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He has his own laptop I guess hackers could see if they hacked my computer but who cares lol peepers cld see me changin thru the window but I still get undressed lol
Ok thanks ladies! I was like WTF it looks like tx chainsaw massacre down there! Lol on the plus siyde maybe ill lose a few lbs from it! Looks likr I need to get sum pads cus these aint cuttin it... I slept 3 hrs just now... Biggggg mistake!!! Good t…
@mommyof3JAC are u bf? I formula feed and 2 1/2 months pp and still no period... Should I b worried?
Try to let him nap less during the day... keep him away a fews hrs before bedtime if bedtime is at 8 make his last nap be over at 5 or earlier depending how long he stays awake (my 2month old only can stay away a couple hrs in between naps shes a sl…
Ok thank you :)
How long is the sale for?
@prayin4agurl whos ur brother? Lol just curious
I watch it religiously! Its on at 10 here in fl. And I think she did have an abortion cus its in the info for the show tonight
I kno right! Maybe ill jus not use any protection once hubby gets home then watever happens happens lol it took 5 months of crazy crazy baby dancing and lots of headstands last time so maybe it will take a while!
Im not a step parent but my husband is my sons step dad... I would never tell him not to discipline him or "thts not his child" bcus the fact of tge matter is he pays the bills and supports my son and my son lives in our house hes 4yrs old…
No! I put my 2montj old in her crib then I turn off the lights and leave the door barely cracked open n she goes right to sleep all by herself! She sleeps best this way.... Your the mom u kno wats best... Tht was uncalled for she should respect tht …
@ripKaydence he left in sept. Its only a 10 month tour... Is this your first deployment? It sucks he missed our daughters birth but he will b bak before she walks n talks
How do we post pics from phone?
@ripKaydence in june :)
Omg I love this! Proud army wife and veteran.... This made me cry... Im still holding my breath till my soldier comes home :/
Im jus posting so I can find this on payday lol... Oh and does anyone kno if the mayo clinic diet works?
Im glad u worked it out! At least this isnt a reacurring issue hopefully it doesnt happen again :)
@RipKaydence & @newmommyFeb2012 where r u guys stationed? My hubby is infantry too we are stationed at ft. bliss
*rocky lol
Well hubby is deployed and im 8 weeks pp before pregnancy it was like a 12 sometimes we had sex 4 to 5 times a day! But during preg I wanted NOTHING to do with sex but I kno when he gets home it will b amazing cus my sex drive is back full force...…
All very true.. Thanks guys! I agree its not biological and my parents were abusive did drugs ect. And I was adopted by another family at age 13 looking back I understand y and can only blame my parents not the pple who took me away.... This makes m…
@gatorbob laughing my ass off at "hooker with a great smile" Bahahaha
@navybabyonway thanks :) your right I dnt want him to have negative influences even if it is his father thts no exception.. If im going to protect my son I gotta make sure hes safe and also tht hes being taught how to be a responsible law abiding ci…
Well I refuse to take my to a jail n I dnt even wamt him to talk to him because I dont want to have to tell my 4yr old tht his dad is in jail :(
I kno.its wrong but I jus want him to forhet about his dad and look at my husband as his dad.... His fathet is irresponsible and dangerous! He messes with guns and drugs robs people and cant drive for shit no dl but still drives I honestly never wan…
@mrsthompson34 im lol tht you said u moved fast me n hubby were practically living together from day one (i didnt "sleep" with him right away but we did spend the first night together talking all night) but in the army the world opperates …
My hubby n I met in the army... He was my patient lol... We spent every day together for 3weeks and the day before he left I got his number out of his chart lol (illegal I know) and we have spent eveyday together since except when he was in the fiel…
Ok so dont gey mad act super hurt tht he would do this to you... I dont kno ur hubby but mine cant stand the thought of hurting me lol he breaks everytime! However you play it good luck and dnt stress urself into labor!
Idk what you said but tht doesnt make it ok to leave you there with no car and your pregnant... Why wasnt he worried about you? Tht would piss me off! Guys can b just as dramatic as girls except we think of those things... I bet if you left him with…