Welcome to the September DDC!



  • EDD is Sept 22!! I'm very nervous, I've had 2 miscarriages in the past, this is my third pregnancy and I hope everything goes well!
  • I'm new to this whole forum page :) according to this..I'm 7 weeks and 4 days due September 8. First baby. Congrats everyone!
  • Im Due September 15 This Is My First Child And Extra Happy Since My Birthday Is The Day Before.. A Virgo Baby Is What I Always Wanted..
  • Sept.22 with baby number 5, am already blessed with 4 wonderful girls, fingers crossed for a boy! ;) my 8 year old says there is 2-4 babies in my belly. Lol anything is possible tho & it is my generation for twins even tho my 1st 4 pregnancies haven't been. As long as baby/babies are okay and healthy then I'm happy!
  • Guesstimte due dat Sept.29
  • 5 weeks with my first. Due September 27th. Nervous, anxious, and excited. Big, sore boobs, and crampy! Lol
  • September 14th is my due date and the father of this baby's birthday lol
  • 9 weeks with our 2nd.very happy. Due sept 1
  • I conceived mine on Christmas as well. Do any of you lady's know what your hcg levels were at 5 weeks? I had mine done at about 4 weeks and it was 267, they tested me again @5 w 2 days and it was 7,500? Seems it went up so much???
  • Due Sept3 with baby #2! I currently have an 18 month old daughter :)
  • Does anybody knows if when u get cramps on the stomach is normal
  • edited January 2011
    Sept 22nd with my first. After over 2yrs of trying my husband & I are so excited that the reality is finally here!
  • My first pregnancy after 5 years of trying! Nervous and excited about what to expect! :) EDD Sept 24th.
  • Kry5talk69 some cramping is normal especially with early pregnancy its your uterus growing and stretching for the months to come. All should be fine as long as your not bleeding with the cramping. How far along are you? I'm 6 weeks pregnant with my 5th. :)
  • musicmomma CONGRATS! I'm due the 22nd of Sept. with my 5th. relax and enjoy being pregnant your little bundle of joy will be here before you know it!
  • Due sep 20th, have 1 son that will turn 3 in may, I'm so excited to get him a little sibling to play with, hopefully a gir :)
  • Due sometime between Sept. 3rd and Sept. 17th big difference had 2 ultrsounds done and the last one suggest that I am due on Sept 7th.....its hard to say.....I am super excited .....Have 2 boys that are 8 and 10 years old so this is a big deal around here......have my oldest one follows me around and says mom is that healthy for the baby? Its to cute....Excited to start over with a new Baby...... babies heart beat is good and strong.....going for an Ultrasound on Feb 17th .....can't wait to see baby again.
  • Congrats Moms... I'm due Sept 29th
  • Had my first ultrasound today and my due date changed from August to September 2! This is my third child and this is the worst pregnancy by far. I can't eat and I am sick all the time. Tired to the point where I can't function. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The symptoms were never this bad with my other pregnancies.
  • Due September 21st. After looking at miscarriage statistics I'm really worried about losing it. I have no morning sickness and frequent peeing and exhaustion are my only symptoms. I do have very minor cramping but it scares me everytime. Just taking my vitamins and hoping for the.best
  • this is my first pregnancy N I'M. Sooo nervous I'm due on Sept 16 n already been put on bedrest....I have mourning sickness throughout da day...brest are tender n lost appetite for food I'm very bloated ...da baby is takin da best of me already....
  • Expecting our second. Our little boy is 20 months. I'm almost 8 weeks, due September 11. We suffered a miscarriage in November but conceived again 3 weeks later. So far no problems but the norm: lots of nausea, frequent bathroom trips, and sleepiness! At 5 weeks my levels were nearly double average. Next appointment in two days and hoping to find out if we're expecting multiples or just the one. Either way we're stoked. Hubby just deployed and will miss most of the pregnancy but should be back for delivery! All in all doing good and very happy!
  • Electricboots, I never knew how common miscarriage was until I had one in November. Doc said its basically 50/50. The statistics are scary but its best to try and not worry and just do your best to stay healthy. I hope that each of you have happy & healthy pregnancies! Can't wait to stay updated with you all as we continue with this beautiful, but stressful, journey.
  • I'm 19 ..I've got a little boy, he will be 3 Sept 19 and my 2nd baby is due Sept 24 :):)
  • Sept 21st with #2 REALLY excited!
  • Sept 20. Anybody tell going through the morning sickness..
  • @ nikki920 Not yet, gone off food tho..
  • I am due sept 26 with my first...I am 43 and have had one m/c last oct. Hoping this peanut sticks!
  • Due Sept 15th with my first. Super excited and nervous! Hoping and praying all goes well :-)
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