Came up with a new plan. So its obvious that my "expected" ovulation days are wrong. Ive been following thoes days for a whole year exact. Maybe im ovulating earlier or later, so me and my husband has been (starting since af stopped) having sex. Everyday so far, but were aiming for every other day (we can't keep our hands to ourselfs) im praying to concieve by augest/september so i can have another may baby
... The journey countinues........

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- Dumanityann
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:'( That Would Scare Me. Gade She Is OK
Im The Same Way. I Even Go As Far As Serching Wat My Kid "Needs" But In Realit Mii Kid Is Ok. I Cant Go Out And Buy Me Somethin Butt Not My Kid Sumthin. I Feel Realli Guilty, And A Bad Mom I Have Alwayz Carried My Kangaroo Pouch So I Have…
I was shocked. I dont know what ill do if my kid did that. Very sad.
Me too. How r u feelin?
He needs help. Sorry u r goin through this :(
Hi, how have u been?
Yea.. I went to login now it ask for a password :(
Joined :)
Wow.. 11 pounds. Good job lol Congratulations
Good luck everyone. I haven't gotten my period this month. Idk if ill Test until the new year. I'm not ttc but no way I'm preventing it either :)
@devinedesign that's great. Everyone came last night so the whole family is here now. This is my sons 3rd christmas @bambi that's great. I hope you have a good time
@momof4gregory merry Christmas :X any plans today?
@devinedesign merry Christmas :X @ilovemykids86 merry Christmas :X Any plans for today?
Welcome to pregly. I am as well is a new member. :) Congratulations on your baby
You forgot to tagg @Homebirthadvocate correctly lol
I hope everyone has a blessed day
I hope you get your blessing :)
Single life is the best ;) when u find the right one, you'll know. Good luck & kerp in touch
Beautiful family. Congratulations on your daughter
That is Beautiful. Great tip. Ill keep that in mind. Is that your house?
Tierd, gassy, overall fustrated, Maybe wants her daddy? try playing music. Turn on the water faucet
I'm not trying either. But I'm not using any birth control. Sorry about your ex. Sometimes it can be better that way. Your Beautiful & you seem very smart. I believe that god has everything set out for us in the future :)
I'm not trying either. But I'm not using any birth control. Sorry about your ex. Sometimes it can be better that way. Your Beautiful & you seem very smart. I believe that god has everything set out for us in the future :)
Yes :) how long u been Here? Its ok if u get my name wrong
Hope u feel better. Yea there's no much over the counter meds you can take while pregnant. Good thing your 40 weeks, are you going to get induced?
I'm just glade the steelers blew out the Rams 27-0 lol