None of my tests had a line appear after a negative, not even 24hrs later. I'd wait a few days to test, if you are preggo (fingers crossed) it'll give your hgc time to build. I do hope this is it for you! Super sticky baby dust!
Unless the line appeared within the first ten minutes, you cant trust it. I just took one last week (same exact test) and there was no line. I wasnt preggo. About 20min later I saw it and there was a faint line that looked just like your pic but it was definitely an evap line. AF appeared the next morning so I agree with @armahnismommy should test again hun
That test says right on the box to NOT read the test after 10min. My evap line was identical to yours hun. Not trying to be a party pooper, just dont want you getting your hopes up. Test again and update
Ive used dollar store tests everytime and they are very accurate, or at least they were for me but if the line wasnt for sure there before 10min, I wouldnt trust it just yet. Like I said^^ I just took the same exact test last week and got a very clear evap line after about 20min. Im crossing my fingers for you though. I hope you get confirmed good news soon
Gah!! Silly, you didn't tag me, either. It looks like a POS to me, but I think you need to re-test with fmu like the other girls suggested so you can say 100% yes or no. I really hope this is your BFP! You guys deserve this!
Are u testing again this morning? I dont wanna sound creepy but i totally had a dream about this last night. Lol. I was just so excited for u. Test again and let us know ASAP!
It looks like that BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!