and kill him. This is just gross that he would do something like that. And I'm not saying poor girl cause I know a lot of 13 year old girls that act and look older but he knew how old she was. He must really have some problems going on in his head to cheat on his gf with a minor. Go to the cops and turn him in. What if he did it to your own child when she got older? Be an advocate for young girls and protect them from this monster.