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- Bethybaby
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Just had my baby girl about 48 hours ago via induction. Went in monday night @ 8 and was 70% effaced and less than 1cm. Was given cervadil and sent to my room to sleep. Next morning ae 9 was started on pictocin....was having non registering cont…
Pennsylvania prayers!
Try to get him to breastfeed anyway....even if its for a few minutes. Pump every two to th ree hours. Fenugreek....lots of water. And eat oatmeal, it helps
At @hismom20.... Thank you. It is a painful memory that we don't talk about often. It hurts to think of all the families who have suffered because if this.
Used avent with the first three and will use them with this one ttoo. Did the same thing..... pumped and did formula. I also switched to soy formula and that helped alot.
My husband is a retired ny fireman. His firehouse want to fast from there. He was there that day and for two weeks there after. He lost a lot of friends.... a tragedy.
@mammy_yaya Thats right. No worries... My little ones just came to visit me and their new little sister. They are so excited! Soooooo cute.
Congrats.... I'm with @sunshine25.... Sticky dust!
Thank you all for your support. While I'm not the biggest one for posting, I have gotten a wealth of knowledge from this forum, even with being fourth time mommie. I hope I can give someone else insight thru my experience.
Thanks everyone! @azmom.... No hes on his way now with the other three. BUT, my mom suprised me and got there about a half hour before. She was there, cut the cord, got tired about forty give minutes later and had to go. But I was soooooo happy s…
Alright, well this the cervadil brought me to 3.5 cm. started pictocin at 9 am. Was having mild contacting when they started it. Within a half hour I was contacting every two minutes.....but the pain was tolerable. Checked at 2:30 because pain …
7:00 am....Nurse woke me up to do vitals and got me my stuff to take a shower. Phase two.... pitocin.....starts in an hour....
Was 1cm but 70% effaced. They are going to start pit in am.
Good luck @naliibby2. I'm in l&d too and just got first dose of cervadil at 8pm. On my own with no support this time around (hubby home with kids, and mom is recovering from major surgery), will you hold my hand via droid?
Congrats mama!
@beardreams I heard the same thing.... So I will let you know. My sil had her first natural and second induced, she said induction was easier, and way shorter. She had epi with both. I never had an epi and dont plan on getting one.... And all my…
@beardreams... good point, cause you know men think all we do is sooooooo easy....
@survivormommie3 Yeah.... Kinda feel for him. We have three at home under age four. The probably have him bound and gagged by now
@laine923..... How far along are you?
Sorry hun :-(
Neither did I....but I'll give you a bump and hope someone else can help you out!
I eat one banana and two tums fifteen minutes before bed. Its the only thing that seems to work. Read it on I prego forum. Went from having them every night to about once a week.
Had that with my first pregnancy....not until 32 weeks though. They monitored it with ultrasounds. Apparently the levels can change rather quickly. It does cause a buildup in pressure.... So I did have him early (my water broke on its own) @36.5 …
Just had mine on wednesday. It was super quick. Three swabs outside the vag and one just slightly inside your butt.
My first was four weeks early. The next two were one week late! Good luck.
Tried to use then with my first but they leaked terribly. Called playtex and they actually refunded me like seventy dollars. Didn't really like that there are a lot of pieces to them either. Used avent bottled for the rest of that pregnancy and m…
@5lilangels... Bless you. I could never do number five. Mine are 3.5, 2.5,18 months and one due in 3 weeks
thats very true (the outta the house thing). Never really thought about that... something to look forward to.... In about twenty years!
@rckprincess2 ....thats why all mine are close together. I'm 33 & my hubby is now 42. We wanted a big family....but spacing then apart would put him at like fifty by the time we were done. I'll suffer right now with my sanity. But it'll be …
It is def great that the more you have the less expensive things are.... Because you reuse them. I have two boys and a girl....next one is a girl. So everything will get used at least twice. But after this one shops closed!