do dollar stoRe test always an evap line?? w pix

edited June 2012 in Trying to conceive
ok so i looked at my test right now n theres a second line?! im not getting too excited about it because im pretty sure it was an evap line


  • i have no clue :( but i hope is a real line
  • idk much about evap lines!! =(
    @redshadoe0 can yu help out with this one
  • Photobucket
    its really a bad pix
  • I took that same test twice last month and no evap lines. Just one line.
  • the pic is so small :(
  • I can see something but it is a little blurry. They've always been real accurate for me. I took my last one about 4 or 5 days before af was due & got a very faint line. Does the line have color? If so it's positive., evaporation lines are usually grayish.
  • has great info & pics. Hope that helps :D
  • omg theres such a website LOL sorry.. i had to laugh at the name @Wilsomom
  • Idk how to mk it bigger :(
    @mimii36- I was Googling that n I got alot of mixed reviews
    @wilsomom- yes its pink
  • I can definitely see the line!
  • maybe you should take another test before i die of excitement thinking that this might be it.
  • That is a pink line. Im pretty sure its a positive girl! I don't mean to get excited if you don't want to but...I'm so freakin excited! Go buy another test now!
  • I'm pretty sure its an evap line! :(
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  • @Mimii36 you are as excited as me, i feel like going over her house and hugging her LOL
  • VAL why are you so sure??? :(
  • With all 4 of my kids I did dollar store tests and always had faint positives at first. They always worked great! It looks kinda like a faint positive to me :)
  • I had checked it between the time it says n therewas only one than later idk about 15 min later I was gna go throw it away n there it was
  • @janet_2011 I know! My hearts pounding like I just peed on a stick. Lol.
    & yes.. why are you so sure. It's PINK girl. GO BUY ANOTHER TEST! LOL
  • with my first pregnancy i peed on the same stick like 5 times because i wasnt peeing enough and i got a positive 10 minutes later... girl just take another test .. im crossing my fingers and jumping of excitement hoping that this is it
  • Well I've never had a negative turn into a positive even after the time period. So Idk. But the easiest way to know is to buy another.
  • Ohhh. Yes then it is an evap. It was invalid when you checked it again. Almost all tests will get a second line after 15 to 30 min or so. Dont look at them past five min hun!
  • Not to get your hopes up but with my second, I used the same test and I did the exact same thing as you. I took it, looks negative, started cleaning, then went back like 15 minutes to throw it away and it was a faint positive and I was for sure my 6 year old to prove it ;) I had a dream the night before I was pregnant and had an extra test and sure enough I was!! My dream told me lol!
  • Aww :( i was so happy
  • That's definitely a pink line!
  • @captivated I've looked at test days later and still no second line. But I don't really know much about evap lines tho so idk.
  • Thats exactely how my first test with this pregnancy looked. Get a better test n do it in the morning. I garintee a pos! Congrats dreams work wonders lol
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  • Ok, ive only had evap line w dollar store test WAY later than 15 mins. Girl, i thin u might have just got ur BFP!! Omg, omg, omg...... Im so excited for u. U MUST test again in the am and let us know ASAP!!! Aahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Yayyyyyyy! :)
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