Same sex parents



  • @ExcitedNewMom u have no idea. He is very funny makes me laugh all the time, even if it is at the stupid crap I do :)
  • I think theres nothing wrong, but defenitly hve to be carefull, theres evil people that will be bullys, thats the only scary thing about it in my opinion...
  • @Aandk1031 that was very well said
  • I agree with @andk1031 I feel the same extact way. I disagree with same sex parenting completly but I dont dare judge or treat them any different. I have gay family members and some friends and.i have always loved them and accepted them for who they are. Just because we disagree on something does not mean we cant get along well :)
  • There are good and bad parents. I dont think there sex should matter. I have 2 boys and #3 on the way. My neighbors are gay and we have many gay friends some with kids. Im raising my kids in a non biased non prejuidicial world. I think we owe it to our kids to raise them this way and u dont see why same sex parents matters
  • Its nothing to do with being gay, something i have no problem with. I figured everyone would interpret it this way. The simple problem if you can try and understand is this - How can people knowingly bring children into the world KNOWING they WILL be bullied. Im not talking as a young child im talking teenagers, horrible creatures who bully anything into submission. I just dont think i could do it to a child. And raising them not telling them about daddies which is the case i am reffering to ( a pair of man haters who are going to bring baby up as having 2 mummies and will not let them see any pictures etc with a mummy and daddy iin, seems wrong to me).

    Once again i am stressing the point, i am NOT anti gay i just have a problem with SS parents which is what i asking about so was not asking for an anti gay campaign on this thread and would obviously have no issues if my children turned out gay. My problem is merely as stated above and the fact that the ssp's i am refferring to are basically blocking men out of babys life and not bringing it up to know why men exist basically which im sure some of you would agree as incorrect, they should have an open mind.
  • You dont bring them in the world KNOWING they will be bullied. I know plenty ppl with gay parents who were never bullied. You dont KNOW they will be bullied.
  • If the babys a nerd it will be bullied 4 that and no one can stop nerds from being conceived as long as the baby is loved its its the same thing as having opposite sex parents who cares wut kids say wut do they knw
  • ok so if you knew that if you had a baby it would definately be a nerd with huge teeth thick glasses etc and would definately be bullied would you still do it?
    Its not about what kids say, its the fact that a child who is innocent will be put straight in that situation and its ok for us to say who cares what they say, its that poor kid thats gotta live with it.
  • I graduated with several kids with dame sex parents. I didn't even know about it till a few years ago its just that unimportant. My husband's dad has a husband
  • Any child can be bullied for any reason. Should no one have children then???
    Its our job as parents, gay or straight to teach them of acceptance, right from wrong and to give them all the love and support we can.
  • @mom2_4 do not be so rediculous. Oh yes no one should have children what a great idea?! If i knew my child was going to be bullied and have a horrible life and possibly take its own life i would not have it.
    Once again some woman jumping in without reading what i am saying properly.
    So i am a woman having a baby with my wife, i am going to bring the baby up with no imagery of men, no father figure and no male friends so it knows men arent needed, whilst preaching to others how this is what families should be like and the child wil be better because it has two mums.
    Does this sound right to you? I should hope not.
  • @ponylover - I could say the same. Did u read what I wrote?? I was trying to make a point,obviously it flew right over your head.
  • I do not agree with same sex parents. Where I live it is not ok to be gay! God created Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve!! Think about it!
  • I personally think that one should do what makes them happy. there is so little love in this world that if you have the chance to experience it you should no matter who it is with.

    @ponylover I understand what your saying I don't disagree with same sex parenting I do how ever disagree with how you said they are raising their children. To me that is the same as a white man and woman raising their children to reject a person of a different race. Prejudice is prejudice. But everyone must remember as a parent YOU do what YOU think is best for your children. And you have every right to raise your children how ever you wish. But ill stop there because I could go on forever on these topics.

    Baby dust to everyone and good luck :)
  • Not all same sex parents raise their children to "believe" men are evil and not needed. You're opinion seems to be biased based on the couple that you're referring to.
  • @ponylover I agree with you that rearing a child to believe that heterosexual relationships are wrong is a bad idea--imo I think rearing a child to believe that any relationship is wrong is a horrible idea. But to suggest that you know for a fact that a child is going to be bullied is sort of silly. I can guess that my kids will be nerds--my husband and I totally are and (to admit something that I will probably never say again) if my sons are jocks and don't care at all for education I know I'll be disappointed. But just because I know (or secretly hope, lol) that my sons will be nerds doesn't mean that I know they'll be bullied for it OR that I even THINK they'll be bullied for it. I never was. To offer another example, obesity runs in my family. I do everything I can to keep my boys healthy and at the moment they are all very skinny for their ages, but there's a chance that they will be chubby eventually. They may be made fun of for that, too, but it never once occurred to me to refrain from starting a family because of it. Kids are a**holes, yes, but to not have a family because you assume something so arbitrary seems like such a waste.
  • I believe people with ignorant attitudes raise ignorant children that grow up to be the ones that bully other children.
  • @jessica28 so so so so true.
  • Any child can be bullied for any reason. Same sex parents is rarely the case. Im a teacher and have never seen bullying for that reason and I know at least half a dozen kids with same sex parents. Not personally attacking u just adding my opinion
  • @jessica28 - I could not agree w/u more!!! Its very sad but also very true.
  • Oh ya, I'm a same sex parent and my child is not bullied for it.
  • Thank u jessica28 we raise our kids with beliefs in whats right and wrong. Props to u and im sure your a great mom.
  • Love is love. I'm VERY Christian, but god does not judge. Why should I?
  • @aalamillo you're welcome. I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I don't have ill feelings towards those that disagree. To each their own. I also believe that you can't judge everybody based on what one person does. We have two girls 8 and 3 with one on the way.

  • So most of you are talking about two women? What about two men raising a baby... The men I know wouldn't of raised a child without a woman.
  • The gay men i know would make great parents.
  • Speaking as a gay couple who would do anything to have a child, there is a lot of misinformation on here. And no, I am not going to bash anyone who has stated that they are against gay parenting on here, bc while I may strongly disagree with you, I still acknowledge that you are entitled to your opinion.

    I don't know any gay families who frown upon heterosexuality. If anything, if you think about it, a family with 2 moms or 2 dads (or a daddy and a papa as we hope to be), will more likely teach their children to respect people from all walks of life, because on a daily basis we have to deal with people who don't give us that same respect.

    And as far as not having children because they may be bullied. #1... this takes the responsibility off of the parents of the bullies of the world. That mindset lets the bullies win... It is only until those people who judge and pick on those who are different are stood up to, that the world might change for the better.... And 2nd, think of this, while I am not saying that being gay and being African American are the same thing, but just because there are racists in this world, doesn't mean that African American families / people should stop having children. The same goes for gay families like ours.

    And lastly, since I can't ignore a good oppurtunity for a plug, If you'd like to know more about us or follow our Adoption journey, please visit us and "like" us @

    With respect and well wishes,
    Mike :)
  • I 100% fully support same sex parents. I would hope my sister finds a future partner to have a family with. As long as 2 people provide, love, and support thier child, what they do in the bedroom is non of my business.
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