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- angelsmommy
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Sending tons & tons of labor dust!!!
To soon to tell @MommyofAngels
@MommyofAngels She's just amazing!!!!
@mommy2b1111 thank you :)
@blissmarie23 Your just a good host lol. I really hope he comes soon!!!
@MommyofAngels Aww thank you! :) And she is BEAUTIFUL head full of hair!!! I actually clipped a bow in it today. I'm gonna put up pics as soon as i get home my phone wont let me!!! @
I want a spa whirlpool bath :( lol i bet she loves it.
@blissmarie23 That little guy is still not here?? Your right he can't stay in there forever he has his reasons for cooking a little longer. He'll be here soon.
@Everybody thank you for the congrats and well wish sending all the other preglys due this month and one past due labor dust!!! Sorry I havent been on, I've just been so wrapped up in my little one. I haven't slept since noon thursday I'm just amaze…
@Beatrice1436 & @littlenat86 thank you :)
@blueberrysmom & @newmomma15 thank you both it'll be here before you know it.
We did a 3d one at 30 weeks too. But if i were you i'd ask for sure. How far along are you? Some doctor order a growth study tgats what my 35 week ultrasound was. Its usually towards the end though.
And have 9 pics from each and a cd with all the pics
It usually depends on your doctor i had one at 10, 20, & 35 weeks.
Me too. I guess i'll see tomorrow.
Im not sure if its back labor or what i just know it hurts like hell and when i stand up (tmi) my butt hole hurts i keep feeling like i need to poop but when i try a sharp pain shoots up my back and down my legs
In tons of PAIN lol i'm calling my doctor tomorrow and i'm gonna ask him if i can change my mind about being induced lol.
3 days til EDD
Are you feeling better tonight?
@MommyofAngels They are both cute. Idk hard to decide. @charliebby1116 Thats all i do too lol and if its hot i just throw it up on top of my head and still look good lol.
@charliebby1116 I told him all he's ever gonna do is pull it up in a ponytail anyways which is actually easier with curly hair lol but he doesnt believe me lol. I hope she as my hair. @MommyofAngels Thank you and the first one
@charliebby1116 He says he wouldn't mind her hair being thick he just don't want to have to deal with the curls. :(
They are a pain lol my hair is super thick too. Hubby doesnt want Angel to have my hair! :(
Welcome I also agree with the other ladies. You need to know if there is some kind of problem
I use to have long hair but its so curly you cant tell. And one day i just chopped it all off
June 5th dilated to 4 & 80% effaced naby's head is at -2.
How short?
Yay congrats
I'm 39 weeks + 3 days. Doctor said he would induce me Friday if I wanted but I decided to wait and see if she comes on her own!