Welcome to the September DDC!



  • lol I can't spell too early time to go back to bed
  • Ivf is in vitro fertilization
  • Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey..I just found out that I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant! Due Sept 7th! I recently got married, i have a 10 year old daughter..I always wanted to have another baby, so we are thrilled! So far, I'm pretty tired, hungry and have sore breasts. I'm also experiencing shortness of breath..anyone else feeling that? I'm glad I found this site..great to talk to people going through the same thing with you!
  • I'm 5 weeks with my first. I'm so excited & so nervous. My edd is Sept 11th (what a day lol) I wish all of u the best! Its nice to be connected to so many expectant mothers around the same due date.
  • Hey all. Just found out we're pregnant with our 2nd. Due sometime around mid September. Excited!
  • @greenmama thanks I thought that's what it was lol.... my mom did that its pretty interesting I think
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  • 6 weeks, first baby.....very excited and anxiously awaiting my first Dr appointment on Jan 21st. Sore breasts and crampy
  • Cramps....is anyone concerned by them?
  • Due sept 17th with my 2nd they are 10 years apart. Kinda nervous, so much has changed since my 1st. This time im really excited for this experiance I was only 19 when I had my son and didnt fully appreciate the amazing changes my body was going through to make my amazing son. No morning sickness yet, hopefully that skips this one, very very sore breasts, experiancing an extreamly hightened sence of smell and really really tired! Cant wait for my 1st drs appointment tomorrow. Congrats everyone :)
  • Cramps are normal especially with your first aslong as you are not bleeding heavy you should be ok water and natural juices can help
  • Cramps....is anyone concerned by them?
  • Sorry about the repeat message..still trying to figure this out
  • No bleeding just some cramps....kinda feel like menstral cramps. Just a litttle paranoid b/c of a past miscarriage
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  • Cslano: I know what you mean going trough it right now I had a live birth w my first pregnancy ( had cramps then) second one had a miscarriage (also cramps) third pregnancy no cramps, do you have a Dr? Keep a close relationship w your Dr but don't stress yourself not good for the baby
  • Just found out this morning! Edd Sept 16! Miscarried about 2.5 months ago with my first pregnancy, so I'm pretty nervous. I'm much more physically prepared this time though (hypothyroidism). :-)
  • edited January 2011
    Marina: I do have a doctor my first appointment is jan 21st. I'm really trying to stay positive, by putting positive quotes all around me and praying a lot. The first time I miscarried I have no cramps but I did have nausea. I don't have any nausea yet
  • Lol almost everyone on here is due before or on sept 15th...lol that's my due date:))) my 3
  • Cslano: ok good that's the first step your Dr will probably just re asure you that its normal and everything is ok :) quotes and praying always help nothing like having faith and leaving our problems and worries to the good Lord
  • pologurl: I'm wearing the same shoes but about 3.5 months ago very anxious and nervous lol but we must keep calm did you have to have a DNC?
  • Baby #2 due sept 7th! My first will be 3 in june!
  • Congrats to everyone! Im due Sept 1 with my first baby!
  • About the shortness of breath-- im experiencing that big time! Im about five weeks now and wow these symptoms are kicking my butt! I was relieved when I saw the shortness of breath posting. Im an athlete run all the time and work a sometimes physically demanding job so im thinking the shortness is from being pregnant!
  • edited January 2011
    @cslano hey I've been feeling the same way, I'm 6 wks and haven't had any morning sickness or nausea(unless I'm hungry lol) and I've had occasional period like cramps...I've read that light cramps are normal...I have my 1st Dr appt tomorrow so I'll update after I get checked out :)
  • My partner is due sept. 18th. We are praying for a sticky baby as she had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago.
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  • @Marina: I had a missed misscarriage at 8.5 weeks. I passed everything at 12 weeks. We found out about it on a Thurs and wanted to take the weekend to talk over our options. I passed everything naturally on Sun, so God made the decision for us. This was our first full cycle after everything and we're back in this again. :)
  • Due Sept. 10 2011. Our first child and I'm beyond nervous but ridiculously excited! (:
  • Just took a pregnancy test a couple hrs ago. Excited and bittersweet. This is baby #4 but my last one was a late miscarriage @ 16wk gestation just 2 months ago (delivered 11/12/10 was edd 4/10/11). We won't be telling loved ones until we get thru month 4, but I'm calling my doc tomorrow! :) Blessings to all!!! :)
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