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- 08lilmomma11
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I can't sleep either :( too much pain. I hope you feel better soon.
Goodness. I'm sorry :( maybe its the way your little one is laying and pulling on your spine. I get the whole spine thing on ocassion but like I said mostly lower. It sucks a butt load esp while walking.
Have you told your doctor?
Mine hurts but its usually lower back pain with cramping. Doc said its normal but who knows. I only have 5 weeks left.
@happymommyof2 what made me laugh was that he said he could pay the almost 700 dollars and then proceeded to say "I have abt 127 in checkings and 12 in savings" lol yeah ur totally paying that off right now:P lol
@angeliaandme I keep it elevated at night and during the day when I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off lol and water has been a major must lately. I hate the heat! @fate okily dokily :) thanks!
@fate is there any specific brand of the hose I need to try?
@fate I don't think I'm ever laying down long enough besides at night. My mom yells at me because I refuse to lay around all day ergo..leg is constantly moving. It swells more when I am out and about.
I got one craving that I wanted allll the time and that's subway:D still have it!
I only use it on here..I don't really know what else to call him. His friends don't even know I'm pregnant and the ones that do ask who I am and he says "some chick". A little degrading but whatever. I say baby's father or sons daddy when …
I've been watching it with my mom religiously. I cried when caseys dad cried.
Yay! I'm jealous:) I would like to lose my mucous plug but instead I'm just losing my mind:) haha jk
Adyrian Raelle? Possibly..
Thanks for all the prayers. Its definately a big hit on our community.
What does colors have to do with a child being straight or gay!? Lol silly man. I'm not doing pooh bear..I refused. Were going to do a turtle theme:)
@socalmomma2boys ripping her a new one doesn't even describe it lol I think what got me the most was that she said an embryo isn't a baby before 9 weeks.
@socalmomma2boys I just don't understand what she is trying to prove? Trust me...you saying you hope she gets a nasty infection isn't as bad as what other ppl were saying. @excitedforbaby that's exactly what I thought.
@tishj330 definately hurt my feelings as well:( @blueberrysmom I wanted to comment soooo badly but I refused. I must say I'm proud of myself I usually have a huge mouth.
@excitedforbaby she says she has a point to prove? Strange and yes very mind boggeling.
@blueberrysmom I don't personally know her it was just a random blog. I wish I could try and change her mind BUT so many people have tried on there and she said that she wants to get it done only to prove a point that no one can control her. She als…
@murphy89 she has one kid already. @blueberrysmom not so much thinking about her decision but thinking about the innocent child who has no say:(
@blueberrysmom I was so mind blown when I read it! I don't even know what to think.
@murphy89 I think that's what she was trying to do! I am not trying to get attention or start anything on here...I just read it and wanted to see what other prglys think.
I guess I was just in shock that someone would say that mainly because so many women can't get pregnant or have lost a child(my condolences). She just seemed so selfish about it:(
I have a doctor appointment next week as well. Ill be talking to them about that and I've also been having (maybe to much tmi) discharge to the point where I have to wear panty liners. He's pretty big..like 5 pounds. Hopefully I don't go into early …
You should definately let me know what your doc says if you go in because I was 33 weeks yesterday and I was having almost the same stuff. I dunno if it would make since but, while walking around everytime he kicks or rolls it is super uncomfortable…
I'm due August 10th as well:)
I just ignore it:) that same stuff happened to me like three months ago (the name bashing and wall posts) but now I just steer clear of it. I come here for all the advice and read some of the funny posts. Pregly is probably the only thing keeping me…
@2nsmiracleontheway I am pretty positive that she will weigh more because that's a stretch of time for her to not to. At my 28 week appt mine weighed 2 pds 9 ounces and just last Thursday he weighed in at 4.5 pounds. And if you look up top pregnantl…