Welcome to the September DDC!



  • Oh yeah and my edd is September 14, 2011 :D
  • Due date September 12th. Its my 1st child.
  • My due date is September 5th its my first baby so excited I have only gotten sick twice but my boobs are growing like crazy also nervous
  • @mom2be im due sept1 with #2 and very excited altho very sick! Best of luck to everyone! :-D
  • I'm due on the 17th. Its my 3rd child but it been 12 yrs since my last.
  • Hi my name is Victoria.and I'm pregnant of my 3 child.my due date it September 24 .I have a boy and a girl. I love girls so I hope this little one its a girl I'm so happy .
  • Congrats Victoria! Were due around the same time
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  • edited January 2011
    @mother5pgAgain-what kind of weird? This is my first time but I feel "weird" too. I have the normal stuff like sore breasts little cramps and fatigue but there is also this just vague weirdness.
  • I know its still super early, but is anyone showing? Even a little bit?
  • Awesome... yeah I just played vball for like five min and was hurting for air! Not too too bad but enough to notice! I think im going to wait until im 8 weeks to make an appt... yeah let me know ill be anxiously waiting!
  • Nayomie im not showing but man I feel like I gained twenty lbs since I found out last week.. I hope I don't show until the fourth month but I know I will show way before then!
  • I have put on five pounds since the beginning of the year. I am not showing, put people have been walking up to me telling me (not asking) that I am pregnant. It's the funniest thing.
  • Hi, everyone. I am 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I found out on new year eve. Due date is september 3 rd. no morning sickness nothing. I dont feel any symptins yet. But I get so tired everyday and hungry
  • Nayomie people are already saying that to you?? Wow! That's crazy! I guess one of the main reasons I don't want to show for awhile is I don't want my parents to know for awhile...
  • I'm showing alittle but this is my second child I'm due. On the 13
  • My names Crystal and I just found out today I'm expecting. I'm due the 21st and am really scared of doing something wrong. I work as a CNA so I'm nervous to hurt my baby on accident by lifting or transfers.
  • My name is Amanda and I am pregnant with baby #3! My husband and I are high school sweethearts and we have 2 daughters, madison is 5 and selena is 2. My edd is 9/25. Congrats everyone!
  • Hii everyone im 4 weeks n a day..just found out yesterday..dis will b my 1st baby but my 3rd prenancy I lost two n well its not a nice feeling..espesial when yuu get yur hopes upp..im really scare dis could b my 3rd lost..i just hope everything goes well
  • Mine is September 12,2011
  • My edd is September 10. I am in my sixth week with my second pregnancy. I lost the first baby in Oct last year and am very nervous about this pregnancy because I don't want it to end the same way.
  • Just took two test the other day and both say positive! Yay, hubby and I are beyond excited but also nervous (I miscarried two years ago and it was very traumatic)! So prayers for a healthy pregnancy! September 12 estimated due date :)
  • I am due Aug.22 with my first and we are hoping for a boy but will be happy really just want healthy.
  • edited January 2011
    Having #2, will be 6 years apart. Important pregnancy for us, remarried and my husband was told he could not have kids his whole life. He is also 20 years older than me. We are so EXCITED!!!!!
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  • Hey does anyone ever feel light headed after working out? I workout all the time and today for some reason I got done on the treadmill and went to the store and when I was in line I felt like I was gonna pass out. That was about 45 min ago and I still feel light headed and short of breath... I just want to know if anyone else has been or goes through this.?
  • Sept. 15th with my 1st...I'm happy, excited, nervous, scared, and just an emotional mess lol...my first doc apt is next fri the 15th...everything is planned but how to tell my fam, even though I'm grown, lol
  • Due September 7 with our first. Kind of a random question does anyone else feel totally exhausted after a hot shower
  • due sept 14th just found out last niqht.
  • Due 9/10 with my second, 4 years apart, can't wait! ;;)
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