teen mommy group =]
Okay teen mommys I figure this group would help us not feel so alone and be able 2 talk threw what were going threw and meet some new friends =] well here's my story I'm 18 12 weeks pregnant due august 7th and I scared shitless too tell my parents. And I feel more alone in this pregnancy its crazy emotions crying for no reason and having embaressing stuff happen.. can't wait too here from everyone
I'm 27 weeks.
its my first bby && its a girl.
I'm with the dad(:
&& like all of you I was scared to tell my parents I told my mom first then my dad
since I thought my dad wld kill me lol
but now they are bith happy(:
&& nine weeks pregnant..
My parents were dispointed but supportingg.(:
7 weeks and 4 days:-)
with my fiance whos more excited than me i think lol hes v.protective of me and the baby lol
v.scared to tell family, but some people know :-)
i dunno when my firdt appointment will b
I'm 7 weeks along (8 tomorrow!)
I was nervous to tell my family, but I haven't lived with them since I was 17 and I'm married now. My parents took the news really well. I'm so glad they're being supportive and they're happy to be around for the first baby in the new generation of the family
im 17 and 17 and a half weeks pregnant. Im still going to school, a jr in high school, and im with the baby's father. Have been for 2 years. He's 18 and a senior this year. I find out the sex of the baby on friday(: I cannooottt waiittt. It was the cutest thing. The other day me and my bf we.re talking about the baby and he said to me "babe im so fricking excited to know if its a boy or girl" that made me happy(: