Welcome to the September DDC!



  • September 5th. First baby. So excited got to see the hearbeat the other day.
  • I am ok, how are you? It is lovely to chat to other mums due in september :-)
  • Found out yesterday. I'm about 5 weeks due around the 3rd week of September. Though I'm a little concern as I've been having some cramps and this is my first pregnancy.
  • 2nd due September 20th! most excited father (maybe the only father) here
  • @kgentry87 that's expected in the first month. Gotta keep yourself hydrated.
  • Hey everyone im new to this but think im due 23 sept with baby number two...... Sooo excited :)
  • Im due September 5th so excited for my second bundle of joy!! :)
  • Due sept 1.. dnt really kno how to feel but still a little exicted
  • Hello All! I'm here just nt stressing and enjoining being blessed. Anyhoo hw is everyone? P.s. cnt wait till Wed
  • I'm due Sept 9 with my first. I feel car sick all of the time. Sometimes I think I'm going to throw up, bit it turns out to just be a burp. At least I'm not puking. The small cramps are weird. Can't wait for the second trimester.

    I called the midwives and they scheduled my first appointment for Feb 15, is that too far out? I won't have my first ultrasound until, like, my second trimester.
  • Also, I feel like on already starting to show. I've already gained almost 10 lbs
  • Due september 18 this is my second child this pregnancy is so different!
  • Hey everyone! Baby #2 due on my b day 9/20! Just like Marinated my son will be 3 in March. It's been a long journey to make this little bean. Anxious for my Dr appt this Thursday bc I had a bad ectopic about 18 months ago...
  • Haha. I meant "just like marina". Auto correct strikes again.
  • @chanel22 same edd as me! Best of luck hun. Does anyone know anything about allergies? My partner has quite a lot of them, eggs, nuts the list is long. Iv read to avoid nuts but completely unsure about the others.....any ideas??
  • I haven't been to the doctor yet but I believe my due date is the 19th... with my 2nd. Hopefully its a girl!
  • I have two daughters aged 14 and 9 so I hope this is a boy!
  • Hi ladies, my due date is sep 21st...my first baby, im sooo excited!
    I knew I was pregnant when I wasnt feeling tge same, i told my husband, "if im not pregnant there's gotta be something seriously wrong with me", the next day i when to buy a pregnacy test and was possitive, i took the second one and was possitive again, when my husband came home he was super excited...the next morningvu took another one n again possitive... I couldn't believe it...IM PREGNANT!!!
    now my body is changing lil by lil...
  • Due 9/25. I've had two miscarriages before this pregnancy, so I'm really hoping third time is the charm. Trying to stay peaceful...and sane. These hormones makes me feel crazy!!
  • @NamesteSista we both have tha same due date! Congrats so hw many weeks are u excatly because this thing confuses me
  • Congrats to you too! I guess we just started our fifth week! It is confusing for sure. Is this your first pregnancy?
  • Edd September 6th! Hubby and I are very excited. Our little girl is 14 months and we are very happy that they will be close in age!
  • I was waiting for this one...due the 16th. With the first.good luck everyone. Anyone here from northern cali?
  • I'm 6weeks today n I hope its a girl
  • Im due on da 12th of sept
  • Hey I'm jade due Sep 17, very exited! Really tired. Short of breath and cramps, this is my first so really happy! X x
  • edited January 2011
    Due September 7 this is my first child and its been exciting... Besides the cramps, tiredness and sore breast I'm ok.
  • Hi!! I am due Sept. 11th with my first. So excited. We tried for 21. My 3rd. Insemination was the lucky one!!
  • Hey ladies I'm due sept 18 with my second having some waves of nausea n sore breasts but other then that hubby n I are super excited
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