I agree with @ta2edblondie if a boy is getting picked on because he has a doll...I don't think its the parents of the boy with the dolls fault. Its the parents of the child whose doing the teasing. I will never raise my children to think its okay to tease other kids. JMO
Would I be okay if my husband wore a dress or played with dolls. No. But I wouldn't be okay if he played with trains or dressed up as Batman. That's just cause he's a grown up. I think we should let kids be kids! Jmo again!
Idk its a tough subject. I wouldn't mind before he started school but my dh would flip. He's a ”manly man” and although I don't judge, my old fashion family and husband would try to teach him what's for girls and what's for boys. Yes I agree kids shouldn't be bullies and its mostly because of their parents but its going to happen so I wouldn't want to set my son up for it.
Well I cant speak for others but my mother taught me and my brother not to tease other people and WE DONT. So in my experience...does it mean it wont happen...yes that's what it means. But like I said..this is just my opinion.
And someones husband is different. They are grown men. We are talking bout children here..not adults. I just think there's a difference. Again..just my opinion. No drama.
If my son wanted a doll when he is older i would let him don't see any harm in it. If any kid or adult is horrible enough to pick on a child they will do it whatever toy they have.
Trucks are meant for boys. You don't see little girls on the commercials advertising them. I only have daughters and buy them trucks and planes and my 3 year old LOVES Buzz Lightyear and Woody. If I had a son, and he asked for a doll, I sure would buy him one.
@natashalynn lol right in YOUR mind he is too old for those things, in MY mind dolls are for girls they are marketed for girls they were created for girls. I don't think people are horrible for letting their boys play with dolls or even buying them dolls i have goddaughters pretty sure my son will pick up a doll! I just don't understand the mindset of buying them for boys but this post is helping me be more understanding because everyone is different and what I have learned is that different doesn't necessarily mean wrong ....
@Mimii36 and you n your brother NEVER said anything bad about anyone? Well that's awesome teasing is not right and I will teach my son that everyone is different and its not right to make fun of someone b/c they are different everyone don't go by the same rules and that's fine.
Great..I will be teaching my daughter the same. And no I wasn't taking it as drama. I just wanted it known that I wasn't causing drama either. You know how these pregly discussions can go bad before you can even refresh ya page. Lol
my son is 9 and went through a phase of being quite girly, asked for (and got) a kitchen and pots and pans, painted his toenails pink once and enjoyed playing with my teddies, none of which i was upset about. i noticed once he started school he became more interested in boys stuff and now if u asked him to play with a doll hed be horrified! quite sad when u think that as parents a lot of us are stopping our children enjoying playtime because we feel embarrassed their choices or preferences.Jmo.
@Mimii36 yes I know that Pregly can get rowdy at times lol and I know me if I feel offended I'll defend myself but I also wouldn't learn anything differently than my own beliefs so I keep saying I don't want to offend anyone and if I have let me know b4 it gets out of hand but its not bad at all :-) that's what's up lol! (Knock on wood)
@ta2edblondie it's really nice now almost refreshing I feel like I can ask y'all anything lol there isn't anyone in my life I can talk about this with b/c we all share the same views, so what am I learning lol absolutely nothing!
no i understand, to be honest i felt a llittle weird about him having a toy kitchen as to me that was a very female toy, but it so happens that my son is really interested in cookery and wants to be a chef so maybe its a good thing i let him have it way back when.
I bought my son a doll. My middle son wanted a baby. He wanted to be a daddy. He fed it, changed "diapers", carried it, and put it to bed. Like most toys he was only interested for a short while before he was a white ninja, soldier, ect. Why was I ok with it... I want to embrace and encourage everything he does. If his goal is to be a daddy or a doctor I want him to feel I support it.
@JoshnEviesmum honestly I would buy the kitchen b4 a doll, don't they make those for boys? I think if he gets older and likes to be in the kitchen that's normal men and women cook its not specific but if he get older and still wants to carry a doll that would be more weird to me...
@ta2edblondie I love your valid arguments lol I use to run a daycare so I still have dolls in the toybox that my 2 yr old plays with I don't mind really.
like said before when i take my son to my friends house she has 2 girls 1 boy and he plays with the dolls and strollers but i would not buy him a doll.
Cartier can not play with dolls if this baby is a girl they will b having separate toys when it comes to dolls and action figures and share games and technology but I'm not ok with but it's cool if others want to with their kids
now if he is bringing his sisters doll and says look mommy at the baby or kiss the baby I would give it a kiss and tell him thankyou and give his sister her doll
I use to run a daycare so I still have dolls in the toybox that my 2 yr old plays with I don't mind really.