Love my two lil boys ! :-)
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I would go to the Doctors and get checked out
I don't think they do that here . They make them stay and treat then there selves
@jules I hope so too.
@lucyloo288 I don't think they will give me the blanket... My first had jaundice and had to stay an extra two days. I hope this one don't!
Thank you everyone!
Thank you everyone
Thank you everyone
Thank you
Hello I just gave birth to a 6lb 11oz baby boy at 36 weeks
All these stories are so interesting. Us women go through a lot!
@MamaLove now that's scary, and sound painful... Contractions and sticking yu with the needle
Oh my ! We're your contractions painful @1stWoodsBaby
They just said I wasn't in actual labor , she checked me 3 times and my cervix didn't change . But I'm still having contractions there just not severe
Well they sent me home cause I'm only 3cm and 80 effaced and at station -1. The contractions are not as strong as last night, but I still have them
Calling my doctor
@jen91811 I have been 3cm since 33 weeks.. Idk but this been goin for an hour and a half now they haven't stopped
36 weeks
@jen91811 I just really don't want them to send me home .
@Steph_Due_101611 I did try sittn up, they didn't go away. I tried walking downstairs and there still here now there shorter and painless , it's been over an hour
@Karla_with_a_K my whole belly gets hard and the pain in in lower abdomen and lower back, and I keep feeling pressure like I have to have a bowel movement
I just keep goin, because I can tolerate it until the baby hits my bladder
@sands3 IDEK why I put Round Ligament Pain in the question. Because its I'm the middle of my cervix, but I still can't walk through unless pain is unbearable
Mine stopped around 13 weeks
First of all I'm not 34 weeks CristinaLynn ... Your still commenting, and nobody said I was in pain I'm not in PAIN... You are!. I just asked another way to dilate more . I didn't ask for anyone's opinion about my child. So therefore all the negativ…
My first was born at 35 weeks and 3 days weighing 8.9lbs and PERFECTLY HEALTHY !
@thehumancrockpot I understand but nobody can place their bad experience on someone else... Who in the right mind would put the babies health in jeopardy. I mean REALLY. Everyone is different and I never went into ACTUAL LABOR... But where I'm from …
Have a good day Cristina... But her name does say HOME BIRTH :-) toodles
Last time I checked they were goin to deliver at 36 weeks if my baby didn't put on weight, at 27 weeks because I measure small for my frame... But unfortunately he is already 7lbs at 35 weeks !
@CristinaLynn it mayyyy fall off. But I and my baby is healthy. And 35 weeks is not early ! And according to WHERE IM FROM AND MYYYY DOC 36 weeks is FULL TERM !