Circumcision = Mutilation...



  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe im sorry i didnt mean to come of rude
  • I mean...... I don't really feel like its that serious to argue over.. its really a personal choice..I defintly wldnt go as far as to call the parents lazy but I wldnt argue over it either. Its ur child. Make ur own decision
  • Yes it does reduce infections. I knew a boy who had to be circumcised at 12 year old because he was getting so many utis and such. Poor kid.
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  • @jbandno3 you're right, i only have 15 more weeks to do more research.. thank you :)
  • @tricesbaby I didnt youtube it but i did watch the medical videos provided at thr hospital that provided info on each procedure and what it entailed.
  • This Is tmi, but as a woman I wouldnt want to perform oral on any man not circumsized, just personal preference
  • I have 3 boys... not circumcised. They are teen and preteen and they play lots of sports. They have never had any issues social or physical. This baby will not be circumcised either if I have my way.But my bd wants him to be. I told him to have fun dishin out $400 (has to be prepaid)before I deliver in 5 days!
  • edited May 2011
    @Jamie77 most of the guy friends i know that weren't circumcised wish they had been, they said because of looks.. apparently it's like a big thing in the guy's life!
  • @lovemylife11 yayy.. do you have a name for the baby already?
  • yes his name is D'Mari Kadyn Rashad Brooks long i know lol hes gonna be a mixed baby
  • do you have a name @SharkMommy
  • @firsttimemommytobe I agree with you in the sense that as long as you take proper care then everything will be fine, however some elderly men are not capable of taking care of themselves properly

    Fyi @everyone babies foreskin cannot simply be pulled back to clean, it will not detach and pull back until some yrs later. And it doesnt need to be pulked back until it naturally allows for it, if you try to pull it back before then you could seriously injure your baby boy....just some info, that hasn't been mentioned here..
  • With regards to it preventing sti's surely that's not a good idea to tell kids growing up. They may think oh well I don't need to protect myself as I'm circumcised! You are at risk of catching an sti if you don't use a condom, circumcised or uncircumcised!
  • @mommabee13 thank you for the info, really helpful!
  • @lovemylife11 yes.. his name will be "Iker Didier" it means "most desired visit" :)
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  • I am having my son circumcised. It is my choice and the husbands.
  • @Summergirl22 very true.. my nephew had an ordeal.. since he was around 1yr 6mths he kept on rubbing onto things, my SIL asked the doctor why and he told her that it was because the skin on his penis wasn't pulling back properly and that it was uncomfortable for him..
  • @sharkmommy aww poor lil guy, hopefully it resolved quickly for him, and good luck with ur decision, either choice will be the right choice in the end :)
  • Well I'm having a girl bit my fiance and I discussed it if we were having a boy... my fiance isn't circumcised and when we have a boy he won't be either... I never had a problem with it and honestly enjoy sex with my fiance better than any of ky exs who were all circumcised... he was uncomfortable with it at first but he's ok with it now... and if my baby decides he wantssit done later then I would support him
  • edited May 2011
    Also honestly it is painful for the babies for the moments following right after, the doc only gave him tylonal which really did nothing, and I had him brought back immediately following the procedure and he was yelping he was in so much pain, ill never forget that day :( or that yelp, no one prepared me for that! No one told me that part, at the time I felt that had I had known it would be that painful I probably wouldn't have done it because I can't stand to see my child in any kind of pain, however I do not regret it, im glad I had it done for him, and I would do it again if I have another boy....good thing is it only lasts about 10 mins and they do not remember it
  • When my son is born im going to have him circumsised.. my husband had a horrible problem when he was three his foreskin wouldn't go back enough for his to urinate and it backed up into his kidneys. He is terrified our son will have the same problem and doesn't want to risk the surgery later. Im not by any means lazy when it comes to things like this. I actually have ocd with bacteria and I would still get my son circumsised because I hve heard lots of scare stories.
    can anyone tell me how to care for it after? It seems like it needs to be cleaned. But that alcohol would hurt excruciatingly!!
  • edited May 2011
    @myasmommy2009 all u need to do is put white patrollium jelly on it (all around it in a circular motion it takes alot each time) the hospital will give u the tubes as well as show u how...dont clean it! You need to wait for it to heal first...
    Also never use alcohol, on any wound (belly button as well) they dont use alcohol on cuts/wounds anymore, it actually does more harm than good
  • Both my sons were numbed with a cream when they had it done
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  • Alcohol causes the cuts to dry and close up before the inside of the cut has time to fully heal, thus making the cut actually take longer to heal! Its bad, and plus it stings like hell! For regular cuts and scrapes the best thing to use is saline solution
  • Have u guys watched that episode of strange sex. About the guy who called himself a foreskin restorer. And he made a device called The Tugger? Lol
    I personally will have my son snipped when he is born. Jus 5 more weeks and he will be here.
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