teen mommy group =]

edited January 2011 in Teen moms
Okay teen mommys I figure this group would help us not feel so alone and be able 2 talk threw what were going threw and meet some new friends =] well here's my story I'm 18 12 weeks pregnant due august 7th and I scared shitless too tell my parents. And I feel more alone in this pregnancy its crazy emotions crying for no reason and having embaressing stuff happen.. can't wait too here from everyone


  • I had my son when i was 17. Was totally scared t tell my dad but he stood by me an ne an my mun r that close she helped me anyway she could an now im pregnant with me second and they are both really happy for me. Im now 22 an i understand what ur going through. Its hard vut ur not on ur own ur family will love u no matter what. An if they take the news bad remember ur startin ur own family an u will be the best mum that baby could ask for.
  • Hey I'm 18 and 15 weeks pregnant. I'm due july 19th. Of course ur parents may be a little pissed at first but they'll come around I promise.
  • Ya its so hard like there my adoptive family and there so strict and like they don't believe in sex before marridge so I'm terrified too tell them but I would love for them 2 know
  • @tashy0669 awwe have you found out what your having?
  • Im 18 and 8 weeks I dont feel like its real at all. But my mom knows.
  • I'm 19
    I'm 27 weeks.
    its my first bby && its a girl.
    I'm with the dad(:
    && like all of you I was scared to tell my parents I told my mom first then my dad
    since I thought my dad wld kill me lol
    but now they are bith happy(:
  • Im 15
    && nine weeks pregnant..
    My parents were dispointed but supportingg.(:
  • I'm 19 and 25 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child I had my first when I was 15 n I was so terrified to tell my mom so I hid it till I was 6 and a half months pregnant n she was calm with it till she told my step dad n he flipped out n I had to move out n back with my grandma n my grandma stood ny my side through everything
  • Hi im 18to bt I really cnt say if im prego cuz I dk yet im workin on it lol bt I have a 6 month bby
  • Im 15 and 9 weeks pregnant.
  • Wow ur young ahay
  • I was 19 when I had my son I was also scared to tell my mum in end I got my nan to tell her. If she was dissapointed then she didnt show it. Nw here I am again am 23 nw and 6 weeks pregnant and again scared to tell my mum. I dnt know why im scared to tell her im a adult and have been witht my bf for 5 years. Good luck to all you girls
  • I'm 19 years old and I have a 3 year old son. It was hard telling my family but they quickly started helping me so I could finish education and do more. I'm now pregnant with my second child, 30 weeks and 1 days. :-) same father as my son. Don't know what we're having, my dad took it fine, mostly because it's the same guy. Good luck to all of you. :-)
  • Heyy girls :) im also 19 and this is my first im 30 weeks and 4 days today! I was super scared to tell my bfs parents bc i dont live with mine so thy dnt even care but they had very high expectations for him and college and when they found out about it they took it fine! Thy were very dissapointed but very supportive! Just remember girls everything happens for a reason <3
  • Im 14 and 26 weeks I was scared to tell my parents but I told my mum and she told my dad they were disapointed but very supporting xx
  • Im 19 and 6weeks pregnant havent told no one but my boyfriend. Im scared out of mind to tell my parents. I go for my fir ultrasound feb 17
  • I'm 19 nd 10 weeks pregnant. I was scared at first to tell my mom but she was supportive when I did. She was also 19 when she got pregnant with me so she understood. My fiance nd I are really excited
  • I'm 19 and I'm 15 weeks pregnant. My mom died 2 years ago so my sister took me in and telling her was the hardest thing ever... I was called an"f$#%*g retard" at first but now she's really supportive. Now it's on to the rest of my family :-/ I've been with my Guy for 4 years and if my family can't accept it.. well too bad, my life, my body, and my time to start a family of my own :) stay strong guys!
  • I'm 18* but I will be 19 by the time my Baby gets here
  • SheridanLM1991 your story sounds very similar te mine. It's crazy lol. I am 19 have a 3 year old son 17 weeks pregnant and mine is also with the same dad and we are actually married this time so my parents couldn't be to upset. Lol. Best of luck though.
  • Oh really? That's cool! Do you find it easier being excited about this pregnancy? I love my son dearly but being so young I was terrified and had a hard time enjoying it, I feel like I can relax a little bit more this time. :-) best of luck to you too! :-D
  • Im 19 & im 4weeks pregnant its my 1st child and me and the babys father are still together. Wen I told my mon she wasnt as mad as I thought she would be and she supports me with any choice I make.
  • im 18
    7 weeks and 4 days:-)
    with my fiance whos more excited than me i think lol hes v.protective of me and the baby lol
    v.scared to tell family, but some people know :-)
    i dunno when my firdt appointment will b :/ x
  • I'm 18 .. just turned 18 and I just found out I was pregnant today. My whole family pretty much knows. My fiance is excited he told his sister who is also excited. I am also very scared bc I hate drs and needles
  • I'm 19. Wasn't sure at first if that qualified me as a teen mom, but I guess it does.
    I'm 7 weeks along (8 tomorrow!)
    I was nervous to tell my family, but I haven't lived with them since I was 17 and I'm married now. My parents took the news really well. I'm so glad they're being supportive and they're happy to be around for the first baby in the new generation of the family :)
  • Well hello teen mommies to beeee(:
    im 17 and 17 and a half weeks pregnant. Im still going to school, a jr in high school, and im with the baby's father. Have been for 2 years. He's 18 and a senior this year. I find out the sex of the baby on friday(: I cannooottt waiittt. It was the cutest thing. The other day me and my bf we.re talking about the baby and he said to me "babe im so fricking excited to know if its a boy or girl" that made me happy(:
  • If its a boy we.re naming him Ezekiel Josiah Lopez and if its a girl! Amery Lopez. We can't think of a middle name for her. Haha
  • Those are great names... if I have a boy I also want his middle name to be Josiah.. I love that name but my bf really dislikes it so any hopes for having it as a first name went out the window
  • SheridanML1991 yes very much so. I love talkin about it this time and shopping for it. Where as last time I was sacred and embarrasdd.
  • @due_in_july exactly my boyfriend has had to stop me buying every cute baby thing I see lol :-)
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