Welcome to the September DDC!



  • As far as I know my due date is around September 12th. That's my fathers birthday and my birthday is the 16th. I'm around five weeks maybe. I went to the emergency room because I wasn't feeling well last Thursday and they said I was pregnant. I have had my cycle for December so like before I'm guessing I'm around five weeks. THis is me and my husbands first child. :-)
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  • EDD is September 25th and this will be baby #2
  • Estimated due date 13th september 2011. Seeing the doc tomorrow. Fingers crossed all ok.
  • September 5th. First baby. So excited got to see the hearbeat the other day.
  • September 10..... 9 10 11 lol
  • Sept. 23rd with my first
  • Due Sept 20th with my first! I'm so excited, we both thought there were fertility issues, finally stopped thinking ab it and OMG...we got a big fat +!!
  • Sept 7 with #3! I have 4 year old twin boys :)
  • Pregnant with my 2nd. Edd is Sept. 4. My daughter will turn a year old on Jan 27th
  • Im happy to become a father for the first time. Its very exciting and its nice to know you're not alone in this
  • Hi all. Due 18th sept with my 1st, after over a year of trying. Really excited and scared. All going well so far, except sore boobs and a little nausea. Good luck to us all!
  • We are having our baby September 13th...it is our first. We were just married in August. I have had really sore breasts, morning sickness all day, cramping, and don't get me started on how many trips to the restroom.
  • Hi! Edd sept 7 ! #2. They will be 2 years, 9 months apart! :-S how is everyone feeling?
  • Edd Sept 13th, this will be our 2nd. Our baby will be 10 about a month before this one is due. Just found today, only me & hubby know at this time. Complete shock and not sure how well my body will handle since I have fibromyalgia.
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  • edited January 2011
    Hello alll!! Have known for a couple weeks that baby number 3 is on the way. Due sep 3. $y son will be 8 tomorrow and i have preeclampsia with him he was taken eMergency csection 2 months early...daughter is 16 months and had GD with her...wondering what chances r for having diabeties again??
  • due sept 15th with our first...couldnt be more excited. well...or anxious or scared or on the edge of tears and dont know why...but mostly excited!
  • EDD September 18th!! We are so excited!! We were trying for a few months then decided that since we werent getting pregnant that we would plan our wedding for August 13th 2011, so as soon as we stopped thinking baby and switched to wedding...boom baby news!! =) we couldnt be happier to post pone our wedding to a later date!!
    First appnt Tue!! Cant wait!!
    Anyone already have their first appnt? what all goes on??
  • Hi, I'm Tiffany. I just found out yesterday that I'm expecting baby #2. This came as a complete surprise because I just gave birth to my first baby (Noah) this past August! My due date for this baby is Sept 21st, so here we go on this wild ride again!
  • Due the 15th with baby #1 :-)
    Had a miscarriage in October so very nervous this time.. but so excited!!!
  • Can't wait. Bb # 2 due on 9/3.....My first was a bb grl. Now hopeing for a bb boy.......:)
  • Due September 1st with my 1st! Very thrilled yet scared. Staying positive and excited for 1st appointment on 18th!
  • My wife and I just found out that we are expecting on 9/6. VERY excited and nervous. How many daddys to be are on here?
  • sep 17 my first baby. goin from no kids to 4 kids n lovin it (:
  • Hi everyone, found out on the 7th of Jan I was pregnant, and so far its been an emotional couple of days. I suffer from pcos, so needless to say I am quite worried. No nausea yet, but the cramping is really bad. Does anyone else suffer from pcos?
  • I found out christmas day that I'm pregnant with my third child. I have a 7 yr old step son, a 4 year old son and a 2 year old son, so I'm hoping for (but in no way expecting) a girl. I'm due 9/5 or 9/7, not sure which. I've had my first experience with morning sickness this time around, I've been quite emotional, and I'm exhausted. So far so good, tho. I don't have my first appt till 2/2.
  • I am due on 16th september and this is my third child. We have been trying for 4 years as my husband has a low sperm count. I resigned myself to the fact that it was not going to happen for us so I began a Nursing course. Now I am studying and pregnant and so happy. Congratulations to everyone! :-)
  • Est September 8th!! How's everyone feeling?
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