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- Gabriela
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@Pinkigirl has his eczema ever spread anywhere else @proudmomma did ur sons eczema go away completely and if it did how old was he when it left
@Smiley17 why does the quartizone not work that's what im using for my son right now
@jellybeaning11 No it doesn't say I've been giving him two and a half every two hours he's two weeks and three days now so im not sure if I should increase it or stay at that amount
Yeah I know I don't want him to be tainted by their stupidity and all the wrong that they do. I love him so much and I want to keep them away for his sakeif I could just keep my family away from them forever I would im sure we'll eventually think of…
Yeah me too it sucks especially since they want to be around my son and they are just such bad people I don't want him to be around them
I know exactly how you feel I swear I just want to tell them off whenever I see them they are so obnoxious and just all around bad people his mother takes advantage of him in every way imaginable the bitch even takes his money out of his bank accoun…
:) don't worry im sure ur little bundle of love will be with you soon :)
Good luck ladies labor dust for all of you don't give up :) im in l&d my baby boy decided to come today yay!!! I wish you all the best
Thanks ladies im still at home my contractions aren't getting any stronger im gonna call my doc tho because I've been having them for long now
Soooo jealous!!! :) im due the 17th and still nothing :/ congratulations on the baby she's beautiful
Me to im so bored and tired and I want my son and i want my body back :) we went in to l&d on saturday and it was a false alarm im dying to have my son with me im due saturday but I don't think he's coming anytime soon :(
My hubby tried to do my toes for me but he's no nail professional :) I had to do it myself I just feel so awful all the time I can't do anything without it being a huge struggle haha gatorbob I wish I could curse I gave it up for my little one tho i…
That happened to me Ive had two baby showers both of which sucked i got no attention from anyone everyone did their own thing kids running everywhere people in little groups and no one came to talk to me i literally sat at a table just me and my hub…
I had an ultra sound this monday I was 36 weeks and two days and he was 6 pounds 4 ounces is that big because everyone keeps telling me I need to watch my weight I've gained 30 pounds
Haha I just realized my idoit phone wrote donuts instead of baby wow I feel smart. Well that sucks survivormommie3 I just keep looking but nothing stands out and my baby daddy is of no help he's all but hurt because I don't want to name our son afte…
He's a boy its really stressing me out
Sorry about how many times I posted it my phone sucks a whole heck of a lot for a smart phone its really dumb
Well this is my first as well but I think ur supposed to take some comfy clothes like sweats don't forget the bras and undies you can take an extra pair of clothes for your baby daddy as well if hes going yo stay with you andsocks sandals or slipper…
Well this is my first as well but I think ur supposed to take some comfy clothes like sweats don't forget the bras and undies you can take an extra pair of clothes for your baby daddy as well if hes going yo stay with you andsocks sandals or slipper…
I get it to it sucks it just feels so awful every time we have sex I feel it im 32 weeks today it usually lasts about an hour for me and really ruins sex
Oh my gosh im 31 weeks and I've gained 24 pounds and my doctor told me im gaining to much weight and I feel just awful I hate stepping on the scale it sucks
Yeah im getting paid on friday so I'll probably head over to the mall they have the cutest little shops
Thanks ladies if I do shop for anything I'll make sure to keep my receipts so that I can return things just in case
Yeah I guesit is more practical to wait but I just love shopping for our son its so much fun and it just makes me so happy but yeah I guess I'll wait
Im sure she'll be a wonderful healthy baby girl just try to keep the stress down I know how hard it is but what helps is to try to see things in a positive way. I know how you feel as well 1stWoodsbaby I used to have everything and I could go out an…
Well my mother told me that everything you feel the baby feels so I try to stay positive at all times which is really hard but I try :) I wouldn't know if it actually would affect the baby but I trust my mother she had three healthy girls so I try t…
I feel the same way i'll go out to baby stores and see the cutest little clothes and I always walk out empty handed it really gets to me and I cry about it all the time I try to stay happy because I don't want our son to feel my pain and all of my u…
I know exactly how you feel im going through the same thing my fiance works but we have no money with rent and car payments and insurance we can't afford a smoothie either girl :/ and i don't know how im going to get through this I see so many thing…