I, for one, am really concerned with my newborn shooting up. If not for the hep B vax, who knows what he could contract. I just hope he doesn't share needles. Haha sorry I just have to be ridiculous.
I also do not like fear-mongering but i feel as if it happens from both sides i get a lot of ppls 2 cents because i dont vaccinate people try to scare me into it saying rude things like I'm hurting my child if I dont vaccinate. I mean everyone should be able to like whatever they want on their fb page or support anything they want to. We dont all have the same views but its nice to see information being shared without the drama behind it.
I agree @salasmommy. One thing we all have in common is the want for the best interest of our children. I recently decided not to vaccinate my son, but will have to vaccinate my daughter due to the risk of her father attempting custody again if I do not. Unfortunately, the courts do not side with us on this matter (.non vax moms). I never look down on anyone's decision!
@rileyandme I think that a lot people who vaccinate think of people who dont vaccinate as "infected" when really it's not like that. The reason why we choose not to is to keep our child healthy and I supposed vax moms do the same too but i dont look at them as "infected" we all do what we feel as mothers is necessary for the safety of our babies.
I think there are extremists on both sides. @mom2ing, even though I am deciding to not vaccinate, and or delay vax, I do not believe the autism link either.
Met with a new ped today and expected to be read the riot act, but surprisingly, she only vaxxes her kids with MMR and nothing else.
@rileyandme there is diseases that can be spread anyway even if your child is vaccinated. I have family in mexico and they dont vaccinate and they are perfectly fine. I have never heard of anyone in my family or a close friend getting a disease besides the reg chicken pox
@captivated; I normally stay out of these discussions, but I must point out that it is almost impossible to compare vax to non-vax children with regard to illness and prevalence of disease. The data would be extremely skewed for the majority, which are vaccinated. They are unfair assumptions and shouldn't be compared.
Actually, the study was done very well @mijita. It is absolutely not impossible to compare non vaccinated children to vaccinated children in relation to allergies, chronic illnesses, etc...because it was done. It mentions how many were studies, how many vaxed and non vaxed. It all boils down to what you want to believe.
'The results of our survey with currently 11516 participants show that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases than vaccinated children. Due to the fact that the majority of children in the survey are between 0 and 2 years of age and some diseases generally do not appear in this age group, the results are subdivided into different age groups (you can see that by clicking on the chart). Information about country, gender, age, age distribution, breastfeeding, preferred treatment can be found here.
Atopic diseases among unvaccinated children
Asthma, hayfever and neurodermatitis are seen very frequently today. A recent German study with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age (KIGGS) showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children from hayfever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW) The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is around 2.5%, hayfever 3% and neurodermatitis 7%. According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic disease. Although we did not perform a bloodtest, around 10% stated that their children had an allergy.
ADS, Hyperactivity, Autism, Sleeping problems, concentration problems and migraine
ADS and Hyperaktivity is between 1 and 2 % in our survey, the prevalence of ADHD in Germany is 7,9% and another 5,9% which were not yet diagnosed, but were borderline cases(KIGGS).
Diabetes, Epilepsy and seizures, neurological and autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders
The national institute of health in the USA states that 23.5 % Americans suffer from autoimmune disease. This is a prevalence of more than 7% of children. Diabetes affects 0.2% of the children under 20 years of age in the USA (National Diabetes Fact Sheet) The KIGGS study showed prevalences of epilepsy with 3.6%, prevalence of Diabetes in Germany with 0.1% and diseases of the thyroid gland with 1.7%.
By clicking on the graphic you can see the age distribution of the selected diseases.
There are also autism cases in unvaccinated children. Among all participants there were 4 severe autism cases. Of these 4 children one tested very high for metals(mercury, aluminum, arsenic), in another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.
The CDC estimates that about 1 in 88 (1,1%) children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)(Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network). ASDs are almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 54; 1,8%) than among girls(1 in 252;0,39%).(Jon Baio, Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008, March 30, 2012 / 61(SS03);1-19)
Otitis media, Sinusitis, Herpes, Warts, Polyps and fungal infections
KIGGS showed that 12.8% of the children in Germany had herpes and 11% suffer from otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear). If you compare this to unvaccinated childen you can see that herpes among unvaccinated children is very rare (less than 0.5%).
The prevalence of sinusitis in young children has gone up as high as 32% (Albegger KW. Banale Entzüngen der Nase und der Nasennebenhöhlen. In: Berendes J, Link JR, Zöllner F, eds. Hals, Nasen-,OhrenHeilkunde in Praxis und Klinik. Band I. Obere und untere Luftwege. Stuttgart: G Thieme Verlag, 1979: 11.1–11.32.) In our survey less than 1% of the children have problems with sinusitis, in around 2% it happened only once or rarely.
In young kids under the age of 3 warts are very rare. Above the age of three years however the prevalence is rising. In the ages between 4 and 6 years, 5-10% of the kids have warts, in the age group 16-18, 15-20% have warts.
As we included open questions in our survey we evaluated the prevalence (of the first 10070 participants) of some other disorders and illnesses. Unvaccinated children show very low prevalences of the following disorders:
Salzburger Elternstudie (Survey of / by parents) (2001-2005) Results: Unvaccinated children -- virtually no asthma; vaccinated 1 in 10; and three to five times less Neurodermatis....http://www.impf-portal.de/aktuell/fragebo/fraboaus10.doc
Englische Kohortenstudie (1988 - 1999) Results: Vaccinated children are up to 14 times more likely to have asthma than the unvaccinated and up to nine times more like to have skin problems. http://www.impf-report.de/jahrgang/2005/02.htm#06
Langzeitstudie in Guinea-Bissau
Results The death rate for unvaccinated children is about half that of the vaccinated. [Ungeimpfte Kinder haben im Vergleich mit geimpften Kindern ein um die Hälfte geringeres Sterberisiko] http://www.ratio2000.de/gesundheit/news/news0104.htm
WHO-Feldversuch (field trials) in Indien (1968 - 1971) Results Unvaccinated kids are much less likely to get sick. On the basis of this study, stopped recommending the tuberculosis vaccination.
[Ungeimpfte Personen haben im Vergleich zu Geimpften ein erheblich geringeres Erkrankungsrisiko (aufgrund dieser Studie wurde die Empfehlung der Tuberkuloseimpfung in Deutschland zurückgenommen)]
Neuseeländische Umfrage (survey) (1992) Unvaccinated kids are five times less likely to have asthma than the vaccinated, 2.5 times less likely to have skin problems and 8 times less likely to be hyperactive. http://www.ias.org.nz/prelim_survey_results.htm
All this in the April issue of the "All-about-Vaccination Newsletter by Parents for Parents." The March issue http://www.impf-report.de/erschienen.php contains the detailed vaccination report.
But really, studies are studies. It just depends on what you want to believe. I could put a study in front of you showing that eating boogers boosts your immune system and someone else could put one showing that you will get an infection from doing so. Lol. I was simply showing that studies CAN be done between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children, as they have been, overrr and oveerr again. Some very well regarded and accurate studies.
What the studies aren't addressing most of the time, are the children getting the diseases that the vaccines are for. With the exception of whooping cough and flu, because those actually got attention from the MSM and it was proven that the vaccinated children and adults that received these vaccines were the majority of the ones contracting the illness.
The other bias' in this study may include the fact that parents of unvaccinated children are obviously concerned about the health risks of vaccines, and are more likely to make other healthier choices such as feeding their children a much better diet and using more natural remedies and using fewer pharmaceuticals.
I am definitely not saying vaccines are the devil and the cause of all childhood ailments and autism. I believe there are many extenuating circumstances and that GMO's, fluoride, etc all combined have a great effect on all of our health. Children and adults @mom2ing
Too bad the whole study is not included, this is just a excerpt, which in my opinion is bias. I'm sure the data is significant, but without the limitations and methods I personally cannot make an informed conclusion. I wonder if they have more current data.
I like that this seems like it was a longitudinal study. Now I'm curious.
Now, half the U.S. children suffer from chronic diseases and disorders and 21% are developmentally disabled. Yet the public health system always uses the sacred mantra “vaccine-preventable diseases” when referring to their top public health achievement of mass vaccinations. I think we should be talking more in terms of preventable vaccine-induced diseases.
"The vaccination status of patients was determined by review of medical records and by patient or parent report. Vaccination was considered up-to-date if the minimum number of doses by age had been received, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (2). Patients with invalid dose dates (e.g., date of dose preceding date of birth) were excluded from the vaccination status analysis. Individual doses were excluded if administered <14 days before symptom onset.
Valid vaccination history was available for 1,829 of 2,006 (91.2%) patients aged 3 months–19 years. Overall, 758 of 1,000 (75.8%) patients aged 3 months–10 years were up-to-date with the childhood diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) doses. Receipt of Tdap was documented in 97 of 225 (43.1%) patients aged 11–12 years and in 466 of 604 (77.2%) patients aged 13–19 years. Estimated DTaP coverage in Washington among children aged 19–35 months was 93.2% for ≥3 doses and 81.9% for ≥4 doses in 2010; Tdap coverage in adolescents aged 13–17 years was estimated at 70.6% (3)."
I only wish the the CDC or a "reputable" company would do the proper research and studies. Someone that DID NOT have a stake in profit by these. It is very hard to make an informed decision when both sides are so biased.
Met with a new ped today and expected to be read the riot act, but surprisingly, she only vaxxes her kids with MMR and nothing else.
Also, new research has shown that the majority of chronically ill children are vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children. (ias.org)
Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than the non-vax (German national health survey conducted by KiGGS).
Just thought that was interesting.
'The results of our survey with currently 11516 participants show that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases than vaccinated children. Due to the fact that the majority of children in the survey are between 0 and 2 years of age and some diseases generally do not appear in this age group, the results are subdivided into different age groups (you can see that by clicking on the chart). Information about country, gender, age, age distribution, breastfeeding, preferred treatment can be found here.
Atopic diseases among unvaccinated children
Asthma, hayfever and neurodermatitis are seen very frequently today. A recent German study with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age (KIGGS) showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children from hayfever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW)
The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is around 2.5%, hayfever 3% and neurodermatitis 7%.
According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic disease. Although we did not perform a bloodtest, around 10% stated that their children had an allergy.
ADS, Hyperactivity, Autism, Sleeping problems, concentration problems and migraine
ADS and Hyperaktivity is between 1 and 2 % in our survey, the prevalence of ADHD in Germany is 7,9% and another 5,9% which were not yet diagnosed, but were borderline cases(KIGGS).
Diabetes, Epilepsy and seizures, neurological and autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders
The national institute of health in the USA states that 23.5 % Americans suffer from autoimmune disease. This is a prevalence of more than 7% of children.
Diabetes affects 0.2% of the children under 20 years of age in the USA (National Diabetes Fact Sheet)
The KIGGS study showed prevalences of epilepsy with 3.6%, prevalence of Diabetes in Germany with 0.1% and diseases of the thyroid gland with 1.7%.
By clicking on the graphic you can see the age distribution of the selected diseases.
There are also autism cases in unvaccinated children. Among all participants there were 4 severe autism cases.
Of these 4 children one tested very high for metals(mercury, aluminum, arsenic), in another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.
The CDC estimates that about 1 in 88 (1,1%) children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)(Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network). ASDs are almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 54; 1,8%) than among girls(1 in 252;0,39%).(Jon Baio, Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008, March 30, 2012 / 61(SS03);1-19)
Otitis media, Sinusitis, Herpes, Warts, Polyps and fungal infections
KIGGS showed that 12.8% of the children in Germany had herpes and 11% suffer from otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear). If you compare this to unvaccinated childen you can see that herpes among unvaccinated children is very rare (less than 0.5%).
The prevalence of sinusitis in young children has gone up as high as 32% (Albegger KW. Banale Entzüngen der Nase und der Nasennebenhöhlen. In: Berendes J, Link JR, Zöllner F, eds. Hals, Nasen-,OhrenHeilkunde in Praxis und Klinik. Band I. Obere und untere Luftwege. Stuttgart: G Thieme Verlag, 1979: 11.1–11.32.)
In our survey less than 1% of the children have problems with sinusitis, in around 2% it happened only once or rarely.
In young kids under the age of 3 warts are very rare. Above the age of three years however the prevalence is rising. In the ages between 4 and 6 years, 5-10% of the kids have warts, in the age group 16-18, 15-20% have warts.
As we included open questions in our survey we evaluated the prevalence (of the first 10070 participants) of some other disorders and illnesses. Unvaccinated children show very low prevalences of the following disorders:
Dyslexia 0,21%
Speech delay/articulation problems 0,38%
Sensory Processing disorder 0,28%
Anxiety 0,25%
Depression 0,12%
Bedwetting 0,12%
Celiac disease 0,12%
Gluten sensitivity 0,41%
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) 0,06%
Unvaccinated children -- virtually no asthma; vaccinated 1 in 10; and three to five times less Neurodermatis....http://www.impf-portal.de/aktuell/fragebo/fraboaus10.doc
Englische Kohortenstudie (1988 - 1999) Results: Vaccinated children are up to 14 times more likely to have asthma than the unvaccinated and up to nine times more like to have skin problems. http://www.impf-report.de/jahrgang/2005/02.htm#06
Langzeitstudie in Guinea-Bissau
The death rate for unvaccinated children is about half that of the vaccinated. [Ungeimpfte Kinder haben im Vergleich mit geimpften Kindern ein um die Hälfte geringeres Sterberisiko] http://www.ratio2000.de/gesundheit/news/news0104.htm
Schwedische Studie an Waldorfschulen
Unvaccinated kids have a lower risk of allergies...[Ungeimpfte Kinder haben im Vergleich zu geimpften Kindern ein geringeres Allergierisiko]. http://www.waldorflibrary.org/journal_articles/rb5103.pdf
WHO-Feldversuch (field trials) in Indien (1968 - 1971)
Unvaccinated kids are much less likely to get sick. On the basis of this study, stopped recommending the tuberculosis vaccination.
[Ungeimpfte Personen haben im Vergleich zu Geimpften ein erheblich geringeres Erkrankungsrisiko (aufgrund dieser Studie wurde die Empfehlung der Tuberkuloseimpfung in Deutschland zurückgenommen)]
Neuseeländische Umfrage (survey) (1992)
Unvaccinated kids are five times less likely to have asthma than the vaccinated, 2.5 times less likely to have skin problems and 8 times less likely to be hyperactive. http://www.ias.org.nz/prelim_survey_results.htm
All this in the April issue of the "All-about-Vaccination Newsletter by Parents for Parents." The March issue http://www.impf-report.de/erschienen.php contains the detailed vaccination report.
What the studies aren't addressing most of the time, are the children getting the diseases that the vaccines are for. With the exception of whooping cough and flu, because those actually got attention from the MSM and it was proven that the vaccinated children and adults that received these vaccines were the majority of the ones contracting the illness.
I am definitely not saying vaccines are the devil and the cause of all childhood ailments and autism. I believe there are many extenuating circumstances and that GMO's, fluoride, etc all combined have a great effect on all of our health. Children and adults @mom2ing
I like that this seems like it was a longitudinal study. Now I'm curious.
The study has been copied onto hundreds of websites. I will post one up, but remember that the site is not the one who did the study.
http://currenthealthscenario.blogspot.com/2012/05/vaccinated-children-much-sicker.html-- This one kind of dumbs down the study to explain how it was done.
http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccinations-in-general/health-unvaccinated-children/survey-results-illnesses.html--This one more in depth.
The study is still being done. Take a look at the charts.
"The vaccination status of patients was determined by review of medical records and by patient or parent report. Vaccination was considered up-to-date if the minimum number of doses by age had been received, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (2). Patients with invalid dose dates (e.g., date of dose preceding date of birth) were excluded from the vaccination status analysis. Individual doses were excluded if administered <14 days before symptom onset.
Valid vaccination history was available for 1,829 of 2,006 (91.2%) patients aged 3 months–19 years. Overall, 758 of 1,000 (75.8%) patients aged 3 months–10 years were up-to-date with the childhood diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) doses. Receipt of Tdap was documented in 97 of 225 (43.1%) patients aged 11–12 years and in 466 of 604 (77.2%) patients aged 13–19 years. Estimated DTaP coverage in Washington among children aged 19–35 months was 93.2% for ≥3 doses and 81.9% for ≥4 doses in 2010; Tdap coverage in adolescents aged 13–17 years was estimated at 70.6% (3)."
all I could find on that lol @captivated
I only wish the the CDC or a "reputable" company would do the proper research and studies. Someone that DID NOT have a stake in profit by these. It is very hard to make an informed decision when both sides are so biased.