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- Boopynbeebop
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I hope so sweetie plzz let me know what the outcome is! Ill let u know as well tk care!
Hey ur not alone so don't fret! I am in a similiar situation and my period was the same day as your..but my cycle is longer so I'm stuck w did I ovulate early ..late and so on....but just to clear your concience I feel the same way I've had feelings…
Its most likely your bf...plzz let us know what happens! I still have 18 weeks till I see his face! Hope then I can tell!
Aww h ang in there I've been praying and believing in God for the answer! I thinkh anything is possible hence mary and joseph ...jesus! If God wants something 2 happen it will...ask him to give u a clear cut sign ... but u have 2 take two weeks off …
It was @rockinmomma not rockinmama oops!
Well I feel really relieved I'm not the only one :) I slept w my ex 16 days after my current bf at the time...I really am stress out...my cycles are usually 38 days long and my dr said I concieved between oct 6 and 10...well we slept together on the…
Aw! Well said mama! You sound like a very intelligent lady ..who has a lot to offer such a blessing as a child!..I'm in a similiar position and your message really made me smile! It has been really hard beleiving God will come through and provide. A…
Well how quickly can they implant I wonder? so if there saying between the 6 and the 10th then could it of been around the 13th?or was it more likely the 27?
Yeah keep in touch! U r a life saver!! we can see who has theres first lol !!
Yeahhh thank u! Have no ides how helpful that was!! Phewww
Did u 2 have epidurals?
Due june 30th ..NY..upstate
Your not alone..I absolutely so not like being pregnant one bit....17 and half weeks...its hard on the body..I'm usually around 120 lbs and gaining weight is really hard to deal with but I remember how in love I was w my son so just praying it goes …
Idk depends on your period and when it came if u can narrow down the days u had ex then ur prob righ
I have a feeling I'm having a girl soooo if I do I wana name her Jocelyn Victoria...or. Sienna Rose or Sophia Ann or Katerina..or lejla Ann....lol the list goes on and her room will be pink and turquoise!! For a boy I like the names Isaiah or Isaac …
I'm Due June 30 th....!! W # 2 very excited! I'm 26 from NY
I believe dreams can b symbolic...same thing happened 2 me last february and every month I obsessed over it bc of that dream ...well as soon as I said screw it I'm nuts that month I got a big ol positive so its possibly things 2 come? Keep me posted!
I would wait 2 many risks and since your certain who cares he will look like a jerk in the long run keep your head up girly!!!
I have a 6yo boy and am 17.2 weeks...w /#2....excited and nervous due June 30th...Hoping for a girl but a ill b happy either way!