What foods are you addicted to now that your prego? Recipes are welcome!



  • Sushi! And cebiche :p
  • Deli turkey sandwiches and pickles.
  • For me it's ham sandwiches, mango or anything mango flavored (Mango-a-go-go from Jamba Juice..mmmm...) sweet tea, salmon and steamed veggies. Oh and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
  • Watermelon with salt, pizza, oranges, pickles with chicken fried steak and brown gravy from jimmy's egg, sprite with jolly ranchers, gummy bears gummy worms from candy store in our mall and subway
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  • Oranges and watermelon with chili powder, mango and papaya shake, corn on the cob with Mayo and chili powder, Frito pie, cucumbers with salt and lemon and rattlers from salt grass(giant jalapeños stuffed with shrimp and cheese then battered and fried to perfection! Yummy
  • edited March 2011
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  • @ babylyon11 omg!! I love Icees right now!! :) mostly cherry flavored but any will satisfy!!!
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  • Pizza and Strawberry Lemonade... Dilly Bars and white chocolate chip cookies... Apple Juice and Open Pit BBQ chips with ranch dip...
  • Samoa girl scout cookies. I feel like a monster tearing up this box
  • Reading all this is making my mouth water! Yeah, def Girl Scout cookies like Samoas. I've been eating pickled okras like crazy. Fresh ripe champagne mangos..got a whole case! Ice cream, cereal with banana and blueberried, any juicy fruit, and fresh baked french bread with butter and jam. The list goes on!
  • Popsicles!!
  • @gatorbob i honestly dont know what i'd do without my cup of wawa coffee almost everyday and omg i have to have a wawa sub with extra sweet peppers and tomatos at least once a week and right now i want some bublegum flavored big league chew...:)
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  • Cornbeef from the can with white rice and chile relleno! Mmmmm im hungry....
  • Enchiladas, mmmmm. Salads, mangos, watermelon & guava juice(:
  • I've been craving chicken alfredo, pickles, cheez wiz, asparagus, blue cheese, anything green veggie wise, cream cheese, cheese in general, lemonade, gallons of vitamin d milk, frosted flakes, cheesy chicken enchiladas and franks hot sauce. Ahh im so hungry!!!!
  • Sharp cheese with red and green grapes, apples, pizza, anything indian, coke (I hate soda so this one is weird), bananas, salad with cucumber and ranch dressing, and soup--potato when I can get it, but really any soup will do, I think it's just conpmforting. I also keep wanting wine... :(
  • I don't eat any kind of sea food or any thing yuk but not so sound stupid but i didn't think you were supposed to eat sea food or sushi while prego lol but me is grapefruit with salt :) mhmm yummalicious and pickles :) not together tho
  • Sea food is mostly fine, raw sushi isn't. But not all sushi is raw, some is cooked and some is made from veggies only.
  • I cannot wait to have this boy so I can enjoy a margarita on the rocks with some enchiladas at my favorite mexican place!
  • @fwee that sounds amazing! Ugh i dont turn 21 till next january but at least i will have my baby before then!
  • I crave whataburger all the time I can eat the gravy with hot cheetos! I never really wasa fan of eating meat but I love eating fajita!I even drink milk from the gallon! And like shrimp! And I hated seafood I never ate it in my life!
  • @fwee and @chels I loved drinkin a dos xx when I wasn't pgnt but now when I crave a cold beer I buy mineral water and get a glass cup put ice in it drip lemon and salt then pour the mineral water and voila!!! Just like dos xx :)
  • Black olives cool ranch Doritos honey mustard pb&j Bacon Cheddar crackers
  • See beer just sounds gross to me since I've gotten pregnant! I just want the lime and salt and the warm good feeling you get from them :)
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