Watch this. And bush was soooooooo bad? Please. Obama passed how bad bush was in his 8 term and Obama hasn't even finished his four years yet? But Ohhhh the man is such a wonderful president huh? Yeah... right
@saylorsmommy yeah that would make sense huh? But no, they put his body in the sea supposedly.. no one has proof he's dead, or at least if they do they haven't showed it yet. Why? Doesn't make sense to me. I want to see with my own eyes.
@2ndbutfirst thank you! There saying he was born in Hawaii... it took long enough to show his birth certificate.. does anyone not think a government can make a fake government birth certificate? His grandma said at the beginning she has his birth certificate and was going to show it... then she turns up dead? Yeah... Hawaii my ass
Watch the obama deception video on its crazy but has all the sources to back it up that whole website is the same but there is always credible sources
@SaylorsMommy that's exactly what I was thinking ... you would think they would know people would want to see proof for their own eyes! After hunting the guy fir this long!? That's just really dumb. Just like Obama & his stupid birth certificate, if its the truth just show it! Prove it & quit playing games. I haven't been a fan of Obama from the beginning, so its NOT because he hasn't 'changed' anything .. all that talk about 'change' he's been doing since the election just made me laugh. Im not for Obama because I don't agree with him about a LOT of things. I feel like he doesn't have morals, or not the same morals as me anyway. He's way to liberal, though he claims to be christian, & he's a socialist. If it were up to him... and if he stays president things will get real scary. The government will be 100% in control and bubye to our freedom. Oh... but we will all be 'equal'... forget having to work for anything, let's just count on the government to take care of us all so they have complete control. Makes me sick.
I can go on whatever post I feel like. If I want to voice my opinion then I can. Quit being a effin cry baby and accept the fact he is president and you can't do anything about it. I never said how you felt was wrong I have my opinion like everyone else and I stated it.
@kingsmom I'm not saying you can't comment on whatever post you want... my point is if your going to get on my post and talk about how its stupid and I need to get over it then what's the point in getting on here to begin with. I realize everyone has their own opinions. I realize I can't do anything about who is president. Doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion. You did... how is me voicing mine any different?
@rockinmomma oh man he pissed me off soo much. I don't give a crap if he told them it was ok to go in. HE should NOT have taken any credit what so ever! Ugh.
@Almost4 Lol what did I say that was disrespectful? I never said any names or talk to any of you directly. I stated my opinion and that was that. Just like you have yours I have mines. No one else was called out for having the opposite opinion....
@jamiesandefur I really didn't mean to offend any one. I want talking directly to you or anyone else on this post. I was talking about both sides. Even the people that are for obama. When bush was in office it was the same thing. I didn't agree with most of the things he did but I didn't complain because I knew I couldn't change it. You are very much entitled to your own opinion and I respect it. My first comment was to both sides of the matter not to any one specific.
It is a little funny to me that msdelrae commended this thread for being open and cordial but the probamas come in and bam, it starts getting mean and going downhill and arguing really ensues. It is a shame. THere probama got shut down so I guess this one needs to too...
@saylorsmommy I think I was the first pro Obama post on here and I never even saw the pro Obama thread on Pregly. Clearly we live in a diverse country with diverse opinions. We see that every day on this forum whether its about politics or what to dress your baby in.
Yea this thread needs to b closed for the simple fact non Obama supporters came in and bashed him which offended everybody so the post became a huge argument! U can't start a discussion like this and expect it to run smoothly! Although u say u want non Obama supporters to only comment is not gonna happen cuz we all grown n can write n say whatever! Btw, I'm pro Obama!
@Mommy_2 how exactly is this a huge argument? And who said only non Obama people comment. If your talking about what I said to @kingsmom then re read it. My point was I said if you think this read is stupid then go post somewhere else. That's it. You say this is a huge argument... ever think the argument is from you? I haven't said anything bad... just stating my opinion just like you... but your right and I'm not? Serioisly?
Its stupid to close a thread just cause someone doesnt like what someone else with it! Im so tired of having interesting threads shut down....enough with all the damn rules on this site. I think we are all adults and can handel our selves
@jamiesandefur of course I'm not starting an argument I haven't been posting.. but fyi I was commenting on when someone said maybe this thread should b shut down n I was agreeing and it should! Dnt know if u were da one to make that statement or not I was just saying so DNT COME FOR ME!
Watch this. And bush was soooooooo bad? Please. Obama passed how bad bush was in his 8 term and Obama hasn't even finished his four years yet? But Ohhhh the man is such a wonderful president huh? Yeah... right
Btw, I'm pro Obama!