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  • I'm not completely sure but I think it would just be ligament pains. I asked my doctor about it at 34 weeks n that's her answer. Now I'm 39 and my contractions go around my lower stomach back and thighs. "/ good luck!
  • R yu leaving pregly now??
  • Maybe for you its ok to raise a child at 14, so you would keep the baby, but what if someone views that differently? If all their lives theyve tried to make their parents proud and telling them theyre pregnant would reject them and want nothing to d…
  • what I mean by that is you dont know their situation. Maybe for you, the baby your holding could be born happy and healthy. What about rape pregnancies? What happens when the rape partner is a member of your family? What option WOULD YOU give them?
  • Im speaking about abortion in general, whether theyve had it or whether they are deciding whether to have one.
  • @angelsmommy well sometimes what you believe are open options for you arent for other women. You dont know their situation and shouldnt push them off of the forum just because you believe there is always a way around it. Hear them out, they are huma…
  • @MikeandRonAdopt sooo true and thats a point I tried to make also. Many women come on here and post about abortion and some have changed their minds. And if thats what it takes.... who are we on pregly to push them away because we dont agree on the …
  • There are many different reasons for abortion but getting into that would cause sooo many unnecessary comments. Some see it as murder while others see it as the only option. I call it.... LIFE.
  • @jay_brad But you cant jump to the conclusion of that being their reasoning for coming here and posting their situation. You would have NO WAY of knowing that. And if people can come on this forum to post about food, movies, sex, drugs, smoking a va…
  • @jay_brad It does when your PREGNANT and not sure whether keeping the child is for you or not. And many times they come on here to discuss it and get opinions that may change their mind. Hence.... a forum. The problem is, the topic is sensitive and …
  • I do. Its a waste to go to a restaurant. I'll eat and get full and uncomfortable almost instantly and wont finish not even half of the plate. Im in my 2nd trimester.
    in question Comment by Bumby2011 May 2011
  • For your comfort and security, yea you should.
  • It is a forum of pregnancy and everything that comes along with it. Unfortunately abortion is on that list, yes it is at times saddening, especially the posts about it but all we can do is stay out of those threads.
  • Once you have that bond with her, you'll know that even if it takes years... itll be worth it as long as its for her and you know if you ask for the help from the office or even child services they'll help you especially because your young and you n…
  • Take care of her the best way you can. My mom was 15 when she had me, didnt have her mother or her father, and my dad went to prison. But somehow she always found a way and because of that shes the apple of my eye. I adore her and have so much respe…
  • With her, loving her and being everything for her, her mom and her dad you wont feel alone. There will be a day that comes where you find a guy that is willing and deserves the title enough to be called her daddy. Its not something to worry about. F…
  • Sometimes i feel not as excited as I should feel. But thens theres others where I feel her move and I see her in the ultrasounds and her heart beat. And sometimes when I think about it Its really the bond that IM going to have with HER. You dont nee…
  • Giiiiiirl Im right along with you. Not due until september 29th and im not so happy about being pregoo aaaaall summer long. I live in FL so you can only imagine. My ankles are swollen and I wobble too. 21 weeks and 4 days
  • You guys are so right. My friend had hers outside in FL in the beginning of my and had flowers made out of chocolate, unfortunately they all melted. but it was still spring time colorful!
  • Cute. :0&
  • And could of said things a little different so that i wouldnt hurt anyone. Yes my account is new, and no it doesnt mean i should use that as excuse as to why it may have come off the way it did, but now I know i should state my posts with more thoug…
  • Cause and effect has no reason for rude and hateful or distasteful comments towards anyone. So at this point trying to shed light on your comments isnt worth any effort. You didnt have to call me a bitch for your comments pretty much mean the same t…
  • It does, your putting stress on yourself and your body. In my opinon I feel that if you dont stress it as much and let things just happen on its own. It will come naturally and easier from my pov UNLESS there is medical reason that would hinder that…
  • Because this is a forum and seeing soooo many different women posting countless amounts of post ttc, I questioned why try so hard. And no one at one point could give me an answer without being completely rude and off the chart. :/
  • For the women trying to concieve, I can understand how the post may have been hurtful and I apologize. When i posted the discussion I honestly didnt take into consideration the mc's and losing children. I didnt mean to offend you and may god bless w…
  • @mrs_shu exactly most dr. wont. Personally I have a good family friend of mine who went to the dr. to have her egg fertilized and needed that extra help, but she went and LOOKED for it for ACTUAL medical reasons. And i understand THOSE situations. W…
  • @OregonMama and I understand THAT urge to want to be a mother because even if you arent TTC as a woman, you get that urge PERIOD. And my opinion is that when your not trying as hard and your letting your body work on its own without the stress, it m…
  • Bless all of you close minded women who jump conclusions and are in fact so judgemental over a stated opinion. No need to state names because its OBVIOUS. I find the name calling funny a bit amusing. May you all have happy healthy babies. %%-
  • I COMPLETELY AGREE. I would LOVE for @mamakat @mrsdelrae and @martin to close this post, because obviously many women on the forum can not have a mature conversation and a little close minded. Theres no need for more than half of these comments. I d…
  • BTW Im not telling anyone... how to FEEL about ttc. Im saying that in her situation i see where trying to have a baby would be difficult. But for the most part MOST of these women TTC dont have these issues with the bd on the forum posts. They are j…