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Im 19 weeks
Lol ur trying to conceive sorry hopefully it will happen soon :)
Lol how far along r u
I have a doctors apt. April 11th and i will ask her and get back to u ;)
Go in and hopefully everything is ok :)
I would go in just to make sure everything is ok.
Eugene :)
Ya I think. I will get some furniture and some clothes but who know lol congrats everyone
5weeks 5 days didn't hear the heartbeat but saw it
Does anyone know if they have something like that in Oregon..
I hope so this is my second and I have had two MC in the past 6 months so thank u
Oct. 16th yay congrats
I was 18 when I got pregnant and 19 when I had my daughter all I have to say is screw people who judge others sorry if that's to blunt.. and ur not throwing ur life away even with a baby u can still achieve anything :)
Cyst on ovaries are common in pregnancies and that might be what is causing u pain I would get it checked out good luck
Thank u and congrats
My doctor gave me phenigren (probably didn't spell it right) but its a anti nausea medication a and it helped me
Thank u!!!
Try not to worry but u should go in :(
I would it could or burst I had one it was about 6cm and I had to have surgery cause my doc was afraid it was going to cut off the blood flow to my ovary so definitely go get it checked out or c if u can get in with ur doctor
Hey im so sorry I've been through two in the past year the first misscarrige was hard I was suposse to be 13 weeks but when I had an ultrasound baby only measured to be about 8 weeks it was hard to deal with, everyone kept telling me that something …
Yay im due oct12 too congrats
Thank u everyone
Im sorry he is acting that way.. just be strong and don't let him get to u u need to do what u need to do and that's rest hope things get better
Due oct 12th with my second yay
From eugene!!
Mines the 12th congrats everyone
My bf hated when I was pregnant cause I never wanted to have sex the first or second trimester.. I didn't want sex until I was about 7months and by then I was too big to enjoy it
Ur not being selfish at all I had a friend like that when I was pregnant with my daughter people who don't know what its like to be pregnant have no idea that ur tired and need to rest.. believe me rest while u can cause after that baby is born ther…
That's awesome thank u I will try not to stress