Welcome to the September DDC!



  • Found heartbeat 112 bpm @ 5weeks4days!
  • Due date September 14. First time for us. We are super excited, and we go to see our midwife in two weeks. Good luck everyone. :)
  • edited January 2011
    Hi all! Due Sept 22. This is my first time being PG, I'm so excited!
    Congrats to us all :)
  • Hello all. First time father to be here. Superbun89 is my lovely girlfriend. Excited to get advice from other dads.
  • Help,, woke up this morning with the normal. Cramps but when I wiped there was brownish disscharge, ( 5 week preg) is this normal or should I be concerned x
  • Prego with my first ...I find out tomorrow how far a long o really am, but I'm due sometime in September :-)
  • Hiya edd sept 17th super excited but nervous. Have 3yr old son and had mc nearly two year ago fingers crossed this pregnancy goes smoothly
  • Hey ladies I'm due sept 18 with my second having some waves of nausea n sore breasts but other then that hubby n I are super excited
  • Hi! My EDD is 9/15. Third baby fourth pregnancy. I was wondering if anyone else has extremely fast labor? With my first I had her in 2 1/2 hours second was 8 minutes! Third was miscarriage. I hope this one makes it all the way :) But nervous I will have it at home!
  • im due on the 4th sept. this is my firsst but three months ago i had a miscarridge at 6week. im hoping that this one be the same as the last bt i feel more sick this time abd hungry x
  • im due on the 4th sept. this is my firsst but three months ago i had a miscarridge at 6week. im hoping that this one be the same as the last bt i feel more sick this time abd hungry x
  • im due on the 4th sept. this is my firsst but three months ago i had a miscarridge at 6week. im hoping that this one be the same as the last bt i feel more sick this time abd hungry x
  • So excited baby number 2 on the way I'm due sept 13th. I have a 3 year old little boy who hopes he is having a brother lol. Congrats to all the september moms!
  • Two weeks ago, 3 nights in a row, I had dreams of getting positive pregnancy tests. Finally decided to really take one and it's positive. Took 4 months of trying. Also, I noticed my dog likes to lay by my belly again just like how he was when I was pregnant with my first. Due Sept 23.
  • That is really cute maryly I want a dog like that. Congrats to everyone though. Im due sept 23 to after 13 months of trying hope all goes well september mummy's
  • been to the docs today EDD 7th sep :-) so excited!
  • Hi all pregnant with my first baby and cant stop stressing on my 5 week nearly the sixth havnt had that much sickness only 1s. Does cramp mean u going to have a misscarage hope it dont.
  • No cramps doesn't necessarily mean miscarriage. If its accompanied with bleeding you should seek professional attention. I've been cramping a lot went to doctors office and it was because of dehydration. My muscles were working extra hard and caused me to cramp
  • edited January 2011
    I havent had a baby in 9 years..im so nervous. Im due in Sept and Im not having too many symptoms..except for sore breast. Im worrying myself sick
  • 5 weeks, first baby due September 27th and very excited but anxious a little. Not to happy about the mood swings I been having towards my boyfriend.
  • I am due September 1st with number 3 I had to give up my first little girl because I was only 15. Now I have a 15 month old and expecting again. I can't wait hopefully a boy I have my little girl.
  • Hi I'm 5weeks and I've miscarried in may also had a tubal pregnacy in sept so back at it again I'm not that nervous I really good about this one... I'm married and this is my second one I'm extremely tired sore breast and I've been having alittle uterus pain is that normal
  • Hi Everyone, my name is Joni, I'm from Texas. I am due September 17. I have a son that is 9, so they will be 10 yrs apart, very nervous. I just recently started feeling very tired and cannot sleep at night? I had 5 miscarriages 7 years ago. S
  • Hello ladies my Edd is 9/23. I am so so excited and a lil nervous had a stillborn in 2006 but I am staying positive and have doctor appt 2morrow. Good luck to all of US.
  • September 21st with my second!
  • Hey all. I'm due September 9th, (really hoping not the 11th!) This will be my first so I'm really new to all this! I'm so excited!
  • I'm due Sept 12th with my first. I've been so sick and fatigued that I lay in bed all day.. I don't know how people do this with jobs. It's horrible! I only hope it gets better by the second trimester. Congrats to all!
  • Sep 3rd with my 3rd hoping its a boy
  • Hey ladies,when are u u gonna know the sex of the babe? I still didnt have my first app yet so I am clueless. Didd the bumps start showing,
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